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[Name] [Last Name], or simply just [Name] for short, was a simple person. They didn't have any riches nor were they very poor. They worked as a newsboy and made quite a good amount. Of course, everyone in the world has some sort of ambitions they want to pursue and ever since they were little, [Name] wanted to be apart of something great. The world is always a scary place and well, sometimes we must conquer that fear. However, the fear is something that drove many to succumbing to whatever oppressing thought there was.

It was a cold night. It wasn't anything special nor was it raining, it wasn't in a storm nor was it some sort of special event. It was simply just a cold night, but the normal things in life are the ones that turn into something even more special. Brown boots clicked on top of a stone fence, a black hat laced with a white ribbon bounced on top of a [Hair Color] head. [Name] was out and about again in the streets of London. There was a smile on their face as usual with some dirt mixed with bruises on their left cheek. A roll of newspapers was in their dominant arm and whistling came from their mouth.

It was supposed to be such a simple night, no oddities were supposed to awake. At least it was until [Eye Color] eyes saw read ones. Red scarlet eyes that were as deep as blood watched their figure as they passed newspapers to everyone from regulars to travellers near and far. Of course, not everyone was nice in the business for scarlet eyes had witnessed it itself. Let's say [Name]'s boss wasn't a good man. Every night or day they would walk out to their house with a new bruise. It was simple just a bruise that would heal over time, that's what they all say.

People liked to be selfish and everyone falls to that sickness, even [Name]. Scarlet eyes would always seem to show up wherever the individual was. Sometimes they would interact, sometimes it was just plan interest form afar. One night, the newsboy wasn't there and instead were red roses. The scarlet eyes asked around for where they were but no one ever knew. Some said that it was regular for the newsboy to disappear. That same night, there was a break in. Some noble's riches were stolen by a figure with a white mask.

[Name] thought it was the perfect cover up. No one would suspect a simple newsboy who works 12 hours a day, handing out newspaper to both the rich and poor. They were a simple person with no other ambitions. It wasn't until the man with scarlet eyes asked them what they thought about the thief. They only smiled and said it made them good money since everyone would talk about it. It was a win win truly.

"I'd like to make a deal but you have to answer honestly,"

A curt nod in response.

"What if I told you we could rid the world of unfairness?"

"Why would I want to do that? Unfairness in this world means a quick cash and grab,"

A little chuckle reverberated from the taller man's mouth.

"Do you want to see something big? Bigger than you can ever imagine,"

It took awhile for the [Hair Color] haired to think about what the man in front of them was proposing. Sure on one hand they would be apart of something not so simple, but on the other it would be a lot of work. With a sigh and a lopsided smile, they shook hands and from that point on, everything fell into place.

The nobles that passed by the newsboy, to clarify the snobbish ones were now greated with a shining smile than a plain face. Who wouldn't smile when something big was going to happen? Right, [Name] [Last Name]?


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