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    On summer nights, [Name] would like to explore the forests and or gardens in the Moriarty vicinity. It's not like they have anywhere to go back to after all. It was always settle down, pack up, then move in a never ending cycle. It was like they moved whilst the world turns and rotates around the sun. Only for the bright sun to change into light yellow locks and the red turn into eyes. It was obvious now that Mr. Moriarty was finally seen as the sun. 

    The forests were dark as per usual but that never stopped the [Hair Color] haired from going out. There was dangerous things in the forests like bear traps and even other sorts of traps for hunting, but that lead to risk and the thrill of it. Killing evil people wasn't their specialty and it didn't give the same exact thrill but just feeling the breeze and no stone walls was refreshing. As much as a man was the sun, his eyes would eventually burn holes into an unsuspecting individual; with the eyes that burned holes there was skin that was burned along with it. Lately, there was something that didn't feel right. Fun. That was the reason they joined right? By perchance it was just an extreme love for the home and country that lead them to take down the 'villains'. Wouldn't that count them as a villain in their eyes? 

    Red eyes belonged to two of the three brother whom followed each other from day one. The younger one barely had any red since it was mostly brown but it still followed. Green belonged to the older brother which followed brown to the former officer. Finally gray eyes that watched every single movement in the room. [Eye Color] eyes in which belonged to the newsboy who questioned everything. They weren't pure and sure most of the time they contained something along side of an imbued soul. It's hard to imagine something so similar fall out with share interests yet that's the case right here. 

    "Hey Elise, what would you say if a revolution were to start or if something big would happen to England? " 

    The boy perked up at the words. They were sitting on a stone fence that was in the middle of nowhere. Judging by how dark it was it probably around four in the morning. 

    "Well it would be chaotic sure but, why would anyone start a revolution? After all, what would possibly be something so big to fight for?" 

    The boy looked up into the sky only to see no stars. Clouds covered the sky like blankets that shielded eyes from the beauty of the universe. Next to [Name] was a dusty black hat with a white ribbon attached to it. They haven't worn it in a few months and they can't even remember the last time they've seen it. Turns out it was under the bed of the guest room in the Moriarty Household.  A breathy chuckle left their lips as they took off their usual flat cap. Instead of throwing it away into the grass somewhere, they turned to their friend. 

    "Say, try this on for size," 

     "It's a little big but I guess I could grow into it. Why?" 

     "Just hold onto it okay kid?" 

     Said [Hair Color] haired stood up on top of the stone wall. [Eye Color] eyes managed to light up even though the space around them was dark. With an arm on their hip and their dominant one stretched out holding the black hat, they proclaimed out to anyone who heard. 

    "I, [Name] [Last Name], was born into this world for one reason..." 

    They started as they put the hat on top of their head. Elise looked up to them as he tilted his head in confusion. He saw the spark in their eyes that was there when they first met. Eyes that reminded him of those heroes that would be in fairytales. 

    "For the sole purpose of entertainment and to entertain others! So from this day forward, I am a patriot who'll entertain and bring this country's bright future. I am simply now a jingoistic newsboy!" 

    A grin was only brighter in the dark. 


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