Chapter 27.

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« Zayn »

Staring at the glass case that contained my friends' vessels in it,I questioned why on earth I didn't put mine in as well. Then it came to me: because mine was only rotten flesh. Seeing their faces,how they once where pained me somehow. They didn't deserve to have their lives taken away from them so soon,but then again,neither did the rest of us.

During the time I first met these guys you could say that I was a wreck,but as the years went by I finally learned how to accept what we are,that this was our lives now. That's when all of this truly began. I saw the beauty in the darkest things,the death suddenly fascinated me,I wanted more. Even though anyone here refuses to look at their past selves,I made each and every one of them tell me where their original vessel was located.

The original vessel is the one you were during the time you had been killed or 'transformed' as you would like to call it. It was indeed a messed up thing to do but since mine was too far gone,beyond repair I decided to own my friends' and try to accomplish what I planned,but with theirs instead. So I tracked them all down and brought them here in the basement below the house,and with a little bit of fixing all of the vessels were good as new. I had built a freezer in the form of a glass case and placed all three inside,like my own personal museum. Every time one felt troubled,I would bring them in here to stare at themselves so they would not or ever forget the person they once used to be.

Which brings us to what I'm doing now. Standing in front of my collection as I stare at a wide-eyed younger version of Harry. His skin was pale and his lips were blue,the boy was wearing nothing but swim shorts as his body stood in the freezer,lips parted,staring blankly ahead.

Harry Styles died at the age of fifteen,drowned in his own pool. His death wasn't an accident,that's for sure. It was the lad's birthday and he decided to throw a pool party and invited some 'friends' to celebrate it with him. After young Harry's mom went inside to get some snacks before clearly instructing that everyone stood at the side of the pool so his dad could take of the pool cover,this boy thought it would be a great idea to push Harry in.

So as young Harry was trying to get back up,he accidentally wrapped all the plastic pool cover all around him,which choked the boy and resulted in his death. Everyone laughed till they saw the birthday's boy frozen with a shocked expression as he had the plastic cover wrapped around his neck. Some,including the one who passed him ran away and others who were more considerate and wise immediately took action and ran inside the house,yelling for Harry's mother.

When the police arrived,they forced Harry's sobbing family to leave the house while they investigated the scene. So with no other choice the broken hearted mother and the pained father had to leave their child behind. After the investigation the police didn't even consider taking in the body,no they left the boy's body in the pool.

You see,the reason I kept the vessel's was because there was a lesson to be learned out of their stories. From Harry I learned not to trust anyone,no matter how much you claim to trust them.

"I will never understand why you enjoy watching our vessels so much" a feminine voice spoke.

Next to me suddenly stood Sarah,hands behind her back as she stared at her own vessel with a small smile. Others would have almost had a heart attack if someone sneaked up to them like that,but I was already used to it. "I'm sorry you couldn't see J-" Sarah held up her hand,cutting me off half way as she shook her head with a smile.

"First of all,don't ever say his name" the girl said in a bitter tone,the venom dripping from her voice."And it's not your fault,Zayn. What's done is done,unfortunately there's no way to go back in time and change things" she spoke with a low voice. The sadness in her eyes was clearly visible when someone spoke about her past.

With a nod I silently agreed to her statement,she smiled at me,clapping both of her hands together. "But anyways,that's not what I'm here for. Our prisoner requested your presence"

I was confused when Sarah told me that Candice requested my presence. Why would she want to see me? Sarah noticed my confused stare as she let out a snort. "I know right,and immediately may I add"

Thanking the girl,I made my way to the flight of stairs that lead me to the room where we kept Candice Chandler locked up. Despite Louis' protest the rest of us decided to keep her since you may never know,she could be useful to us. This may be my house and all but using the manners my parents once thought me,I knocked on to the door. When a small voice replied with a soft 'come in' I turned the knob,entering the room.

Candice sat by the widow,staring at the rain. She borrowed Sarah's clothes since none of the boy clothing fit her. Even if she is a prisoner,we still treat her as the human she is,meaning daily food,access to the shower and things to keep her from getting bored. Being locked up was ready a punishment as it is.

"You requested me?"

"Zayn..." she breathed out,carefully. "Niall is in danger"

My attention was fully directed towards her as she mentioned Niall's name. "There's a voice" she began,"a voice that's whispering to him a-and he's following" Candice explained. How was it possible that I couldn't hear that voice? "That's because it's hypnosis,Zayn. Someone is trying to capture Niall so you better hurry"

I could have never pictured one of our enemies to be helping,but at a moment like this everything was possible. "Where is he,Candice? Tell me!" My voice was loud enough to make her wince,but at the moment I didn't care. I had to know where to find him.

"In the darkest room you have here"

I sprint my way out of the room,passing Louis and Harry even the Horan's who were giving me confused stares. "What's up mate?" Louis asked as he tried tried to make me sit down. Harry stepped forward,rubbing my back "Yeah,where's the fire?"

I grew frustrated and slapped both their hands away. "There is no goddamn fire,Niall's in trouble now come on!" The three of us ran to the room that Candice said that Niall supposedly was,leaving Greg and Denise Horan behind in the living room. Chandler better pray that she's telling the truth or I swear to every God there is that I would not hesitate to kill her.

The moment we got close enough to the door was the moment I could actually hear the voice.

"Follow me to safe heaven"

I twisted the knob,only to find that the door was locked. "Niall!" I yelled as I banged my body against the door. "Niall,don't listen to him!" Louis started kicking the door while Harry was busting his shoulder against the door. Louis yanked us back from the door as he saw that we were had no chance to break the door.

"On three" he panted.




We ran charged towards the door,causing it to break down. I ran inside to see the balcony door wide open. "Shit" The sight below wasn't pretty at all. "Oh shit,please don't" There on the ground below laid the body of the boy I grew so fond of,limbs in weird angles,in his own pile of blood.

Sarah quickly ran down to his body along with Candice after I guess that either Louis or Harry called and told them. She kneeled down,next to the body and began observing it. I was in so much pain,crying my eyes out even though I promised not to cry,that I didn't even notice Candice was in front of me,sitting on the balcony. The same balcony he jumped off.

"Zayn,stop crying"

I look up and saw that he had one of his arms in her hand,waving it around like it's nothing. "This isn't real" she said.

"He's fucking dead and you're telling me this isn't real!?"

"No,what I'm telling you is that the body down there is fake"

Did that mean that-

"Yeah,someone framed you into thinking that Niall died" Candice explained.

"He's alive and someone got hold of him"

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