ꜱᴏᴜʟꜱ ꜰɪʟʟᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴡᴏʀʀʏ

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    As the act came to a close and intermission came on, the audience stood up and gave applause at the event. The actors recited their lines perfectly and expressed the right emotions with their words. For only the best of the best could perform on something spectacular one day to give the audience entertainment. 

    Duke Blitz Indas was sitting in one of the windows, seemingly calm. As another noble left his booth, blonde hair and scarlet eyes appeared in front of the curtain. For Mr. Moriarty was a cunning man who portrayed the main role in this opera. The supporting cast only served to brighten the spotlight as the man walked in the middle of the figurative stage. 


    "Lord Indas, yesterday you-, you did kill him, correct?" 

    Said Lord Indas, was startled by the sudden question. He thought that his problems with annoying and pitiful commoners was over after the events that occured and for Mr. Moriarty to bring that up again stirred his nerves. He asked the blonde man what he was talking about but dreaded the further response. 

   "I only touched the body when throwing it overboard but I never had the chance to confirm whether it was dead or not. In that current situation it was impossible but-," 

    He was cut off by Indas who started to softly yell. After all, the last thing he needed was for his glorious night to be ruined. 

    "What are you saying!? The two of us actually threw 'that thing' overboard!" 

    "Yes, that's true but, can you please take a look at this?" 

    When Indas looked towards where the scarlet eyed man directed to, he saw the face he never wanted to see again. The man who was supposed to be dead and discarded for the sea to eat. If he wasn't in such shock, Blitz Indas could've seen the [Hair Color] haired person who was sitting right next to the man, conversing with him. It took a second for the duke to think of a response but all he could see was that commoner of a human being taunting him by simply existing. 

    "This is impossible, we threw him overboard," 

    "I know it's hard believe but as soon as I saw him, I came to tell you," 

    After a few more panicked words from the duke, he excused himself and left the scene. Mr. Moriarty lingered a bit in the booth as he stared down upon the two figures in the crowd. To him, they stood out like sore thumbs the man whom he seemingly thrown overboard starred up directly at him with emotionless eyes. For a brief moment, red eyes met [Eye Color] ones as a slight nod was exchanged. With not a moment to lose, the two of them stood up from their seats and left. A smile was on the man's face as everything went as expected. 

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