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The two proxies were impatiently waiting for their third member to come back from town. They could begin the hunt for potential victims without him, but their boss didn't allow that, just like they weren't allowed to be seen in public at the same time.

Only recently has the region become aware of the dangers of the Slenderman and his proxies who haunted the forest. Many of the people who dared to enter too deep would be later found dead, in one piece if lucky. The murders did not occur only inside of the forest, but inside of towns and villages too. Each night signified fear, the streets would be for the most part empthy as nobody dared to leave their house. Some started believing that, if you spoke about the murders, you'd be practically inviting the murderers into your home. The police was alert at all times looking for potential suspects, but with no luck.

Masky was instructed to get to the local pharmacy and buy some pills and bandages. Although it was a privilege to work for Slenderman and be granted the ability to heal fast, the proxies had to take extra precaution due to their physical work.

Tim kept thinking about the girl that he saw- he had been coming to Graydune for the last 6 years, yet never encountered her nor any young lady named Y/N. Not like he talked to the locals, but he would listen closely to other people's conversations whenever he could, either while hunting or not.

"Y/N..."  it felt nice to say her name. It felt nice talking to her, bumping into her, locking eyes with her...

But what did not feel nice was knowing he was making his boss wait.

He hurried to the meeting spot where his coworkers eagerly waited for him. There they were, sitting on the floor, resting their bodies onto an old tree.

The Operator appeared before them, watching as his three proxys gathered themselfs and go up to him.

"My proxies," a dark voice echoed into the minds of the men standing before the faceless creature "I must leave for the Underworld tonight and will not be back until the third full moon. Thus, you shall all carry your work as always and not split up. Masky," Tim took a step forward when hearing his name "you shall be in charge of anything that happends. You three know what to do."

"Yes, master" the three proxies replied in unison. With that, the tall slender figure dissapeared, and the proxies gathered to discuss what to do.

"T-third full m-moon?" Toby asked, looking at his coworkers. Hoodie crossed his arms over his chest: "I wasn't expecting that...good thing is we won't be getting headaches for a while" he smiled, relieved.

Masky was glad about that too. Killing was the only job they had, but without the Operator around, he could pause it for a while and rest. Slenderman had thanks to their sacrifices became powerful enough to go to the Underworld. Still, sacrifices were mandatory for the men, so they couldn't delay them for too long.

The clouds were becoming more and more dark, indicating it'll rain in a few hours. That meant they had to get to the closest abandoned cabin fast.

Toby looked back at the trail towards Y/N 's house, thinking.
"Toby," Hoodie called, making Toby crack his neck. "We've got the old western cabin close to here. Get going" the hooded man grunted. As Hoodie started to walk, Masky grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Dumbass, the abandoned house near Graydune has more room for sleep and a less chance to get attacked by who knows what while we're at it." Hoodie looked at the guy dumbfolded, until he realized his good friend has not heard of the news yet.

"Ma-masky" Toby spoke "There's n-new people li-living t-there"
Masky looked confused for a moment, but then smirked, letting go of his coworker's arm.
"Well now..." he took out his mask and carefully placed it on his face. "We could all pay them a little visit".

𝕆𝕨𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 ~proxies x reader~Where stories live. Discover now