Chapter 4

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Me and Niall started to make our way to Hailee an Harry. Hailee sent me a wink when she saw me and Niall together. I sent her a death glare and she chuckled. She is gonna be teasing me about his for the rest of my life.

"Hey guys me and Hailee are going to get something to eat, wanna join?" Harry asked, I was about to speak but Hailee butted in and said.

"Yeah sure she'll come" I looked at her coldly and she just smiled.

"Nialler,you in" Harry asked.

"Yeah sure let's go" I let the two boys walk in front of me and Hailee.

"What was that all about" I whispered to her.

"Um I invited you to eat with Harry and Niall. +Niall likes you" she walked off and linked arms with Harry. I thought about what she said, does Niall really like me. I am starting to like the boys a bit, I never new a person could change so much in 2 years. I have to admit it, I think I like Niall. I caught up with the guys and walked beside Niall he turned and smiled at me.

"Hi again" he said and laughed. I laughed and said

"Hi" I decided to cheek my phone in case I have any messages or notifications. I had one of a unknown number, I clicked on it and it read.

'Meet me at the back of nando's @ 11'

I looked at it again and thought should I meet this mystery person at the back of nando's or just leave it. I mean it could be a kidnapper. I decided to think about it after we eat. We arrived at this Chinese restaurant. I didn't love Chinese but it was good. We got a table for FOUR and sat down. I sat beside Niall and Hailee sat beside Harry. The waiter came and we ordered what we wanted and ate and talked. These guys aren't so bad after all. 2 years really does change someone.

We were finished our food and left, the boys paid but we refused to let them but they said it was a graduation present so we let them away just this once. It was 10:50 and I decided to meet this mystery person. Harry drove Hailee home and Niall offered to drive me home but I told him I had to do something. Once everyone was gone and out of sight I walked down to the back of nandos. It was all dirty and cold. By the time I got their it was 11 so I looked out for anyone but couldn't see anybody. I heard footsteps and turned around. Nobody was there, okay I'm getting a bit scared now. I was about to go when I felt something hit the back off my head and I fell to the ground, I heard the voice I hated so much, Stacey the schools slut. She hated me and I hated her for our entire school years together we would always have something bad to say to each other.

"Stay away from my Niall or else" that was the last thing I heard before I got hit again with something hard and everything went black.


I woke up in a unfamiliar room, the walls were white and so was the bed. I looked around and saw I was in the hospital. My head really hurts. I looked and saw a blonde headed boy in the corner sleeping. It was Niall, why was he here.

"Niall" I whispered. No answer.

"Niall" I whispered louder. Still no answer.

"NIALL" I shouted he fell off the chair and rubbed his eyes.

"Don't do that you scared me" he stared at me and then we both bursted out laughing. We calmed ourselves down and Niall got back up.

"So tell me what happened" I asked being serious. He looked at me and then to the ground.

"Well it was about 12:30 and I was really hungry after we had our Chinese, so I called nandos and asked for a take away. They said they don't do delivery after 12 so I just decided to go there and get it. I drove to nandos and parked my car on the side path and walked in. I got my stuff and walked back out. As I was walking out I saw this girl walk out of the back of nandos she looked very suspicious. She didn't notice me so I went down the back and that's when I noticed your shoes I dropped my food and ran to you, you were knocked out and there was blood on the back of your head,so I picked you up and put up in my car and drove you to the hospital. The doctor came in and said you are alright and able to go home whenever your ready." I looked at him and he looked up, I gave him a big hug he didn't expect it but he hugged back anyways. We hugged for a while and then pulled away, we looked into each others eyes and started leaning in.

"Thank you" I whispered Niall smashed his lips onto mine and they moved in perfect sync and I felt the fireworks go off.

Okay I think I'm falling for Niall.

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