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    [Name] in a sense both loved and hated everything including the world. Hypocrasis, contradictions, inconsistencies, whatever you want to call them really. They filled the world and that's where interest and personality was born. There's a saying that goes 'imperfectly perfect' but what it means is that you're perfect with your flaws, at least that's how most included the newsboy viewed it; it wasn't the saying that they followed though because if one believes something to be something does that really mean they also believe in that philosophy. Acknowledgement is not the same as faith or belief. 

    People more or less with crave either since those lines of distinction began to blur years ago. A few people had gotten rid of their urges and cravings for attention long ago with their sanity or sufficed it with something else. [Name] was one of those people and their 'little brother' sufficed that attention craves. It was simply a love, not romantic but one that the [Hair Color] haired felt a long time ago. Before Mr. Moriarty, before the newsboys, before life became interesting. 


    It was still so cold. Like an adventurer trapped in a blizzard on top of the tallest mountains who never had a chance to build a fire. Even though hours had passed since the three swam in the river and 'dried' off, it never quite helped the chills that would occasionally run down their spines. Moran and Moneypenny seemed unphased like a carved stone statue and meanwhile [Name] wondered if they ever felt overwhelmed at all. They were just as inhuman as Mr. Moriarty was which makes them wonder how they got into all this mess, again, like many times before. 

    While the dark haired colonel and equally dark haired woman talked with Albert, [Name] never exactly visited the mansion just yet. It didn't really help that they were already catching a runny nose due to the cold but they wanted to do something before returning to more labor. Everytime the [Eye Color] eyed would meet up with Elise, it was never planned and they just knew when the other would show up. Subtle hints most of the time or just passing by the place every night. 

     The stone wall where they meet has had it with the ever changing temperatures and constant growth of plants around it. As always there was a boy sitting there but this time he sat on the ground rather than on the stone wall. Perhaps the weather was a bit too harsh on it. A bunch of the stones had crumbled and fell onto the grass like mountain boulders falling down to make an avalanche. 

     "So what is it this time? Came here to vent, or came here to change how you viewed something," 

    Elise tended to ask questions like these when he seemed to notice a bit of a pattern. He knew that [Name] was quite lonely for someone who constantly worked alongside people and they weren't the only one. It was daytime, something that changed the usual cold and dark setting because they could see the sun rays slowly poke through the leaves of the trees and little creatures run about. 

    "None of that surprisingly. Can't I just visit once in a while and check up on my little brother?" 

    "We both know that would only happen once in a blue moon so I'm going to assume you want something from me," 

    He spoke as if [Name] was a foreigner who just stepped onto the plains of England for the first time. It was either he was wary or trusted the newsboy with all his heart. He knew the [Hair Color] haired like the back of his hand like they were almost the same person. 

    "I came here to get a piece of advice," 

   "So I was right you wanted something from me," 

    "Besides that, Elise, what would you do if-, let's just say a dog wandered into a corner where it wasn't supposed to and therefore ended up with a few battered bones. What would you do?"

    "It simply depends if we are the dog or if we see it. For starters if we are then I would say we should find a path that would lead us out obviously, but if we are simply a viewer we should do nothing,". 

    It was as if he spoke these words many times before and has heard the same question over and over again. Nodding [Name] hummed as the two watched time pass before their eyes. 


    Moran and Moneypenny explained the rest of the mission to the newsboy and said that they were going to 'meet' the viceroy. The plan is to pass as guests to an upcoming party and pose as people of power (with the exception of  [Name] who will pose as a reporter who's too curious for their own good). The ship they boarded tossed and turned as the three started their briefing and reviewing information they've reviewed five times before. One thing however ticked Moran off. Moneypenny mentioned something about a platoon being wiped out on some outskirts which started to piss him off. 

    The woman looked a little hurt at this as Moran left the room with a horrible excuse. 

    "Don't worry about him Mon', he just goes through a lot of things in his life," 

    The newsboy stated nonchalantly as they picked their tooth. The girl titled her head in confusion but nodded nevertheless. She went into presumably her bedroom and the last thing she heard was a little tune the [Eye Color] eyed sung. 

    "A little hound dog went to a strange place and was cornered and killed with no trace. Little hound dog was never more and the rest of the dogs continued the cycle furthermore. Another little hound dog sticks its nose where it didn't belong and now little hound dog looked like it never existed all along," 



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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