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    A little while afterwards of Louis and Moran telling Albert the situation, a newspaper was published. It was almost inhuman with the amount of time that it was written, almost like one knew it was going to happen. Moran managed to get a copy from a shop that contained the latest news to cure his boredom (and a bit of his worry). While he was inspecting the paper, one tiny detail never escaped his eye. 

    He expected the [Hair Color] haired to write about it since that was their main job as apart of the group. He actually read some of their papers even before they joined so he could that wasn't an abnormality. The one thing is, under their name was another one. 'Elise [Last Name]'. Moran suspected it was probably a cousin whom shared the same last name as them but, how would they have known what happened?


    When Louis, Moran, and [Name] regrouped, the older ones told the youngest more about the situation and Albert's doing. One thing that was suspicious on their part was that they were no longer worried, or even had the slim of fear of their faces. Before the two of them left to go make 'preparations', Moran told the [Hair Color] haired to go to a certain address then left without a word. Their head spun in confusion as they were processing everything that was said. It's not everyday your boss gets kidnapped, you recruit someone to your business, and your coworkers don't have a shred of fear about the event. 

    The address was to an abandoned castle which (thanks to Benjamin that provided that information and who is also trying to also get to London somehow) happens to be in a secluded forest. Alongside the address that was given, was a little note on the back of the paper that read 'Bring your own pen and paper for this'. It was already between the evening and night when [Name] arrived at the place. From the outside they could see almost a hundred law enforcers outside of the building. Each one didn't move a single muscle as they awaited for some sort of signal. 'Perhaps this is what Moran meant by pen and paper' they thought as they took a seat below a tree. 

    The branch above them started to move until [Eye Color] eyes looked up. They met a familiar face that they haven't seen since they've arrived at the station. 

    "So that's where you've been, ay, Fred?" 

    The silent boy shot a small smile before leaping from one tree to the next. With one swift movement, he made his way to a tall tree by a window. From the outside, [Name] could hear a yell as most of the law enforcers charged their way in. 

    "Now, let's punish you shall we?" 

    It awfully sounded like Mr. Moriarty's. 

    From the far distance, Fred motioned [Name] to come over and they didn't really have any other choice for the matter. Afterall, if they were going to write about it, might as well see with a front row seat. The inside of the castle was littered with dust and a puddle of blood here and there. There were gnu shots in the walls and dead bodies that were quite common you could accidentally step on one. In the stairway was Albert and Moran talking, and being the expert eavesdropper they are, [Name] listened on what they were talking about. 

    "Coincidentally enough, these culprits ran a drug organization, and again coincidentally, we found a huge amount of opium in the basement,"

    The rest was just Albert complaining about having to report this to his higher ups.

    And so, William was found with barely any injuries and Albert reported to his superiors that it was merely all a coincidence. The news article made its way out and was in better detail than any other companies who tried to tell about the occurrence. Many people of London heard about the cause and once again, it was brought to their attention of the wrong doings. 

    The two younger Moriarty brothers decided to pick up Albert from his meeting afterwards, leaving the newsboy to their own free time. 


    "Hey Elise? You in here?" 

    [Name] called out to an alleyway, the exact alleyway where they and Elise met. The boy came out at the sound of his name being called. They were instructed to talk to grown ups about their problems to dig up on some story. Of course, having little to no experience when talking to people at all limited the boy's power. 

    "Yeah, I'm here [Name]. So how did everything go? I heard you went to the forest that's now restricted," 

    "There was just a silly child rumor of a ghost haunt there," 

    The [Hair Color] haired made a closed eye smile as they started to drag Elise out of the alleyway. 

    "Are you sure I can keep your last name? What about your family?" 

    "My family uses a different name than mine so, I've decided I want you to share it!" 

    Elise was a boy who never had that much family that cared. His parents expected a baby girl but then they had twins. The baby girl died from unknown causes but the boy expects it was because of his mother's smoking problem. He was kept alive for pity and grief. His parents named him Elise after his sister, afterwards he wasn't there. They told the public that their baby girl had died and no mention of their son. He kept his name only because it was the last thing his parents ever gave and it was the last reminder of his sister. 

    When Elise met [Name], there was a new feeling. He got attention from someone, and he found someone who cared. 

    The boy suddenly stopped and kneeled down before the [Hair Color] haired. 

    "I promise I'll treasure this family name. I'll do it for my big sibling [Name]!" 

    Perhaps said [Name] and Mr. Moriarty were more alike than they thought. 


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