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    47 miles away from London was where Moneypenny, Moran and [Name] ended up. The sky was as black as the waste that poured out from the factory. The mission ended up taking the three to a place called 'Henry & Agee Factory' which least to say was not a beautiful sight. All around the perimeter of the place was littered with guards armed to the teeth. Moneypenny stated that this factory shouldn't still be operational as it stopped supplying guns ten years ago. Q gave a good tip on where to find it since he's a man who practically breathes weaponry. 

    Moran is the first to get up from his crouching position. He then waves his hand for the other two to follow as he started to run around the back of the walls of the factory.  

    "Since this place is made to copy Russian weaponry, no one will take ownership of it," 

   The black haired says as he started analyzing the walls. The only way would be to jump it and also Moneypenny pitched in with the same idea. 

    "Afterwards what shall we do? Are we just going to find evidence or destroy it all?" 

    [Name] asked as they started to put a foot on Moran's hand as he boosted them up. Moneypenny followed their actions and replied to their inquiry. 

    "This is a stealth operation to gather intel Mx. [First Initial], I would recommend not doing anything too outrageous," 

    A smirk made its way to the newsboy hearing this. It seems they've gotten a reputation ever since they were involved in the 'Moriarty Stunts'. With an arm resting on their back and a hand holding their hat to the [Hair Color] haired head of theirs, [Name] looked upon the factory, it's staff and each one of the crates within it. A nearby storage unit was the safest bet to get something useful and so the group headed that way. The guards were fairly easy to handle as most of them were positioned outside of the walls that guarded the factory. 

   There was a room on the top floor of the storage unit which seemed promising if [Name] knew any better. As Moneypenny and Moran searched for a metal ladder which lead up, the newsboy decided it would be faster to go on top of the crates in the storage unit. With each jump they made their way further to the metal railing and the door. The room was filled with file cabinets and all sorts of papers. It was quite the jackpot that the three of them stumbled upon this since there was a good chance that this would be a dud room.

    Records of shipments and people were barely organized so it proved difficult to navigate through all the information. Stacks of papers here and there were messed up and passed around as the team. Moran stumbled upon the routes of where the guns went and a large portion went directly into enemy territory. On the other hand Moneypenny discovered who was in charge of this whole operation. It was almost like it was all planned and that they knew this room would hold not important but vital information. 'I'm starting to think that they plan things without me' [Name] thought as they sat back on a counter.  

    "That's-, the letter from the Governor General. It seems the one who's been sending these 'Russian' guns was the Governor General, the Viceroy of India," 

    Moran said as he scowled. Before anything else could be said, a man creaked open the door, only to be shot by a revolver that came from [Name]'s hand. 

    "Poor man, opened the door a few minutes later and he would've gone home that night. I can't guarantee he would've been happy though," 

    The newsboy spoke as they jumped off of the counter. They sprinted towards Moneypenny and Moran and grabbed their wrists, pulling them so they started running. The adrenaline they liked to feel was back and they felt like they could run from the world at that moment. The gun shot alerted the entire premise and guards started to surround the building. Letting go of their wrists, [Name] started to give time to their partners and fired some stray shots at anyone who might get hit. Moran then revealed a rope and his pocketed match box. [Name] looked at to where Moneypenny was taking cover and started to dive for the same spot. The [Hair Color] haired mouthed a 'We need to move' to her before gripping her hand and pulling her towards an opening. 

    Once Moran lit the match he yelled that they only had a minute to escape. The rope eventually lead to an open box with shotgun gunpowder in it and as if on cue a large boom went off. It still deafened their covered ears and the falling debris injured them a little bit. Yet, with every mission they-, or at least [Name] was thankful because no matter how many times they had to fire a gun or injure their body, they were still alive and had something to look forward to the next time.


    The three ended up in an old cabin miles away from the site. From the window you could still see the smoke and fire of the incident. It was a dark night cold but the heat from the fires gave off some sort of lukewarm feeling. Two extremes and one managed to find solitude in both of them. Like the red of eyes and fire and the black of night and hats. There will always be a place for one to go when all is said and done and it'll always stay that way. All one could do now is sit back and watch the show. It was an eventful night and there will be more to come for this was barely scraping anything of the grand scheme of things. 


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