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    There is many things that [Name] wants to do or regret not doing. Too many things to count really. They wished they went to a better school than the one that their 'parents' had sent them to, and also to try something new than writing all their life. They started writing for the local paper at a very young age to learn some money to survive and maybe one day live. Albeit that those dreams wouldn't come anytime soon, it won't ever stop them from being wished. Humanity or just one person can have hope to do anything they set their minds to. With hope comes motivation and motivation to action. 

    Simple shapes and boundaries started to blur from time to time. Almost as if nothing was secure in this world or maybe it was something else like not believing in such a thing called boundaries. Who knows when it comes to a newsboy who lost all but one aspiration. 


    Moran stepped in the quarl before things escalate for the worse. He praised the other three for their opinions and their understandings of the situation before turning to [Name] and Fred. He shot a smirk before packing up his bags and facing the new destination. 

    "Fred, [Name], it's fine to be true to yourself. It also might become difficult but, you're okay with it?" 

    Fred only gave silence and Moran simply took that as a confirm. The [Hair Color] on the other hand gave a small nod before looking over to Louis. There was something about him that they couldn't place their finger on, like some sort of secret puzzle to solve after the main one. He was in the shadow of Mr. Moriarty but served just as much purpose as he did. The Moriarty brothers intertwined and remained parallel at the same time, no one knows why or what they do because they are never predictable. 

    "Listen, this isn't there hunt, it's ours," 

    Moran's final words snapped [Name] out of their train of thought. He was always able to settle things between the three of them and that's why he was probably picked to be a Colonel. He had leadership skills but also the patience to break up fights and to wait for the perfect time to. Continuing on his words, Moran then was interrogating the child about how many nobles and kid there were. It wasn't very later that the group heard the galloping of what could only be a horse approach them at massive speeds. 

    Before the horse showed there was a boy around the same age as the one that was hanging on Fred's back. It wasn't hard to connect two and two together and realize that he was the one the horse was chasing. Without wasting time, Moran pulled out a small double-barrel gun and shouted for Fred to go chase after them. He had the very same look in his eyes that struck fear in his wars. 

    "Fred! Go, go kill him!" 

    He shouted towards the boy. Fred put down the boy on his back and rested him on a tree before hopping branch to branch catching up with the horseman. Before he got too far, he stared at [Eye Color] eyes before nodding at them. This perplexed [Name] as they had no idea why he had done that small action. Turning their attention from Fred, the [Hair Color] head went towards the boy and checked his injuries. The boy in return, thanked them profoundly as his hands tugged on their sleeves. He reminded them of Elise sometimes, a bright kid who has seen a lot of things. Although Elise on the other hand is taking after them more and more. 

    Afterwards, the group of three (or four if you count the boy) heard a gunshot in the far distance alerting them that Fred had done the deed. Moran started planning out the next acts of action out loud with Louis after he picked the boy up onto his back. 

     "There are some folks on the left side, and it seems urgent," 

     "Got it, I'll leave it to you to deal with. Don't overdo it, Louis,"

     "This is my brother's order we're talking about, of course I'll overdo it," 

    The blonde responded before he looked towards the newsboy. He made a quiet sigh before he approached them. 

    "[Name], I need a favor that I have to ask of you. I know that I have no right of asking this but can you please accompany me on this journey not only to save these children, but to further prevent others like that boy you mess around all day with from being killed," 

    Unpredictable. That's how the bloodline of Moriarty will forever stay. Of course, there wasn't really an option to his request since agreeing would benefit them both tremendously. While shaking their head slightly, they agreed to his proposition. For the first time in a long while, Moran and [Name] saw Louis smile. Not the one he puts to show others but one of relief. 

    "You truly are something else Louis," 

    "I should be saying that about you Mx. [Name]," 

    It was strange, as if years had passed in that short second. As if they both lived and created a bond of companionship between them. The Moriarty's are unpredictable, but so are the [Last Name]s. Moran, throughout all this was still very confused on the ever changing personalities. 


    When [Name] entered the building, thankfully undetected might I add, they spotted the targeted room. It was one with a lit fire coming through the window and through the cracks in the stone. There was a crewel voice in that echoed throughout the chamber. The man who harbored that voice was speaking to another one in the room. A boy to be precise that was tied up on a cross. [Name] was about to charge in and give him a piece of his mind before a hand was placed on their shoulder. Louis shook his head 'no' before stepping in front of them. 

    "My hunt is to burn them at the stake. It's a pity that it's illegal though, because it's so exciting to watch humans burn. Someone who's never done it, will never understand it," 

    "I did do it," 

    Louis stepped in the room, showing himself to the hunter. He jumped back in surprised as he starting tripping over his words. 

    "A long time ago, I burned a noble's mansion with twelve people inside. I didn't feel such emotions. This child behind me, they did something much like the two of us," 

    The blonde felt a small tug on the back of his blazer. In the corner of his eye, he saw [Name] [Last Name]. Not the one that grew up to one day live through the horrible deeds, but a small child who can't even remember how they ended up in this place. Louis never talked to the [Hair Color] haired often, prompting to avoid them most of the time but, when he saw them and Elise, it reminded him of his own bond with his brother. 

    "This little newsboy here has seen many deeds but also has done each and every single one of them that they write," 

    For [Name], it felt like they couldn't breathe. 


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