Chapter 22.

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» Special Chapter

[ Meredith's Revenge Plan ]

As the boys had officially banned Meredith's soul from Zayn's vessel she now had no weapon to defend herself with,nor her main thing to finish the plan. And so she found herself returning to the only one who would know what to do,the only one she trusted.

"Master" she gushed as she bowed down in front of his throne. "I have come to inform you that I have failed you,my lord."

The man above her did nothing else but let out a throaty bitter sweet laugh as he stared down at his servant. He of course already knew what had happened but was slightly amused that the pathetic child kneeling down on his shiny golden steps,couldn't use her brain to think of her next move. "Rise before me,love" he commended,not fazed by her drama. Meredith stood up,brushing the dust from her knees and she looked into the eyes of the devil himself.

The man smirked and he stared boredom at his nails. "A little bird told me that those brats banned you from Malik's vessel,meaning that they've defeated you correct?"

The forgotten girl bowed her head in shame,nodding to confirm that her master's theory was absolutely correct,no foul detected. Suddenly the sound of skin coming in contact with another was able to be heard,which came as a shock to the young demon. Her cheek stung,she was in pain but she didn't want to lose her dignity,crying in front of the master didn't make him feel sympathy towards anyone. Meredith grabbed her cheek as she bit harshly on her lip to prevent her from shedding tears in the man's presence.

"You immature fuck!" The master yelled,his strong voice booming all around the palace. His breathing was rapid,and his vains popping out all over his neck. Demon or not,Meredith felt hopeless in this situation. She knew very well to never upset the master for there shall be horrible consequences. But it wasn't her fault,oh no. If it wasn't for those pricks that went by the name Louis and Harry,she would have gotten her job done by now.

The master's voice boomed once more interrupting her from her thoughts as he grabbed her by the hair,yanking her head back. "Don't think that crying will make be go easier on you, you piece if shit. I can grab your useless soul and give them to my precious hell-hounds so they could feed in you" he said,laughing.

Meredith was confused to why the master suddenly began to laugh,what she didn't know was that he was reading her every thought.

"Ah,so Tomlinson and Styles ruined my precious plan,aye?"

The girl nodded vigorously,hoping that she wouldn't get in trouble and so the guy slowly released her hair. "I've always been two steps ahead of you my darling,but I never saw that coming" the master exhaled slowly.

"I knew Malik would get too attached to our little fragile Oracle so I unfortunately had to do something about it" he smirked,looking towards the door.

Just as Meredith was about to question what her master meant,there came the guards with a yelling prisoner,trashing around in their arms. "You!" he spat,towards the evil man. "You will pay for your sins,God will damn you into the pits of hell you bastard!"

The man walked circles around the other,grinning at the old man's words. There was nothing he enjoyed more than seeing people beg,scream and ask for mercy but he was sunned that such a short,old man had such a huge mouth. "I just wanted to get a close up look at the famous Oracle myself,dear Meredith. Grandpa here just happened to be standing in my way so here's my advice to you: kill whoever the fuck is in your way,understood?"

Meredith gave him a nod,signaling that she indeed understood his words. The man was quite happy with the response she had given him. "Good,good. Now,guards take him away to my precious hell-hounds" the master chuckled bitterly.

"They're starving"

So they took him away as he scream at the devil,and even in his time of death,he still prayed that God would forgive his sins. He hoped that he would be separated from the rest of the world when he dies,leave him to suffer alone. He man smiled at the feisty old chubby man,giving him a wave.

"Goodbye Father Desmond,see ya' in the afterlife"

When he left,the devil finally dropped his friendly act as he slumped into his chair,scoffing as he admired himself into the mirror that stood beside him. "I'm never shape-shifting into an old man again"

The girl stood quietly in the center of the room,awaiting to hear her master's next commands. Maybe she will die today,but luckily he dismissed her.

"Run along child,I'm giving you one last chance. Find a new vessel and get this over with" he sneered.

With one last bow for her master she left as fast as she could,leaving her master laughing at the naive girl that was once so desperate for his love.


Meredith wandered the around the quiet streets on a Sunday morning,knowing very well that everyone would be at church.

Church. She mentally cringed at the name,she despised that place more than she despised humans. Raised into a world of hate,she knew better than to believe those Christian's words about how everything will eventually 'get better' but did things actually get better? No. Things remained the same.

A young man bumped into her shoulder,apologizing more than enough times for every mistake the whole world would make before he continued to run. He was handsome to say at least,but that wasn't what made the demon girl,smirk. No,it was the fact that she could smell his pure soul in his body.

The young handsome man was in a suit,which was strange to run in. Meredith assumed that he had been searching for something,without being able to find it. So she followed after him till he reached the point where he couldn't go anywhere.

She blocked his path and be had absolutely no idea who she was. "Um,excuse me but you're blocking my view..." he said,scratching behind his neck. The girl chuckled,eyeing the boy up and down and responded. "Oh honey,I am the view"

Just as the boy was about to walk past her,she stuck out her foot,tripping the poor boy to the floor. She stood over him,enjoying the sight of him in pain,she hissed at him,showing her sharp abnormal teeth to make him scream.

The screaming of the boy was all that was able to be heard before it went dead quiet once again. When the boy stood from the ground,he dusted his shoulders off,fixing his suit before he walked away with pride. His once brown eyes,now pitch black with a smirk on his face.

It seemed that Meredith now found a new vessel.

Watch out,Zayn Malik. I'm coming for you.

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