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    The days afterwards were quite uneventful. Mr. Moriarty and his brothers took it upon themselves to plan the next steps of the plan which would be happening later that day, Moran was out probably getting drunk and no one bothered to question where Fred goes. This just left [Name] whom let out a bored sigh. If they continued to sneak out any more the others probably wouldn't mind but this time they didn't have anyone to meet up with. Elise was busy trying to rise the ranks of the newsboys and all the interesting people have seemed to move on. 

    "Why don't you get some fresh air? You're obviously going to turn pale if you keep staying in and sneaking out only at night," 

    Louis suddenly said which snapped the [Hair Color] haired out of their thoughts. A small smile went to their lips as they hummed in response. 'What adventure would today bring?' 


    This wasn't the adventure that they expected. 

    In all honesty this very exact moment was not at all what they had planned on witnessing. A mediocre stroll was what was planned and yet fate seems to be opposing them lately. On the road that they took, they found a tall lanky dark blue (almost black) haired man whom was causing a ruckus. They pivoted on their heel as fast as humanly possible only to flinch when a voice called a certain name. 

   "Reporter! I never expected you to be around these parts!" 

    The man suddenly turned to face [Name] as their face turned to reluctantly greet him. 'Anyone but him, anyone but him, anyone but holy-,' they screamed in their head as they shot the taller man a slight wave. Having no choice but to approach without looking suspicious, they tipped their hat and skipped up. They assumed the building they were at was where he lived for the time being since it was a fairly cramped and cozy area. 

    "Hello there mister detective, how are you?" 

    "Call me Sherlock my friend, and I am doing quite swell. Please, let me introduce you to my other, other friend, Ms. Hudson!" 

    As if on queue a shoe was chucked at the man from somewhere inside the house. A lady with light brown hair and a pinkish dress was standing in the doorway angrily. She tapped her foot rapidly as she stared between the two figures on her front porch. 

    "Sherlock! You can't just bring random people over! Especially if this is another candidate for that whole roommate you were off searching for!" 

    Ms. Hudson practically screamed as the blue haired man plugged his ears. A short five minutes after a lecture, the brown haired lady finally calmed down. She sighed as she looked towards [Name] and stuck out her hand. 

    "I'm Ms. Hudson, pleasure to meet you. I am very sorry you have to deal with Sherlock," 

    "[Name] [Last Name], a pleasure as well madam," 

    The lady invited them for tea and the two chatted away. It was refreshing to have someone just talk to without it interfering with business (for now). The sun was slowly setting by the time the [Hair Color] haired decided it was time to leave. 

    "Farwell Ms. Hudson, Sherlock," 


    On the road back to the Moriarty Mansion, [Name] ran into some kids who looked a little younger than they were. There was four of them and they were hanging around an unsuspecting alleyway. They seemed to be reading the newspaper and talking about the recent subject. The [Hair Color] was about to pass them without a second thought until they heard a certain name. 'Crime Lord'. Taking a step back, they decided to simply cut through the alleyway to eavesdrop a little more. 

    "It's nothing the Baker-Street Irregulars can't handle!" 

    "Yeah, besides you never know if stuff like this is even true. It could just be the government looking for a little more money. I also never heard of this name before, 'Elise [Last Name]'," 

    "Yeah! They just appeared out of nowhere!"

    Being too distracted about the conversation, [Name] accidentally bumped into one of them and made their black hat fall down. 

    "My apologies! I didn't see you there," 

    One of the boys, Wiggins as they've heard from the others, spoke as he knelt down to pick up the hat. [Eye Color] eyes bore into his back as they watched him dust off the hat. 'Simple competition, but not so simple to avoid' they thought as they took the hat from Wiggins. They reached in their pocket and flicked a gold coin up in the air. All the other boys went ahead to try and catch it as [Name] took this chance to flee the scene. The only remnant of their appearance was a mark up on the newspaper the boy dropped. It read 'Elise [Last Name] & [Name] [Last Name]. 



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