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    The prideful nobles danced the night away the same day. They looked like they didn't have a single care in the world and most of them literally didn't. One noble stood out from the rest. Duke Blitz Indas was sulking on a nearby sofa with a scowl present on his face. A couple noble ladies tried talking to him but they had no luck in pursuing him. 

    The man stood up and looked around the grand room. A room fit to house the sun and it's jewels from outer space he would say. 'This is Noah's Ark, but yet, there are too many animals. The nobles here are the humans' he thought as he took a glass of champagne from an unexpecting waiter. There was an evil look in his eye, one that meant murder. 


    A simple man followed the duke after he told him that he would invite him to his room. It was late at night and the simple rocking of the boat sung most of the nobles near to sleep. Indas opened his room for the commoner as he spoke a few words. 

    "I simply cannot drink this much alcohol," 

    "Gee, the nobles sure are generous," 

    He was just a simple commoner that lurked around the lower decks. For his counter opposite had other plans which inevitable and quite literally cornered him. A scream. Then afterwards there was yelling, then a squelching sound. For the great Duke Blitz Indas had hunted another man, this time with his hands. Smoke from his cigarette flowed out the open window as a smile appeared onto the devil's face. 

    "It became a good night," 


    In a painting that was in the duke's room hid the one and only Fred. To be specific, Fred was looking from behind the painting that housed a secret telephone for communications. That cable was reached all the way to Moran as the two discussed their next course of actions. Mr. Moriarty and [Name] was coming up to the colonel. The black haired stood up straight as he put back his staff uniform hat. All the reporter could pick up from their conversation was that they were switching to plan B. 

    "I will prepare the B Course for tomorrow's dinner. Ah, the door to the room is unlocked now," 

    This night; it's simply all about acting even before tomorrow's play. 

    With a cold expression on the blonde's face, Mr. Moriarty was drifting off into his thoughts. The [Hair Color] haired beside him shook their head as they didn't get to see any of the action for this part. Their mind started to drift off towards the detective they encountered earlier and thought it was quite strange for him to know so much with working from so little. He reminded them of Mr. Moriarty in some ways but then again, the darker side of the blonde could never be compared to anyone in the world. The scarlet eyed man started to talk which snapped the 'reporter' out of their thoughts. 

    "Lord Indas? It's Moriarty, I heard a scream earlier. Another friend of mine is also here too in case you'd need any help," 

   The blonde waited a few seconds before announcing that he was coming inside the room.  When he did, [Name] was patiently (that was a lie) flipping a coin up into the air. It's shine sparkled as the dimly lit lights reflected the metal. Flipping a coin reminded them of the good old days. The days before they had met Mr. Moriarty and all the events afterwards. It brought them back to when they had just first started working as a newsboy. A simple child around the age of eight searching for some spare change. 'Those were the days, weren't they?' the [Hair Color] haired thought as they continue to eavesdrop on the conversation. 

    "One, Two, Three," 

    They heard Mr. Moriarty count and after they heard a splash. Even though Duke Blitz Indas might think that they were being secretive, it was blatantly obvious to any who would be listening closely. The walls are only so soundproof after all. 

    "What about your friend outside. I heard from other nobles that you were with a reporter," 

   The coin flipping had stopped. 

    "I'll simply tell them that there was just some pesky rodent dragged on by the commoners," 

    A lie. A very obvious lie if you'd think about it. Mr. Moriarty already gained most of the duke's trust so he couldn't see what would truly benefit him. Maybe, just maybe after all the killing were over, the world would return to how it was. Even if it was a little more untainted, it would still bare the same fangs. 


    The opera was truly a marvel. For it contained immense amounts of emotion and spirit in it with not just the writing but also the actors. Of course, even though [Name] lately wrote and sold about the murderers, they could still make a fortune on reporting the first sea opera. Yet before the opera, before the next phase would begin, the [Eye Color] eyed decided to ask a little something of the resident duke. 

    Duke Blitz Indas was in a better mood than he was from the past night. The little reporter walked up to him after he seemed like he was uninterested of all the other nobles' boring conversations. 

    "Excuse me, Duke Blitz?" 

    He saw a person whom was a little shorter than him look up to him with bright [Eye Color] eyes. He recognized them as the reporter that Mr. Moriarty was friends with and that brought a little suspicion on his part. The duke asked what he could do for them and in response they smiled and had a straightforward reply. 

    "Well, Mr. Blitz, tell me what really happened last night. After all I doubt it was your voice whom screamed," 

    In that moment, the composed duke's mind shattered into tiny pieces; he sweated just thinking about how to answer the question. [Name] let the man stumble over his words for a little bit before they simply chuckled. 

    "I am simply joking! A little teasing if you will. Besides, Mr. Moriarty told me everything already,"


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