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    [Name] was simply minding their own business, it was a still night and not much was going on. They figured they had earned themself a well deserved break since working with Mr. Moriarty was starting to take a toll on them. They didn't mind the murder of course, no, it was the physical labor that got them to feel like on the verge of death (no pun intended). [Eye Color] eyes looked over to the bridge that they were about to cross, only to find a girl humming a bittersweet song. 

    The girl seemed fine at first glance, perhaps she was going to meet someone late at night. It was a small province that Mr. Moriarty had decided to teach in, so people knew almost everyone that decided to pass by. However, the girl who stood atop the bridge glanced at [Name] with a sweet smile. They were about to return it back until the girl twirled and fell into the river down below. 

    "Down she comes, crossing through town like wind that blows. She stops at the bridge and off the bridge she goes," 

    They started to sing to the rhythm that the girl was humming. It was truly a sob story worth a shiny silver dollar and as far as [Name] and the other newsboys knew, that would be the last anyone would see of her. 


    The [Hair Color] haired was selling newspaper outside of the University. Of course, law enforcers would've chewed them up if not for Mr. Moriarty saying that the staff gave permission. Business was booming quite well with the recent stories and dramas that seemed to be bursting in the province. The blonde haired and red eyed man walked onto the court yard just across where [Name] stood. They saw a strange man walk up to him and started to chat. 

    They tilted their head in curiosity but they still knew better than to interfere with the boss's business. The day went on as usual, it wasn't until Mr. Moriarty came up to [Name] that they started to worry. 

    "[Name]? I have a job for you. Do some searching on this boy," 

    The blonde handed the individual a photo which looked like to be of a teacher, in fact it was the exact photo of the man whom he was talking to. [Skin Tone] fingers brushed the face of the man before a head nodded. 

    "Don't worry boss! No one can escape the newsboys!" 

    It was odd to anyone around the two that the teen would skip away happily after being told to go do more work. Anyone in the right mind that is but Mr. Moriarty and [Name] weren't in the 'right mind' and more of a different one. The events that were to lead up was all going according to plan. Even the [Hair Color] haired believes that they've witnessed a suicide for a reason, or maybe it was just fate. Nonetheless, they delivered the photo to their colleagues whom once again started to pass it to the next.

    One newsboy asked a question when they heard that [Name] started the chain reaction of information. 

     "What do they see in that man that they have to keep asking us to gather all of this?" 

    Everything that is being said whether it was speeches or secrets is kept track of by the unsuspecting kids of the middle and lower class. This also includes whatever one of their own says and relayed straight back to the leader or in other words, [Name] [Last Name]. 

    Said leader, stood atop of the very same bridge they saw the dancer jump off of. It would make for a good story, that is if rival news producers didn't already beat them to it. 'What should we call it? Dancers of the bridge? A lovely plunge?' they thought as they kicked a stone off of the wooden bridge. Just then, one of their colleagues came rushing up to them with information both of the man and the question that has been flying around. 

    "Benjamin, what's the situation?" 

    "Well, three things actually [Nickname}! There's already been a paper published on the recent suicide," 

    This made the [Hair Color] haired sulk in despair as they would've made a good amount of money off of that. [Name] mumbled a 'continue on' as their back slouched more. 

    "Second, the man of the photo teaches at the university and his name is Dudley Bell! He owns a fair amount of 'hospitals' and sadly that's all we got from the locals," 

    The lack of information on the man made [Name]'s mood worsen till they were on the ground pounded the wooden beneath them. Benjamin didn't really know how to act in front of his colleague and boss so he just stayed silent and whistled until they asked for the third point. 

    "Oh, the third thing is that some of us are asking why paired up with that 'Mr. Moriarty'? Our finances are actually quite handsome at the moment," 

    [Name] lifted their head to look up at the boy in front of them, a kid-like smile plastered on their face as they got off of their knees. The [Hair Color] haired was nothing short of towering the boy. They took a deep breath and exhaled out their mouth. 

    "The reason why I partnered with the scarlet eyed man is because I realized that perhaps a pretty penny is worth all the more when you're the one who caused it. In other words, it was simple fun," 

     What Benjamin saw that day wasn't his natural everyday boss that he was used to seeing. It was something darker, and someone who was not in the right mind. 


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