Chapter 15.

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»Special chapter

[Zayn's inner demon]

Every kid had always picked something to call their "favorite". It can either be a car,a stuffed animal or a blanket. But in Zayn Malik's case it was a movie.

This boy had always been different from other kids,instead of being loud and bubbly,he would prefer being quiet and read any kind of book he could find. Now back to the movie,this particular movie has been found in their basement. Not a very common place to find a movie,is it?

So Zayn being the curious little boy he had always been,popped in the DVD and sat down in front of the television to watch it for the first time. The movie was about a girl,she was pale,almost white even. This girl had long black hair and wore a white gown,identical to a hospital gown. You see,Trisha and Yaser Malik would always smile as they watched their son blabber nonsense,pretending to be communicating with the girl in the tv,not knowing that it was all real.

As the years went by,the little boy grew. Everybody liked him because he was smart for a boy his age. He could write and he was handsome,everybody could already see that he would grow up to be a lady-charmer. The Malik family was perfect in everyone's eyes. Perfect until that day.

It was do the day of Zayn's 6th birthday when everything changed. Every night before bed he would be allowed to watch his favorite movie and it was no different this time.

Zayn happily skipped to the living room,pressing play to start his movie. However,this wasn't the movie he was used to watch. The girl now sat on a swing,all the hair covering her face as she stared ahead. When Zayn carefully tapped the tv screen,her face snapped into his direction. Little Zayn was happy his friend finally noticed him,but he was asking himself why he couldn't see her face.

The girl carefully got off the swing walking step by step towards Zayn. Her body was shaking and her hands were twitching,Zayn noticed that she was getting closer by the second,which made the boy back up with every step she took. Suddenly two pale arms came out of the tv and that's when Zayn lost it. He was officially terrified,watching how the girl slowly pulls herself out if the screen. How had that been possible?

The moment she was fully out,she stood still,very still as she eyed Zayn from across the room.

Her mouth slowly broke into a huge grin. She raised up her hand,removing the hair,that was blocking her face,meanwhile Zayn's breath was now rapid. He regrets not taking the whole "there are monsters under your bed" thing seriously.

"Come here Zaynie.." the girl whispered as she took the last few strands out if her face "Come here and PLAY!" When she completely removed all the hair,Zayn screamed on top of his lungs while the girl hissed at him before he ran for his dear life.

She had no eyes at all and her teeth were the sharpest things you would ever see.

The girl took Zayn's fear and running as a game,and who wouldn't want to play along to a good game? She was now in a bridge position,kinda what someone normal would do in gymnastics,and popped her head between her legs. That's exactly how she chased the little 6 year old,walking on her arms and legs,in a bridge position with her head between her legs.

That night turned went from a happy day to straight into a horror movie.

"Oh Zayn... Zaynie"

Zayn ran along the dark hallway that seemed to have never end,not looking behind him,knowing very well that the word girl was still after him. Just hearing the girl's voice gave him chills,shivers ran up his spine.


The frighten boy tipped toed his way across the hall,until he turned around and saw the crazy girl on the end of the dark hall. All the lights began to flicker then suddenly went out. And Zayn wasn't a dumb child,oh no. he knew exactly what he had to do: run for dear life.

So he did,tear were streaming down his chubby cheeks by then. He wondered why no one was helping him. Where was his mommy and daddy? He clearly remembers his daddy saying that he would scare every single monster away,he promised that he would always be Zayn's hero; even better that Spiderman,Iron Man and Superman combined but where was he now?

Zayn hid behind the couch,small whimpers leaving his mouth. His eyes couldn't exactly adjust to the dark just yet,but seeming like someone answered his prayers the light turned back on....or not.

The girl now stood above Zayn,stretching her bloody hands out to him. Before Zayn could open his mouth to scream,a hand was covering his mouth preventing him from screaming. The rotten,metallic smell of blood was suffocating him,the last thing he felt was a sloppy kiss on his forehead before he passed out in the stranger's arms.

"You're mine now,baby boy" a wicked voice whispered,smiling widely.

And that girl was none other than Meredith,the forgotten child. And now,Zayn's personal demon.

The next morning,the whole neighborhood was in shock. Police cars where everywhere,and the Malik household was surrounded by yellow 'do not cross' ribbons. Now,the scene from the inside was way more worse. Furnitures where flipped over,and things were thrown all across the house. The police officers discovered a blood trail,that led them straight to the parents,who were both dead.

The room was as destroyed as the rest of the house,the only difference being that the walls had blood splattered on them. Several bloody hand prints that were smeared and broken glass,lots and lots of broken glass.

Later on, Yaser and Trisha Malik were pronounced dead and that's the same exact day their son,Zayn Malik was declared missing. As several years went by,not a single clue had been found. Everyone gave up on the little boy,saying that there could be no way the boy might still be alive,and finally the cops closed the Malik case.

But what nobody knew was that the same little boy,whom they had all gave up on,was still walking on the streets,with his demon living inside him.


So... you finally got a little piece of Zayn's past. I recommend everyone to pay careful attention to every detail of Zayn's past,might help you on the way. This story makes more sense because the past was the beginning and the ending of it all. And yes,I might put more 'special chapters'. Maybe one of how the parents were killed?

SO BABES. HOW WAS IT? I can do way better than that...-Adorcble.

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