Chapter 15

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Becca's POV

Its been 2 hours since Niall told me we are going to Ireland TODAY. Right now I'm finishing my packing my stuff, Niall has all his done and I'm just finishing up.

"Babe you ready" Niall asked standing at the doorframe. I nodded and closed my suitcase. He took it and we walked downstairs. Niall loaded the car and we were off to the airport.

"You look beautiful today" Niall said and kissed my hand I smiled and looked down at my outfit. I wore my patteren trousers, white long crop top and new black boots. I blushed and held his hand.

(Outfit on the sidebar)

"Thank you" I said and smiled. The car ride wasn't quite. We talked about tour, and Niall's family. I'm really excited to meet his little nephew Theo, Niall showed me pictures of him when he was born and he is the cutest baby ever.

We arrived at the airport an hour later. It wasn't packed so we got to the PRIVATE plane quickly. I can't believe Niall has a private plane it was so cool. The plane was taking off and it was a long flight so I decided to take a nap. The flight attendant gave me a blanket and I fell asleep instantly.

I woke up and Niall was awake, I asked him how long left till we land and he said 3 more hours so I decided to watch a movie with him. We watched Grown Ups and then we just listened to music while Niall held my hand and sang quietly. He is so special to me.

"Hey, did you text your mum about Ireland and Tour" I looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah I did it when I was packing she said it was okay and to be safe" he smiled and kissed my forehead. I snuggled into Niall for the remainder of the flight.


The plane was landing so me and Niall put our seatbelts on and waited to be escorted from the plane.

"Thank you for travailing with us enjoy your time in Ireland" the flight attendant said over the speaker. Me and Niall got off and walked hand in hand into the airport to get our bags.

"We are going to go to my mam and dads house and stay there is that okay" Niall asked

"Ye that's good I'm so excited" I said happily and jumped up and down. Niall laughed and walked over to get our bags. He came back with them and we headed out to find the driver.

"There he is" Niall said and walked over to a man with brown hair he gave him a hug and I followed behind.

"And this must be Becca, I've heard a lot a lot of good things about you I'm Niall's older brother" he said in a Irish accent and hugged me, I hugged back and we all got in the car.

Greg is really nice the whole car drive to Niall's mum and dad's house was spent by getting to know each other.

"Oh and mam and dad organised a little welcome home party for you." Greg said and pulled into the driveway. My mouth was open so wide there house is absolutely huge! Its like 10 of my houses put together and my house is big. Niall and Greg got out of the car, Niall sweetly opened the door for me while Greg took our suitcases. Me and Niall walked ahead and into the big house.

"Niall" someone shouted we looked around and saw a women running towards us and engufled us both into a big hug. She pulled out of the hug and kissed Niall's cheek.

"I missed you so much" she said and started crying.

"Mam, don't start crying or you'll set me off" Niall said and gave her another hug.

"Oh I'm sorry I'm just so happy your home" she said and looked at me I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Hi I'm Niall's mam Maura Niall has told me so much about you" she said

"All good I hope" I said and have her a hug and winked st Niall. We followed her into the kitchen and all Niall's friends and family were there. Niall walked around greeting everyone while I stayed and helped Maura with the food.

"So what have you been up to" Maura asked me.

"Well I just graduated from school,not really looking for a job yet." I said back she nodded her head and smiled.

"Did Niall ask you to go on tour with him" she asked I nodded my head.

"Ye he has I'm really excited, have you ever been to one of his shows." I asked her but then realized how stupid of a question that was of course she has she is his mother. She laughed and shook her head, I think she noticed how embarrassed I was from the redness on my cheeks.

"Its okay darling, and yes I've been to a few you will enjoy it" she smiled and handed me a tray of sandwiches.

"Will you put them on that table over there please" she asked sweetly I nodded and walked over to the table. I looked over in the corner and Niall was there holding baby Theo, I walked over to them and smiled.

"Hello cutie" I said and tickled Theo's belly he giggled and made baby noises, he was so cute.

"Theo, this is my beautiful girlfriend Becca say hello" I blushed at his words and smiled. Theo just laughed and poked Niall's cheek.

"You know, when your older and you have my charms you'll end up with someone as beautiful as Becca is" I smiled and kissed his cheek, Theo suck his tounge out and made a funny noise, we both laughed at him and he then joined in.

"Coulds you hold him I need to go and talk to my cousin" Niall said and handed Theo to me I took him off Niall and Niall gave me a kiss before I walked into the kitchen to find Maura. She was sitting down next to a women with blonde hair.

"Mamma" Theo said and reached out for the blonde woman to take him.

"Hello baby" she said and kissed his cheek.

"Denise this is Niall's girlfriend Becca" Maurs introduced me and I shook her hand.

"Hi I'm Denise Greg's Wife" she said I smiled and sat in between them and we just talked and got to know them better. I walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water. I felt two arms go around my waist and kiss me neck. I turned around and saw Niall smirking.

"Niall stop your family is here" I said he pouted and looked down I couldn't take it, I lifted his chin up and gave him a sweet and long kiss, he kissed back instantly and I could feel him smirk. I pulled back before things could get out of hand and make an embarrassment out of myself in front of my boyfriends family.

"Later" I whispered and winked I walked back over to Maura and Denise and chatted more.

Today has been so good I can't wait for the rest of the week here.

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