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    "Run me over this whole plan again?"

    Louis sighed in response to [Name]'s reply. This is the third time he had to repeat the entire plan that was already being executed. There was this noble whom died a few hours before by a man. It was already clear he was very sick from the amount of times he coughed up blood and plus, Mr. Moriarty wasn't one to kill with his own two hands.

    "[Name], just wait and you'll see," 

    The blonde slowly patted and slightly ruffled their hair as he walked away with the excuse of preparing tea. In all honesty, it wasn't that the [Hair Color] haired wasn't paying attention but more of just forgetting everything. All they could recall was a horrible noble, a sick man, a dead wife, and a ring with the name of Lucy on it. 


    [Name] stepped into a room that only housed two people in it. Fred, and the client. 

    "You lost the ring?" 

    "I'm sorry but I have to get it back! That ring, it's more precious than my entire life, you see," 

    The client begged as he started to vigorously cough again. It seemed his condition was worse than the initial expectation that the [Eye Color] eyed had thought. Sighing, they finally left the room, for there was nothing else to hear as this had happened once again, a time before. They would probably send Fred, again, to go ahead and retrieve it. The newsboy left the meeting spot and went out once again on the busy streets of london. 

    The time basically jumped before their eyes because one second, it was around nine in the morning and the next, it was twelve in the afternoon. It all just took a blink and time sped up all of a sudden. They sat up, and were apparently on a bench somewhere in one of the parks. There was a presence right next to them. A boy, whom was younger than they are. It only took one glance to recognize that face of the boy named Elise. He had a bruise on his cheek, and a bandage over his left arm but that never stopped him from smiling towards [Name]. 

    "You were about to faint big sib', you're lucky I was in the area you know or else you probably would've gotten in trouble," 

   The boy lightly scolded the older person as he rises up from the bench. It was then that the [Hair Color] haired could see how much he's changed since the last time they've seen him. He actually dressed pretty fancy and wearing clean clothes. Although, he may have gotten rid of his old commoner look, he still kept the grimy flat cap that the newsboy gave him. 

    "But I know simply fainting won't stop you will it? You hide a lot more things than you actually realize but luckily for me, there's nothing you could hide!" 

    [Name] froze. Elise was acting quite strange and that was saying something. He had that look in his eyes, one that reminded them of him. Mister-, Mr. Moriarty. They stood up abruptly, and shot Elise a very obvious fake smile. 

    "Yes, there isn't anything to hide Elise. Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to go. I assume that you know where correct?" 

    Elise's face suddenly turned completely serious. He turned around and walked away with saying only a few words in response. 

    "Don't converse with the wrong enemy [Name]. I assume that you know what correct?" 


    It was late at night. Louis asked [Name] to accompany Fred on his retrieval mission which took place on a very familiar doorstep. Under the various layers of makeup (which made them look like a man in their forties) they saw a very unfamiliar man answer the door. 

    "I came here for the ring that was in the advertisement. This is my daughter, Lucy's ring and her name should be engraved upon it," 

    Fred started as he pointed towards the ring in the man's hand. He looked quite different since he was dressed up as some old lady with a black cloak on. Fred continued on to convince the man that it was truly her daughter's by going through all sorts of tactics from making a believable background to explaining how it got lost in the first place. The man seemed to give her the ring but before the two left he asked a question. 

    "May I ask who is this man standing behind you?" 

    "That is my son, he goes along with me every now and again to make sure I don't get lose, ho," 

    The man nodded and closed the door. [Name] and Fred looked at each other before nodding and leaving briefly afterwards. They walked swiftly through the night time crowds which wasn't very crowded at all. Rain started to poor which only disguised their footsteps from anyone in any of the buildings, it was almost as if they were not there at all. Suddenly, Fred took [Name]'s hand and guided them to turn into an alleyway. He motioned in his free hand that they were being followed. Without second thought, the two darted further into the alleyway like their lives depended on it. They ducked through multiple alleys in attempt to loose whoever was following them. 

    The two were out of breath several minutes later or at least [Name] was. No one seemed to be behind them nor in front but there was a crashing sound. 'Someone from above?!' the [Hair Color] haired screamed in their head. They whipped their head to the sound coming from above and saw the man with blue hair. Sherlock Holmes. A man who was the enemy but which enemy did he fall under?


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