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It is said that when it rains, it is easier to sleep.

The rain poured over Graydune that was accompanied by a storm as well that danced over the area all night long.

The proxies gave up on going out of their hideouts to kill. As Masky and Hoodie had made it to their current home after going for a material hunt, Toby stayed behind inside of the western cabin. He could've made home it if he wanted to a few hours ago, but decided to stay here until the rain calmed down.

He hated this cabin with his whole murderous heart, yet tonight, it was the coziest place on earth. He finally saw it have a purpose, a meaningful one at that.

I'm now so much closer ...

Ah...just thinking about her made it all seem sweeter.

Honestly, the rain would not be problem if he chose to go get her this instant. Actually, that was not a bad idea. Her soft warm body would be nice to feel again against his, this time alone in this cabin, away from her mom and him away from the other proxies. Just the two of them on this scary, rainy night...

All control in his hands...

He was already thinking of all the places he'll have her tied up as to not leave his side. Yes, he was aware that the first days were going to be a bit hard for her to adjust, but he was sure that with a little bit of 'care' she'll become more obedient.

More dependent on him...

At times his sadistic daydreams did stop and his insecurities kicked in, the ones that he would never admit to any soul on earth.

What about his... face? His horrifying scar? Will it scare her? Could she not love him because of that?


Love him?


Toby started to blush hard at the thought of such word. A strong word for the situation, but he gave himself the enjoyment of it since nobody could truly stop his thoughts other than himself.

But even if it were not possible, it was not that much of a bother. Loved or not, she is his, and always will be.

He has marked her as his.

Her body and soul will belong to him.

He'll become her whole world, and she will learn to deal with that.

Just a little more time...

Toby laid down on the ground and fastly fell asleep.

Yes, give the girl time and she'll stay with you forever... he thought as he recalled his dream with a wide smile spread across his face.

He leaned against the wall and listened to the rain, closing his eyes as he held one of his axes close to his chest.



Hours have passed and the rain seemed to end for now.

Toby went back to where the guys where ready to happily announce what he had found out.

He walked much faster than normally just in case there was a chance that it could rain again, but by the time he was close enough to his destination, he had to run.

He ran all the way to the door and kicked it open.

"YOO!!!" He yelled, waking up Masky and Hoodie immediatly.

Masky, being woken up from his slumber, quickly reached for his boot that stood by the couch and threw it at Toby, but missing him as Toby ducked.

"Aww Masky, did I wake you up?" Toby said with a smile, obviously ready to provoke Masky a little. He did deserve it for all of the times Masky had disturbed his sleep.

𝕆𝕨𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 ~proxies x reader~Where stories live. Discover now