Chapter 8.

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« Niall »

"The eyes shout what the lips fear to say"
            -William Henry.

It's been two days since the happening.

Two days since I've heard or seen 'Z' as well.

Strangely enough,I found myself missing him somehow. Even if he terrorizes my sleep and frightens the living shit out of me there's still something.......comforting about him.

I can't exactly explain what I was feeling but I found myself missing his presence  more than I was supposed too.

Theo claimed that Zee would visit him every night to say goodnight before he went to bed. He seems to have attached himself to Zee pretty fast. But I'm glad that he was happy.

I retrieved the books for my upcoming lessons from my locker,shoving them into my backpack as I felt someone giving me a pat on the shoulder. As I spun,around I found none other than my friends: Connor,Reggy and Vincent.

"Hey mate,how are ya'?" Connor beamed.

Connor was your typical jock. Good looking,smart and of course very athletic. He has always been the top star since young age and managed to keep that title till now.

Reggy was the party animal. Ain't nobody wilder than dear 'ol Reggy when it comes to a great party. Stick with him and you're guaranteed to have a blast anywhere you go.

My mother didn't approve Reggy at first,said he was nothing but bad news,but after she really got a chance to know him,they got close.

And last but not least Vincent. Our parents met at a church club,along with Liam's parents. The only difference being that his parents are abnormally strict. He's a good lad,but he found himself looking for more freedom lately. Rebelling against his parents,sneaking out,drinking a bit too much alcohol and so on.

We've all got different personalities but that's what made us more attached to one another.

"Eh,same old same old"

Vincent scoffed as he rolled his eyes,placing his phone into his back pocket. "Bloody,parents.." he grumbled,making me chuckle the slightest bit.

"You guys coming to football practice? The tryouts are today" Connor pointed out.

I loved footie,but just as a hobby. My dad thought me how to play and I was good in Connor's eyes but I didn't find myself good enough.

I'm guessing that Connor saw that I was having an internal battle with myself and so he spoke,

"C'mon Ni,I heard that the new students were gonna try out"

You knew that there was no backing out when Connor decides to pull that damn face he pulls everytime he wants something,and so that's how I found myself agreeing; much to my dismay if I may add.

We hit the field after class to assist Connor at the tryouts. The participants didn't seem like they would take this seriously,so I of course had my doubts well....thats was until I saw three hunks coming onto the field. One with emerald green orbs and dimples,who was talker than the other lads.

The one who was trying out,had blue/grey eyes and was the shortest one in the crew.

And lastly,a sexy piece of hunk that was literally a goddamn sex God.

His jet black hair was perfectly quiffed,not even a single hair out of place. The leather jacket he wore,suited him and his skinny jeans that hugged his legs perfectly.

Thank you sweet Jesus.

"'re drooling"

Well duh I'm drooling! Are you guys even seeing mister sex-on-legs?

Without saying a word I wiped the supposedly 'drool' off the corner of my mouth,not taking my eyes away from that masterpiece for even a second.

"Who is that?"

Connor took my embarrassment for his own entertainment,laughing as he watched my shocked expression. But I got annoyed by the second,wanting nothing more than to find out who he was.

"Who is he!?" I demanded as I crossed my arms,scoffing at his childish behavior.

"He's one of the new students here"

Yes,my friends knew I liked guys and I thank heavens that they weren't freaked out by that. Growing up in a Christian household,I was thought that liking the same gender was wrong. Very wrong,so I kept it hidden from my parents.

Mum doesn't mind gays,just as long as there's no PDA next to her but dad was a total different case. He was a pure homophobe.

Father despised gays with all his heart,said that God would never accept them in his kingdom and so they shall rot in hell. He wouldn't take the time in the world to try and understand.

I didn't want my father to hate me so that was the reason I kept on dating girls. I didn't want to be labeled as a sinner,nor having people stare at me like I'm the most disgusting thing in the world.

Society is a bitch,but who am I to say something about it?

Almost an hour an a half later,they were finally done for the day. I had to admit: shortie was a hell of a good player. The boy has skills and if you disagree with're a pure fucktard.

The bleachers have always been my favorite place to be. I've always enjoyed the peace I could have when I was seated on my own. Having silence and a chance to think about everything.

That's where I currently was when it happened. I didn't know how it happened,but I know for sure that it indeed happened.

One minute I stood up on the bleachers,observing the blue sky then the next I was on the edge of falling off. All I could remember was someone yelling "Hey nerd,fetch" then I tripped backwards. My death or having a chance to get a concussion was close at that point if it weren't for the stranger who grabbed hold of my hand just on time to prevent me from falling.

Everything was like in slow motion. From the person grabbing my hand,to pulling me tightly into his chest bringing us to the present time,where I was still clutching onto the person like a child.

I carefully pulled myself away from the person's grip,and I found myself staring into a pair of a beautiful shade of honey brown colored eyes.

Letting me know exactly who this person was.

"Hello,sweet cheeks"

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