Chapter 18.

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So...Zayn left One Direction. I gotta be honest here: I am upset,like really upset and I know all of you guys are as well. Even though I'm not exactly sure why he decided to leave,he has my full support. Sure,I still can't wrap my head around the idea of One Direction continuing without Zayn but it's okay. We should all stick together in this time of need and just be here to pick each other back up. I'm lacking motivation to write due to my sadness but I've decided to continue this story in honors of Zayn,no matter what. You all need something to cheer y'all up so enjoy :) x


« Zayn »

"Some legends are told,some turn to dust or to gold but you will remember me. Remember me for centuries"

                 -Fall Out Boy

Sweat dripped from my hairline onto the floor,as I gasped for air. I've been told not to scream or cry but the feeling was overwhelming,it's much too strong. I picked up my body from the floor,for the third time today only to fall right back down. She just laughed at me,laughing at my pain and misery while I was suffering.

"Had enough,Zaynie?"

I mentally cringed at the sound of her voice,sweet and high-pitched that made your bones shiver. My hands found their way to my hair,yanking at my locks in frustration. "Shut the fuck up" it was barely audible but she hear it anyway and it made her mad,very mad. The laughter stopped and for a moment I could think that she left. Not a single sound was able to be heard except for my heavy breathing in the dark room.

Suddenly,a wave of shock spread in every vain,making my body jolt forward while piercing screams left my lips once more. The pain was ten times worse than before,making all my muscles tighten because of the powerful shock I've received. My body felt numb,I was too weak to even make attempts to move my hands or my legs.

"Maybe that will remind you how you talk to me boy" She sneered,walking around my body. Her footsteps echoed around the room with every step she took,the wooden planks creaking here and there. Even if my eyes weren't open,I could still feel her glaring glance burning into my soul.

"You shouldn't act so tough just because you met that pathetic little human,Zayn. Don't you dare turn against me now because you may think you found something better,I was with you since the beginning so don't be a fool. Remember your place Malik,for I am not afraid to take everything that you once fought for away"

The scenery changed and I was now laying on a freshly disinfected floor that smelled like lemons. Pictures of familiar faces were lined up against the wall which the color I was never so very fond of. My legs made their way across the floor,getting up from the floor as I walked in my childhood home once more. Everything still stood in their rightful place,just like before. Why did I return home?

From afar I could see the paramedics taking away my parent's bodies. The whole neighborhood stood outside our house,gossiping and taking pictures of the happening. "Take a good look Zayn,look at how everybody gave up on you when you went missing,nobody missed you Zayn"

Sadly,what she said was true,while everybody gave up on me and thought I was dead,I had been sitting in a small cottage in the woods,hoping and praying that someone would find me soon. Over the many years that passed,I finally gave up and faced reality. My parents were dead,nobody in the world cared where I was,they were too busy enjoying their lives.

The house began fading away as the first tear escaped my eye. After years and years of training,managing to control my emotions it all came back,like a slap in the face.

Trees appeared in my sight and the sky grew dark. There was something hidden amongst the woods,waiting to be found. I knew because I felt the fear from a mile away. Who was here? a human? an animal?

Following my senses and the radiation of fear was how I found my own path in the dark forest,turning my head from left to right everywhere I went. I came to a sudden halt at the edge of a river. Something felt uncertain about this particular river,my reflection's eyes moved from me to something up ahead,almost if it's telling me to see something.

My eyes followed the reflection's and landed on a familiar mass of blonde hair with grown out roots lurking around in the dark. He was afraid and I knew it,his body was shaking as he searched for any possible sign of life. "Niall?" It came out more like a question,almost as if I was wondering if it was indeed him and not a fragment of my imagination or hoping it was him.

His blue eyes stared into mine,wide and afraid. I knew he had his doubts because let's admit it,this is a pretty fucked up world. I knew what her plan was though,she planned this well. Me being vulnerable was all she needed to continue when she probably had planned for about a week or so. Motioning him with my hand,I gave him a smile of reassurance . "Come closer,Niall" I smiled. Step by step he slowly but surely made his was to his edge,trying to find a way to cross but unable to find one.

"What's happening?"

Tears were steaming down his cheeks,in results that mine were now falling as well. I felt his distress and it pained me that I couldn't help. My eyes shifted from Niall's angelic face to the darkness behind him. From a distance I could see the shadows lurking in the dark. I knew who they were and I knew what they wanted. As I was just about to warn Niall,a hand wrapped around my throat,preventing me from screaming. There wasn't much I could do but struggle against its grip. Niall's figure was disappearing form my sight as the seconds went by. "Don't let them find you! They're coming!"

When he finally disappeared I landed back in the same old abandoned house I was before. "See Zaynie? I can take everything away again"

"I can't kill him Meredith....I just can't" I whispered,looking into the girl's eyes.

Something suddenly snapped into her. Her eyes turned dark and she charged towards me in full force,breathing heavily. "You will learn how to listen to me Malik. You're father's commands are meant to be followed and I'll make sure you complete your task rather you want it or not"

I felt a force in my body and from that moment I knew that Meredith had entered my body. "No- stop,fucking stop" I spoke trough gritted teeth,trying to talk her out of doing what I thought she was trying to do but I was nothing compared to her. Meredith fought back and eventually won,my soul had been pushed in the far back of my own body,meaning that Meredith now had full control of my mind and body.

"Zayn....I order you to kill Niall"

I watched how my body reacted to Meredith's voice,my face desforming  once again and my eyes melt out of my eye sockets. There was nothing else I could do but watch myself turn into the thing I hate the With a smirk plastered on its face,my body nods at her words.

"Kill Niall. Yeah,got it"

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