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    The London Moriarty Estate was quite cozy like the others. Deep down was a meeting between everyone. A next step towards the success of the plan. The six were all gathered around a table as the one and only Mr. Moriarty explained the next steps. The newsboy was partially paying attention while trying to get rid of the flying that was buzzing around them. On multiple occasions Louis tried to get them to stop moving but he decided to let them go after the 3rd time. With one quick pause, Mr. Moriarty said the words that would sum up this entire conversation.

    "I decided to throw London in the depths of Hell, and make it a town of crimes," 

   This caught almost everyone off guard. The reason why Mr. Moriarty was doing all of this was to stop the very crime he's going to make London filled with. 'What are you planning,' the [Hair Color] haired thought as they finally killed the fly. Moran was the one to ask the questions everyone was thinking and Mr. Moriarty remained unfazed (as usual) when he answered. 

    "However, the human heart can change in an instant and the one particular thing that moves it... it's death. In other words, the town will become a stage to those crimes and the people witnessing will be the spectators," 

   A small smile was on [Name]'s face as scarlet eyes locked with theirs. For once in their life, they found someone who understood what it was to truly be a simple newsboy. One must face gruesome things and project it to customers. They must convince those people of the truths that the world revealed all for a silver dollar. 

    "A theater...I'd say more like a child yelling out to the press of the universe's secrets. When they finally snap, then the world will know more than they paid," 

    Before the meeting was finished, Mr. Moriarty showed a picture. A man who was named Blitz Indas. 


    South Hampton. It has quite the view of the ocean, vast and blue in all its glory. [Name] was put in a simple outfit that spoke 'reporter' who would take note of the opera that would happen on the ship. Mr. Moriarty assigned them to be a simple individual who was here to journal down the Noahtic and the events that will occur. They were walking with Fred (who was dressed as one of the staff) 'till they met a face. Duke Blitz Indas was already here. A scowl was present on his face as Fred spoke to him. 

    "What seems to be the problem, sir?" 

    The duke's eyes met his as he replied. 

    "Why is there so much trash? Isn't this the maiden voyage of this gorgeous passenger ship?" 

𝕁𝕀ℕ𝔾𝕆𝕀𝕊𝕋𝕀ℂ // MTP READER INSERTWhere stories live. Discover now