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10.55 pm

Y/N locked her bedroom's balcony and hid any valueables she had in her room. Although it was meant to be a warm night, she took out her old gym sweatpants and a t-shirt that was a few sizes bigger than her own. While leaving her room, she noticed the lights in her mother's room were still on. She carefully opened her mother's room, only to find her sleeping on the bed with an opened folder of papers laying under her, as if she had passed out reading them. Y/N quickly grabbed the spare house keys that were on the nightstand next to the door and turned the lights off before exiting the room. After washing her face and brushing her teeth in the bathroom, she went back downstairs to the kitchen.

Y/N took out a small plastic container of vitamins from the kitchen drawer and a tall clean glass from the kitchen sink which she filled up with water. She took a sip of water and swallowed the pill then carefully put the glass aside and returned the container back into the drawer. The lack of vitamins and overall stress have been taking a turn on her lately, making her feel weaker and more tired than usual. 

She decided to check up on Brian, expecting him to be where she last saw him sitting under the kitchen window. She peeked through the glass carefully, trying to not accidentaly scare him. Yet no matter how much she searched, the man was not there.
Y/N sighed, although not sure if she should really be feeling relieved. The guy was nice, yet he gave her some odd vibes. She didn't care to think about whether he went to do his business in the woods or if he just gived up and went home. It would've been better for her if he didn't show up again or think about doing something that would wake up her mom.
Why the hell did I agree?! Y/N yelled inside her head,
"I can protect myself, I shoudn't have...agreed..." she murmured as she turned off the lights of the first floor and went to the couch where she wrapped herself in a big blanket.

Such a strange man...and strange town...

The man fell face down on the ground after a hard blow to the back of his head. His whole body was paralized from fear and from pain due to the stab wounds on his arms and stomach, realizing that he coudn't do anything to stop what was coming.

As the man whimpered, he watched as his murderer digged out a large rock and carried it closer and closer to him. As tears runned down his cheeks, he tried to crawl away from the killer, but the masked man caught up to him and put his foot on the dying man's back.

The dying man looked up at him, only being able to see that his murderer had an orange hoodie and a black mask. "No..." he whimpered, but his voice was quickly silenced by the heavy rock violently throw at his head, smashing his skull in a second, instantly killing him.

"Fucker..." Hoodie murmured. The thought of this man being the one who assaulted Y/N made him hungry for blood, but on the other hand he felt some sort of relief, his cocky self getting a little too excited to tell her the good news. 

I'll bury him in the morning.

He yanked the mask off his face and wiped the sweat off of his forehead. More silence arose from the forest - as dead as the murdered man. Hoodie scratched his head and grunted, feeling his blood burn from the inside. His heart beat loudly and fast, it would take a while for his...wilderness to wear off. A grin formed on his face as he looked at the dead man again.

Throwing his head back and looking up at the dark sky, he thought of his master and his actual mission. 
"Hah..." he exaustedly laughed. Tired and worn off, yet not satisfied. 

Get more...I should get...more... 

His mind screamed at him, as to remember who is he doing this for tonight. Although not really wanting to admit, he knew damn well it wasn't for Slenderman, even though it was his duty. 

𝕆𝕨𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 ~proxies x reader~Where stories live. Discover now