Chapter 30

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Hailee's POV

Today is the day we get to bring Darcy home, Harry was dressing her at the moment and I was getting dressed. I walked out of the bathroom and found Harry and Darcy sitting on the bed giggling. I took my phone out and snapped a picture. Harry turned around and smiled.

"You ready babe" he asked and put Darcy in her car seat. I nodded and grabbed my bag. Harry grabbed Darcy and her baby bag and we went to the front desk to sign papers and all that jazz.

"Let's go" Harry said and grabbed my hand we walked out and there were paps everywhere.

"CONGRATULATIONS ON THE BABY HARRY AND HAILEE." I heard some paps shouting. I smiled and thanked them. Me and Harry made it to the car and Harry strapped Darcy in. He got in the drivers seat and we made our way home.

We arrived to our house and this time I took Darcy and Harry took the bags. We walked up to the front door and unlocked it.

"Welcome home Darcy" I whispered and walked to her room. Harry followed behind with the baby bag. We walked in and it was beautiful. The walls were pink there was a beautiful white crib in the center, her name was above her crib,there was a white dresser in the corner. A changing table and a little play pin with lots of toys.

I walked over to her crib and took her out of her car seat. Harry placed the baby bag beside the dresser with all her clothes and shoes.

"Now baby" I said and set her down, her eyes were wide open and she just looked around the room. Harry walked over and put his arm around me. He started to sing Little Things to Darcy and she was falling asleep. She loves her daddy's voice, before she was born Harry use to sing to my belly and she always kicked.

'And I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth'

'Because its you, its you, its you they add up to'

I'm in love with you, and all your little things'

Harry finished and she was asleep. I smiled and the two of us walked out of her room.

"I'm so proud of you babe, I'm really happy to have a daughter with you, and I can't wait to expand this family more" I raised an eyebrow and he smirked. I leaned in and placed my lips on his. We had a passionate kiss and it was magical.

I'm so happy to have a family with Harry I know he will be a great dad to all his children. He is the best thing that happened to me and we made that beautiful baby girl inside and I couldn't be happier.

"I love you Harry Styles" I said.

"I love you too Hailee Brookes and I always will"

Becca's POV

Niall is gone out with Louis and Zayn he woulnt tell where but i trust him.I'm at home sitting on the couch looking at wedding venues on my laptop. Me and Niall want to get married in a year. Niall will be busy with the new album so we are gonna wait, I don't mind waiting just once I am walking down the aisle to see Niall at the end.

"Babe I'm home" I heard Niall say.

"In the living room" I said still looking threw the venues.

"Hey what you doing" he asked and sat down beside, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Just looking at wedding venues." I said and smiled. I closed my laptop and turned to Niall.

"Where were you" I asked him he smiled and pulled out a bag.

"I was out shopping... For you" he handed me the bag and I smiled. I looked in it and my jaw dropped. He bought me a beautiful black dress with red heels, they looked so expensive.

"Niall you shouldn't off done that you must of spent a fortune." I said and looked at him.

"Well I wanted to take you out tonight" he grabbed my hand and smiled.

"Aw okay when are we going" I asked and stood up.

"Em we need to leave at 3" he said and walked into the kitchen. I nodded and looked at that time. It was 1:30. I ran up to our bedroom and took my clothes of and got in the shower. I washed my body and hair and stayed under the water for a little bit longer. I got out and wrapped a towel around my body, I walked out and Niall was changing into skinny jeans and a white shirt with boots. I smiled and walked over to my underwear. I took out my new black set and put them on.

"I'll be waiting downstairs for you babe" Niall said and walked out of our bedroom. I walked over to the bag and took out the dress and shoes Niall bought me. I put them on and did my hair and makeup. I curled my hair and did light makeup with red lipstick.

I looked in the mirror and smiled. The dress fitted perfectly and so did the shoes. I took a bag and put my phone and other essentials in it. I walked down the stairs and Niall was sitting on the couch on his phone.

"Ready" I said he turned around and his jaw dropped.

"You look so beautiful I'm so lucky to be marrying you" he said I smiled and took his hand. We walked out of the house and got in the car.Niall said we have two journeys. The whole car drive Niall kept saying I looked beautiful and he is so lucky. I was blushing a lot.

"We're here" Niall said, I looked out and saw we were at a very fancy restaurant. We both got out and walked hand in hand into the restaurant. Niall walked up and we got a table for two.

"This place is beautiful" I said and sat down opposite Niall. He nodded and took a sup of his water.

"Yeah its only opened a few months and I always wanted to go" the waiter came over and took our orders, I ordered a roast beef and Niall ordered turkey, our meals were here in less than 10 minutes. And it was so nice.

We finished our dinners and paid, we walked out off the restaurant and into Niall's car.

"So where are we going now" I asked and grabbed Niall's hand. He just winked at me and we were off.

It was about 30 minutes into the drive and Niall said we would be there in about 10 minutes. I rested my head on the window and waited.

"We're here" I heard Niall say I opened my eyes and we were at the airport.?

"Niall why are we at the airport" I asked confused he kept smiling and got out of the car, I got out and he waiting for me.

"Come on" he said and grabbed my hand, I was still very confused so I just followed him.

We got inside the airport and Niall looked around and walked over to a door, I followed and we walked in. We were walking and stopped in front of the boys private jet. Niall turned and smirked at me, I didn't now what he was doing until I was lifted up bridal style and Niall walked into the plane.

"Niall what are we doing" he just smiled AGAIN and sat down. I sat down and waited.

"Welcome to British airways please enjoy your flight and have a lovely time in Paris"

I turned to Niall wide eyed and he gave me a big goofy smile.

"WERE GOING TO PARIS" I screamed he nodded his head and I ran over and jumped on him attacking him with kisses.

"I love you so much Niall" I whispered and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you too future Mrs Horan" he smiled and we both leaned in and our lips met.

I can't wait to marry Niall.

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