Chapter 24

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Becca's POV

We walked threw the airport and heard loads of screams and flashing cameras. I looked at Niall and he held my hand. Paul walked in front of us and made sure we were safe.

"Just keep your head down and don't answer the questions or listen to anything the fans say." I nodded my head and walked threw all the fans. I heard loads of nice things being said to the boys that made me smile. But some where just mean.

"Ew Niall why are you dating her she's ugly" I heard some 'fan' say, I looked down and kept walking. That one hurt.

"Ye look at her she's fat" another shouted. I could feel the tears fall and I quickly wiped them away. I let go of Niall's hand and walked fast out of the airport to the cars. Preston walked me over to the van and put all the bags in back. I took my phone out so it looked like I wasn't bothered about the mean comments. The boys came into the van and Niall came straight over to me.

"Babe, I'm so sorry about them there just jealous of you" he pulled me into his side and kissed the top of my head. The car ride was quiet we were at the hotel in 20 minutes. We all got out and got our bags. Paul gave us our rooms and we left to go to them.

We got up to our floor and our room was huge! It had a kitchen a living room and huge bed and a balcony. I dropped my bags and ran to the bed and jumped on it. I heard Niall laugh, I looked up and saw him walk over to the balcony he opened the doors and walked outside our view was beautiful the beach was seen and it was so beautiful. I felt Niall's arms go around me I smiled and leaned into him.

"Wanna go the beach later" he asked I nodded and enjoyed our cute moment for a minute until Louis barged in and shouted.

"Nialllllllll let's go beach" I laughed and walked into where Louis was. He was standing there in swimming shorts and a tank.

"Okay let's go! I'm just gonna change first" I ran to my room and changed into my green shorts and black bralet and got my new sandles, I grabbed my bag and left the room to go the beach with everyone.

At the beach

We've been at the beach for about an hour and so far Louis is the only one who is in the water with all his clothes on. Me and Hailee are just sitting down on the sand watching the boys have fun without being mobbed.

"If someone has said to me that I would be with One Direction in Australia and dating Harry I'd probably laugh at them" Haille said I looked at her and noticed her looking at Harry.

"Yeah same, I didn't even like them and now I'm in love with one of them" we both laughed and continued looking at the boys.

"Were gonna leave now,we have our first show tomorrow" Liam said. We all got our things and headed back to the hotel.


"Today was so much fun" Niall said while plopping down on the chair. I sat beside him and nodded.

"Yeah but now we should go to bed you are up early for the concert and soundcheck so let's go bed." I said and took Niall's hand we both changed into our PJs and hopped into bed.

So far I'm enjoying Australia.

Niall's POV

Beep beep beep

I woke up and it was 11 o'clock and we have soundcheck at 12 and then the show is at 6. I wake up Becca and we both get ready and are out the door. The car is out front so we all get in and drive to the arena.

"We're here" the driver said. We all got out and walked inside the arena.

"Okay the 5sos lads will be here in a about 10 minutes so go backstage and get Caroline to get your outfits ready." Paul said. The boys and Hailee ran backstage and I stayed behind looking around the arena.

"PAULLLLLLLLL"I heard a Australian accent say I turned around and saw 4 really tall boys run to Paul and gave him a hug.

"Hi boys, go get ready for soundcheck." The boys started walking my direction and smiled at me.

"Hi, who may you be" the one with curly hair said,

"Hi I'm Becca Niall's girlfriend." I smiled they all smirked and shouted.

"GET SOME NIALLER" I just laughed and the boys ran backstage to the others. I walked up to Paul and sat beside him in one of the chairs.

"So you and Niall are pretty serious" he said and laughed.

"Yeah" I said quietly and started blushing. We talked for a while until 5sos started their soundcheck, their really good it was my first time hearing them and I'm impressed. At the end of their song Heartbreak Girl I stood up and clapped, they started laughing and I sat back down. After 5sos soundcheck the other boys were doing their's. I just starred at Niall all the time and sometimes he would catch me which made me blush. They started rehearsing Little Things and I instantly got butterfly's this is my favorite song ever. After they finished little things I had tears in my eyes. I got up and went to the bathroom. On the way I bumped into Luke I think his name was.

"Hey Becca" he said

"Hey Luke" I said

"So I see you liked our songs" he smirked

"Yeah you guys are really good" I smiled

"Aw thanks anyways I better get my clothes ready for tonight bye" he said and ran into wardrobe. I walked into the bathroom and did my business. As I walked out Niall was standing there and gave me such a fright.

"Niall,! Dont do that you scared the crap out of me." I said putting my hand on my heart.

"Sorry babe I didn't mean to I just saw you walk off and I was wondering if your okay." He said sweetly I smiled and told him I was okay.

"Well then let's get ready for the concert shall we." I said and Niall smiled. We all just chilled around until it was time for the concert. We played hide and go seek and it wasn't easy.

Concert time.

"Good luck babe" I said and gave Niall a good luck kiss. He smiled and the boys went into their huddle and said there sayings.

Me and Hailee were standing at the side of the stage with the 5sos boys watching the boys preform this concert went really well I'm so glad I came. I'd be bored to death if I didn't go.

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