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    The next night, many more children fell victim to the kidnappings. They were all lambs whom fell victim to the wolf's fangs. Simple flowers that got trampled on by those with no dignity whatsoever. Mr. Moriarty already had assigned himself, Fred and the rest of the team out on this mission. Although the scarlet eyed man spoke to the newsboy before everything went into place. He sat them down and asked Louis to make a cup of bohea tea for the two of them. [Name] of course knew that Mr. Moriarty was everything but unaware and so they expected a straightforward talk with him about who knows what. 

    "You know that boy I see you talking too every time you 'sneak out'? Well I wanted to ask you something regarding of that boy," 

    "What would you like to know and what is there possibly to ask-," 

    "Everything, dear [Name], he seems like a boy who would believe any and every lie that is spewed out of dirty mouths; mouths such as yours," 

    His words were nothing short of painful, but the world and reality always had hurt more. No matter where you go, no matter what you do and no matter how hard you try, one will be under the constant surveillance of scarlet eyes. 

    "Elise, he's a good lad. He'd never hurt a fly, or at least that's how he tried to be, nevertheless, I made a promise to him," 

    "And what might that be?" 

    "That we won't die anytime soon," 


    Fred followed the carriage which took the children out to the outskirts in the west. It was only forest for as far as the eye can see, green everywhere but it only masked the repulsive smell of death. The five people were huddled close to the trees and bushes and got a good look at the entrance of the place. According to an investigation that Fred and [Name] worked upon, there was only one carriage in this whole operation which was left by Indas. A map was pulled out and it showed the entire terrain of the area privately owned. First there was the forest, afterwards a wetlands and then a complete wasteland. It was far more than a burden if you end up getting wrapped up in that mess. No matter where you run, you'll be caught. The next step that was being discussed is how to infiltrate the place. Moran pointed out how the river would probably be the best option and that they should all head East. No one had any objections so the group hurried to the destination. 

    It didn't take long till they spotted something in the near distance. A whole fortress with a smaller one down the river. The shortest route to the fortress was to cross the river on top of a rotten wooden bridge. It was barely staying together with old rope and the planks were all but one feather short of breaking. Mr. Moriarty volunteered to go first as he suggested that they go one by one. The bridge makes a loud creak each step that the blonde took when all of a sudden, the rope snaps into two and the entire bridge starts collapsing. Mr. Moriarty's actions almost look like they expected something like this as he moved smoothly to the other side of the bridge before he could fall. 

    Louis was worried about his brother but Moran brushed it off, saying that he knows what he is doing. [Name] on the other hand started to wander around as the sound of footsteps soon approached the four of them. A boy was frantically running and panting as he tried to escape whatever horrors were after his flesh. He ended up stepping right into a bear trap. His screamed echoed throughout the forests and it was nothing short of traumatizing for a small child. [Name] raced to the boy and looked for a way to get his foot unstuck from the trap. 

    "Hey, hey kid! You're gonna be alright, just breathe in slowly and-, er, bite my sleeve if you have to yell," 

    "[Name] move aside, let me check him. It seems as the tendon of the leg was cut off, give me a second," 

    The black haired boy then teared off a bit of his scarf to wrap it around the little kid's legs. It'll stop the bleeding but only for now. Louis however, he decided to move along without sparing a glance at the injured boy. 

    "It is unfortunate that he cannot walk, but we must move forward," 

    "Mr. Louis-, but that's-," 

    "Do not misunderstand our purpose here, Fred. It's to exterminate and not to save," 

    The [Hair Color] haired clenched their fist as they stared at the blonde with shock. Their jaw started to clench along with their knuckles which had turned white a few moments ago. 'He dares to say that even though we both know what happened when you and Mr. Moriarty were but children' they mentally spat as they opened and closed their fist. They sighed out a long breathe before marching over to Louis. 

    "Listen here, it's hard already that I have to deal with a whole business and also this job I took all those months ago. We will follow Mr. Moriarty's plan but that doesn't mean he said not to do anything else-," 

    "[Last Name], by saying that you also know that it will prolong the entire plan and we simply can't have that," 

    The [Eye Color] eyed breathed in and out, trying to calm their nerves before they go and do something purely idiotic. They turned away from the man before they stared to where Mr. Moriarty was last seen. 


    "I know that there is probably something else about that boy. After all if it was just that simple of a promise I don't see the need to go and visit every week," 

    "Maybe, you and I aren't all that different. For you have your brothers and I have him," 

    "Would you abandon him if it meant for the good of the job and or the world?" 

    He stared directly into their [Eye Color] eyes that only looked at the clock hanging on the wall. A small smile tugged at their lips as their eyes retracted back to the scarlet ones. 

    "Who knows? Though, my loyalty to you is unquestionable, when it comes to choose it'll be just the same as you would," 

    "For you and I are more alike than you think," 

    They said both at the same time. 


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