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    When Mr. Moriarty invited [Name] to travel with them, let's just say they felt it was more a demand than a request. Within the few weeks or months of knowing the man, they have picked up of the tiniest facial clues that signify what he was really feeling. Mr. Moriarty does this not by accident but to tell his close friends the situation which to say right now is one of them. Nevertheless, the newsboy went with him, his brothers, and his close colleagues to the great city of London. The eldest Moriarty brother, Albert James Moriarty was already there in the Military Department. At least that's what they've been told. 

    "Let's go everyone! Per Albert's request we shall head over to London!" 

    Moran wouldn't stop shaking [Name] at the thought of going to some place where he wouldn't die of boredom. 


    When they got off of the train, the station was completely crowded. The [Hair Color] haired barely had any of their loyal friends in London since most stayed back. More work for them to recruit new people since by the looks of it, they were going to stay in London for a while. 

    "Moran, you were drinking the whole way here. Are you alright?" 

    Mr. Moriarty asked as the group gathered in a small circle. 

    "It's an exercise for when I finally drink with Albert," 

    The Colonel responded, acting all nonchalant and what not. Louis then turned to [Name] with a depressed face expression, like he's done this ten thousand times already. 

    "Mr. Moran and Brother Albert get along quite well," 

    Then proceeds for said Moran to yell out in denial like a schoolgirl. He was making quite the scene and if [Name] didn't know any better, another tantrum like this and they could put it on the newspaper. That would be so embarrassing and well, it was very tempting. They haven't noticed they were saying it out loud until Moran almost begged them to not do that. 

    When the group made it out of the bustling crowd and out to the open space, they split up. Moran of course was going to buy som alcohol and Louis was going to go fetch a carriage. Fred of course, being Fred disappeared without a trace or a word. It took a while for [Name] to get used to that and every now and then it still surprises them how he can slip through the crowds with no one noticing. 

    It was simply just the newsboy and the noble. 

    "So uh, Mr. Moriarty? Why did you ask me to come all the way to London?" 

    The blonde only smiled at the younger one.

    "There are special jobs for you here in London. I know you don't have the rest of your friends here but we still need the world to see what they do," 

    'As calm and calculating as always. That's Mr. Moriarty for you' the [Eye Color] eyed internally sighed. They were counting the seconds it took for Louis to fetch them that carriage. It wasn't until a group of men surrounded the two and all stared at a photo. Mr. Moriarty calmly asked if he could do something for them, until two of them shoved him into a carriage that came up and made a run for it. 

    "What about the kid? They might cause us some trouble," 

    One of the men stared at the kid who quite literally was looking up at the sky in the moment. The man right next to him scoffed in reply. 

    "They're a kid, they aren't going to cause trouble. Heck, they'll think it's all apart of their imagination," 

    Louis bolted to where the carriage that kidnapped Mr. Moriarty but by the time he got there, it was already long gone. A few seconds later Moran showed up and had asked what happened. Louis explained the situation on how he was kidnapped and then Moran decided to scream out to the heavens that Mr. Moriarty was kidnapped. Other began to crowd around the three as gossip and talk about the occurrence arose.  

    [Name] spotted a certain kid around a few years younger than them. He dressed similarly and had a matching cap. They motioned for Louis and Moran to go talk to Albert about the situation since their priorities might be a little mixed up at the moment. Louis was a little suspicious but he decided it was probably his own paranoia. 


    "Why are you following me?" 

    The same boy that [Name] had spotted said to them as he was now trapped in a dead end. When Louis and Moran left, the [Hair Color] haired decided it was time to recruit some people to the newsboys. Of course they were worried about Mr. Moriarty but they knew he and his brothers could handle it. 

    "Say kid, what's your name?" 

    "Elise! Now answer my question!" 

    The boy's name perked up [Name]. It was odd that a boy would have a girl's name, afterall, a boy was a blessing in most homes because he would inherit all the fortune and do good for the family name. Sighing, he left the [Eye Color] eyed with no other choice but to answer. 

    "I want you to join me. We write newspapers for the people! It's fun to entertain others and also to warn others of events. It's a sure noble cause, no?" 

    [Name] felt disgusted at the words they spoke. It felt too fake, and to sugar coated. Sure, it was a noble cause in their eyes but the scenes one has to witness will scare one's self for life. They reached their hand out, a sign to shake as acceptance of the invitation. Elise looked down at it for quite some time, and flinched when it moved closer to him. Thoughts ran through his head whether he should take it but eventually he grabbed the hand and shook it. A slight smile made its way onto [Name]'s face and they spoke. 

    "Welcome aboard Elise! May we be the best of colleagues and friends," 



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