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    The three traveled by a small steamboat which took them through the canals into a secret place under one of the bridges. Under the bridge looked much larger than it was on the outside, really it was just a disguise for a tunnel that lead to where ever Moneypenny was taking the two. The further they made into the tunnel, the darker it got and the sound of chatter from the streets above soon silenced. As they all stepped out of the boat which abruptly stopped, Moneypenny lead the two to a secret door which was hidden away in the stone. Stepping inside was almost like walking into a different world. On contrast to the cold damp stone tunnel, the inside of the room was fancy like some sort of rich clothing store. 

     "This is 'Q''s lab," 

     Moneypenny stated as she began to descend the stairs onto the wooden floor. As door opened to a bigger room and bigger rooms lead to only more rooms, [Name] got a glimpse at how large this operation really was. Moran was already ahead and listing all the things he'd like to have while he was aboard the mission. 

     "Let's see here, I would like to take that suit and maybe-," 

     "That's unauthorized. Everything here is state secret," 

    "That's right Moran," 

    Another voice popped up which didn't belong to the three. The newsboy pivoted on their heel to face a tall man with a black blindfold over his eyes. 'Isn't this guy showing off how he can face directly to us without seeing?' [Name] thought as they crossed their arms. Moneypenny and Moran weren't moved (heh alliteration) by the sudden appearance. The [Hair Color] haired jabbed the colonel in his hip and whispered about who was the man. 

     "That, kid, is Von Herder. He's a bit of a gun freak himself so there's that," 

    The newsboy nodded along with Moran as they continue to stare at the tall blonde. 

    "Even back home in Germany, they haven't been able to make a single automatic pistol. It's barbaric and troubling," 

     Herder states as his face scans at the people in front of him. It was still hard to tell whether he could actually see them or not. The blonde then motioned for them to follow as he lead the group around the base. Weapons were displayed on almost every corner you could look at. 

    "By the way Moran, I want to ask you two things. How was the gun you used in Durham with that whole 'making a man dance' bit you said? Also you've yet to introduce us to the new Moriarty member," 

    [Name] slowly walked behind Moran once they heard Herder mention an introduction. Again, the only reason why the newsboy was in this was for a mission and it was enough that they were still wary of Moneypenny. 

     "The gun? Yeah I broke it and [Name]? They've been apart of the group for a while now, even going as far back as to when I made that man dance," 

    "Then [Name] I suppose has seen my talents in action. Good, good," 

    Herder stated before he did a one eighty and started to scream at Moran. 


    The blonde opened his mouth so much that he was almost spitting on the colonel. His blindfold looked like he was tearing up from how soaked it became. Moneypenny who was now standing behind him sweatdropped as she lightly patted his shoulder before she moved away to go get something that was in storage. The newsboy looked at the gun case the dark haired woman was now holding and reached out to touch it. At least before the same blindfolded blondey swatted their hand away and grabbing it for himself. 

    "We heard from 'M' that this gun is Russian-made right?" 

    "One thing is strange about it though. It's British albeit it's hard to tell just from looking and not 'observing'," 

    Herder picked up a screw, something so small that can go unnoticed by even the finest of sight because of how unsuspecting it can be. He explained how Britain uses one inch screws like the one between his fingers. It wasn't really just the screw that told him it was British but rather there were also flaws and so he concluded one thing. That it was an English copy of a Russian gun. 

     "So, let's just say this news was to get out into the public. Would that benefit anyone or not?"

     "Mx. [First Initial], if you're thinking what I'm thinking and planning to spread the news out like a wildfire then I suggest you listen to what I have to say. If the press were to know about this then it would lead to two things, losing their trust and a possible rebellion. It's simply because if the commoners were to know that some nobles never wanted the war to end by supplying the Afghanistans, it could lead to inner turmoil," 

    He explained to [Name] as the seriousness in his tone increased with every word. Moneypenny had wide eyes from the explanation. She clenched her fist till her knuckles turned white as she shakily said a few words. 

    "So you're saying that our people weren't killed by the enemy, but by one of us?" 

    "And to verify, that is also our job," 

    "I still don't see how I am supposed to be involved in this case," 

    The [Hair Color] haired sighed as they rested their chin in their palms. Of course they had to ask it because Moran was capable enough to handle a lot of people and Moneypenny seemed like she knew enough to handle intel. 

    "For that my friend," Herder started "you'll have to talk to Mr. Moriarty," 


    "Do you believe they will succeed on this mission?" 

    Louis asked his older brother one evening while pouring his tea. Mr. Moriarty on the other hand never really gave a straight answer to his younger brother. Just humming in response was all that Louis got before it paused. 

     "We both know you are really talking about [Name]. As for them, who knows whether they will exceed my expectations or fall short but I have faith," 

     The faint scent of chamomile tea filled Mr. Moriarty's office room, like a warm ray of sunshine after the cold winter. 

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