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    Weightless. Everything felt as if it was never there to begin with; the emptiness of something so familiar lingered on [Name]'s tongue. Their senses started to intertwine, like the silk that a spider would weave its web with. They could taste the reds and yellows that they saw, they could hear the heat that radiated from the evergrowing fire. They saw laughter in it's own physical form and while it was almost as if they could touch it, none of it was real. 

    There was a loud ringing in their ear as they kept flashing into that figmented reality and the real world. The colors melted and swirled into figures that felt so familiar but never seen in their life. They stood in a place where there were no walls or ceiling. No matter how far they walked it would always lead to the same place. Although it was quiet, the silence was deafening like a single sound made could clear it but that long awaited sound never came. 


    It was an unrecognizable voice that came from somewhere. The [Hair Color] haired turned their head to face where the voice came from but there was no one there. 

    "Why should we name them that? Why not something like Finley or Justice?" 

    "I have a feeling that they'll make that name their own," 

    [Name] heard these voices before a long time ago before Mr. Moriarty, before being a newsboy in total. Those voices were the sound of their parents. One had a smile on his face, the other a scowl. The noble lady had bright blonde hair, and the common man had [Hair Color] hair. On the beautiful lady was a scowl that made her face show wrinkles. Her [Eye Color] eyes however, didn't carry the anger and frustration that her mouth did. Sometimes tells [Name] that she was actually glad that the name was kept. 

    The man who bore [Hair Color] hair and light green eyes was the exact opposite of his counterpart. A smile but it never reached his eyes like he was drained from all emotion on the inside. It was sucked out of his very soul like leeches that dug their way through the skin. Those eyes scared them, like a lifeless corpse of a dog. Unmoving and yet still holds the terror of a thousand years. 

     It felt like drowning or simply the lack of oxygen that [Name] realized before they started holding their throat and clawing to whatever may be in this reality. Their eyes strained for a while before they came back to the real world and saw blonde hair. If they had kept their eyes open for a little more, they would've seen scarlet eyes that matched that blonde hair that caught them before they fell onto hard floor. 


    "Louis, what happened to [Name]?" 

    "I'm afraid I do not know, brother," 

    The two were conversing details leading up to the [Hair Color] haired passing out. Louis gave Mr. Moriarty a rundown of what he did but none of it connected to [Name] having a panic attack. Right now they were currently resting on Moran's back, passed out completely and murmuring a few words here and there. 

    "Although, I do remember mentioning something about their past. Maybe that gave them some memories of that time," 

    "What exactly did you mention?" 

    "The Fire," 

    Moran looked at the two brothers with a confused look on his face. 'None of this makes sense,' he thought as he readjusted [Name] on his back so they feel more comfortable. They didn't really have an opinion on the [Eye Color] eyed person. They were simply being themself all throughout the times he's seen them and so there wasn't much to the face. That's the irony though, a simple face might have killed worlds in some other time and place. 


    As Louis confronted the man, [Name] clenched their hands till they bled. They only stared when Louis put a knife through the man's chest and pinned him to the stone wall. They stared when he set him on fire, and only stared at the scarred man. They were brought back to a time, when they were in his shoes. They saw the faces of their parents, one with blonde hair and the other with light green eyes. One had a smile on their mouth, the other had it in their eyes. Though there was one thing they had in common. 

     They had burned down in an alleyway. 

    [Name] simply stood and watched, much like they were doing right now. They saw the blonde hair that their mother carried and the dark eyes of their father. 

    When their parents burned down all the way to the ashes that brushed upon [Name]'s feet. The [Hair Color] hair did nothing but pull out a little notebook and began to write. 

     'The Death of Mrs. [Last Name] and Mr. [Last Name] 

                  Written by [Name] [Last Name]' 

   It was then that everything came flooding back into the fragile mind. The mind is like glass and with one bump, it can shatter into a thousand pieces. Their vision faded into complete nothingness, and for once they felt weightless. 


   The following hours were spent with the entire group caring for the children that were still alive. Albeit, since [Name] was going to be unconscious for a little more, Louis decided to repay the favor that he put them through. He ordered Fred to carry them to a certain fence out in the middle of nowhere. He described it to be made of stone that had a bit of everything growing in the cracks. 

    When said [Name] awoke they felt a presence near them. A boy who had a flat cap upon his head and a tired smile. Elise looked older than before, perhaps he had a growth spurt in the time the [Hair Color] haired was away. They felt the gentle stroke of his hand in their hair as he slowly started humming a rhythmless tune. He stopped for a short moment before saying a few words as soft as the breeze in the forest. 

    "I've come to realize that, life itself carries the burden of death. Though there might not be something when we go out with a bang, at least there was something when we still lived. I've come to realize that I was made for this role you gave me and so over and over I will return the favor. Thank you big sib' [Name]. Now close your eyes and feel the call of sleep and nothingness bring you to the place you desire," 

    He continued to hum the rhythmless tune which never seemed to quite end. 


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