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    The plan was more frantic than it started ever since Sherlock Holmes arrived. It was always changing and parallel to whatever Mr. Moriarty or the blue haired man came up with. It was barely visible but [Name] could tell that they were reaching their time limit on decided which side they were on. As the crimes were divided into three influences, so were their choices. There was the side of the scarlet eyed, the side of the blue laws, and a simple narrow path only fit for one. Good and evil already faded into one solid line months ago but that never stopped a single thing from happening. Good and evil are only as real as the [Hair Color] hair sees it. 

   They were no stranger to fear, and courage. They would say that those are more real than good and evil. [Name] met someone on the first day they came into the busy streets of London. A boy with a porcelain like name. A first friend. 


   It was another cold night. London has been getting a few recently and no one can quite tell why. Besides that, there were also occurrences of something a little more disturbing. Recent reports of children disappearing in thin air and not a sign of them to remember. These stories seemed to pop up more and more and it was getting hard for the newsboy to handle. No interesting stories means no profit and with no profit there is no funding. The funding gathered from the profit goes directly to food and the other's paychecks. 

    Technically that [Name] thinks about it now. The operation they ran was making people underage work and get money in exchange. They were only around the ages of twelve and such yet they didn't have the chance to live their lives freely due to the reigning upper class who didn't work a single second in their life. From the moment a noble was born, they were worth more than a soldier in the army who served for most of his life. All because their blood came from those who actually did something for the country. It was almost like some kind of hoax that people believed.

    Finishing up the last few words of this week's paper, the [Eye Color] eyed looked up from their work desk. They stared up at the blank ceiling and sighed. 

    "Those who work want to live and not survive. Those who live never worked a single day in their lives," 


    Fred and Moran came back that day late at night when everyone was still buzzing and working with things to do. Louis answered the door and saw the two gentlemen standing there. 

    "Louis, it's urgent. Is William awake?" 

    "Yes probably, but it is indeed pretty late. You two will have to wait 'till tomorrow-," 

    "Sorry, it's about work," 

    Moran barged in with Fred behind him. Louis sighed as he also went in, knowing he can't do anything to stop the two now. It didn't take long for the two to end up staring at the door of Mr. Moriarty's Study. The colonel knocked on the door and called out before coming inside. In there was both Mr. Moriarty and [Name] (who was busy revising the paper they wrote prior). The [Eye Color] eyed shot them a confused look before turning to Mr. Moriarty, awaiting what he has to say. 

    "It's quite late, so what is this important that you came all the way over here?" 

    "I-, I have a report. There was a testimony earlier today about Dattomila. The 'Human Hunting' is most likely happening again. Also, they're using children who can't defend themselves and torment them to death!" 

    Even through all this, Mr. Moriarty remained unphased. Fred spilled out a lot of emotion than he has for the past weeks and yet, not a sliver from the scarlet eyed man. He only thought about his next words which were of course going to be very blunt and dismissive. No one can tell what goes on in the mind of Mr. Moriarty and no one will ever find out. The operation he built was built purely upon trust for a single man, him. 

    "I see, thank you for the report. Fred you thought in order to make the class-system collapse, I wouldn't engage the same enemy twice and you hesitated to make this report, correct?" 

    "Well I-, thought that you would deem it unimportant," 

    "Unimportant? Never," 

    They were all shocked on how he acted. Whenever his closest of friends thought that they figured out the man, he comes in and does the parallel of himself.  

     "[Name], some of your workers are kids around their ages. What do you think?" 

    The sudden question threw the [Hair Color] haired off their composure for a moment. They rested their head on their chin and thought about it. Their colleagues were indeed a little bit young and also there was those whom helped them along their path with Mr. Moriarty. They felt three pairs of eyes upon them and it almost felt like they were drowning in insecurities. They knew though, they knew they meant 'well' and put a lot of trust in each other. They weren't all bad people but they did indeed came from bad backgrounds. They weren't so different to [Name] at all. Eyes however, it made them feel like they were falling. From a tall building or just going deeper into the big blue ocean. Unlike how they would in real life, they felt like falling slowly. 

    It was like they didn't care where they would land when it was all over and during that time they were falling, they couldn't see the end. Fear, is what made them stay blinded to most things and no human cannot feel fear. 

    "Well, I believe that we should-," 


    That very same night, [Name] snuck out once again to meet up with Elise at the very same spot prior. The stone wall was slowly but surely growing moss on it and little critters starting appearing more around it. Elise showed up a few minutes afterwards of when the [Hair Color] haired showed up and has a solemn look on his face. The flat cap was placed in his hands instead of on top of his head like usual. He sat down right beside [Name] and rested his head on their shoulder. 

    "[Name], tonight I am afraid, not for just me but for you too. I've seen what you've written big sibling, and yet you still decide to publish it even though I know it also hurts you just as much," 

    "Elise, the people deserve to know what is going on. That's just how the operation wor-," 

    "Tell me I won't die, please," 

     The [Eye Color] eyed remain silent and just stared up into the sky. They never thought of how other people they care for were afraid of death, and especially one that may or may not come so soon. A smile appeared on their face as they turned their head back down to the boy. 

    "Tell you what, Elise. I'll promise that we don't die anytime soon," 


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