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    Three days later, the Moriarty Household was calm. As calm as a home filled with a former Colonel, a mysterious boy, three brothers who many be potentially labeled as devils, and a simple newsboy who did it all for boredom. Yet three days before, they showed emotions that a sane person would have. It was no surprise really, after all humans can go so far before they break. Most of the time is passed by thinking on how their colleagues could manage to remain a bit sane with everything they did. Didn't they have a sense of morals? This was all finally coming towards the [Hair Color] haired now. They saw everything. Some days they began to rethink this whole promise and while others reject that thought, it still hasn't been clear as day thus far. 

     Most days seemed like a blur after the Noahtic incident and it seemed as though Mr. Moriarty was barely talking to them in particular. If one might rebel from the devil himself, what would the the resolve? 


    Moran just got back from doing his usual business when he saw [Hair Color] hair who sat on top of the house's roof. Their eyes lit up when they saw the man had arrived and lately they were more nice to the whole group which was odd since they mostly sticked to themself. 

    "Moran! Welcome back!" 

    They smiled as they started to make their way down from the roof. 'Not a single scratch on you ay?' [Name] mumbled the last part as they went to open the door for the man. Moran chuckled a little bit before rubbing down the newsboy's hair with a cocky smile. 

    "What are you the resident doorperson now?" 

    He only got a playful jab in return as he stepped inside the mansion. He stopped before he made it too far to motion for the [Hair Color] haired to come and join in. They were becoming like a little sibling to him slowly but surely. With a pep in their step, [Name] walked inside along side Moran as they were greeted by Louis. The two discussed how Mr. Moriarty's plan was coming along and so far Indas was no longer much of a bother. Speaking of the devil, blonde and scarlet eyes arrived in the room with a smile. 'He was definitely eavesdropping' the newsboy thought as they lied down on one of the couches. 

    "Louis, could you pour some tea? Anyway, since this plan was such a big one, it was hard to clean up. Right Fred?" 

    Seeing the boy in the room actually scared [Name] off the couch. They didn't see him enter the room and he didn't even make a sound when opening up a storage box. The smile on Mr. Moriarty soon vanished as quick as it came. He looked at Fred's back and it was basically burning holes into it. 

     "Is it bothering you? Using a citizen's death? 'Death is what moves the heart' right?". 

    It was then that [Name] didn't know who the question was pointed at. Was he talking to Fred only, or was he speaking aloud to everyone in the room? The boy, still looking inside the case was hesitant to say much of anything, even though the others in the room made their own statements about the question. It was a heavy inquiry to ask but it would prove one's loyalty once again to Mr. Moriarty. 

    "What about you [Name]?" 

    "I would probably do the same as Moran said. Dying that is. You know, back then I couldn't decide if I feared death or if I was fine with it leaving my hands. Preferably, I'd like to die on a calm peaceful day where the sun rays' warmth was the last thing I felt," 

    The room grew silent as [Eye Color] eyes looked up onto the ceiling. They weren't attached to many things, yet for now there were always those few that they didn't want to let go of. The value of life was blurry and leaden, almost to the point where it was the most valuable thing and worth nothing at the same time. It was a fifty percent chance it was either one but it was easier to classify as in both states at the same time. 

    "Well then, now that that's sorted out I can discuss what's bugging me. It's more that something bothersome just appeared,"


    Three days earlier, the group was getting off of the Noahtic. Mr. Moriarty and [Name] were one of the last ones to get off since they wanted to take their time and enjoy what was left of the beautiful ship. A man's voice called out to the two as they were about to make their way into the carriage. 

    "Yo, mathematician and reporter! I was looking for you," 

    The blue haired man said, he seemed more relaxed than the rest of the of the passengers. 

    "There was no one else who would understand what I mean. Anyway, it was quite the show right?"

    From the corner of their eye, [Name] looked towards the taller man on what would be their next move. However, the man only tried to direct the conversation elsewhere which sadly didn't work. 

    "It was incredible, truly a work of art-," 

    "Well, it wasn't the opera I was talking about," 

    The blue haired man proceeded to light a cigarette as Mr. Moriarty contemplated his next few words. Each and every single conversation needed a full on battle strategy to apply to it. Not one person can afford to make a slip up, nor do anything below perfection in that moment. 

    "I assume you're talking about the murder, and was there something unusual?" 

    "The body was dead since the night before. It all adds up because if we remove everything that is impossible, the things that are left must be the truth. So I've come to conclusion, there is a third party that has set this elaborate murder into motion!" 

    This wasn't good. 


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