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Wow, two chapters in one week?
Yes, I'm surprised as well.
- A.


Y/N's mother walked into the living around 7.30 am and immediatly went to turn on the tv to catch up with the morning news while she made herself a cup of coffee in the kitchen. As she walked by the couch, she noticed her daughter was sleeping on it, which she found quite odd and a bit juvenile from her daughter. "Y/N, go to your bed if you want to sleep..." she said to her daughter as she yanked the blanket off of her, waking up Y/N instantly from her deep slumber. Her mom rolled up the blanket then threw it back at Y/N before she went to the kitchen a pulled out a mug from the cupboard.
Y/N got up and sticked her tongue at her (or middle finger, reader's choice) once her back was turned. This morning Y/N felt that her body was a bit weaker than usual, but thought about it being the result of not sleeping properly.
"Why were you sleeping on the couch? You have such a beautiful room upstairs and you still decide to sleep on that old thing..." her mom kept complaining as she opened all the windows on the first floor. Y/N ignored her complaining and went to the kitchen to grab a slice of bread and a glass of water before going upstairs into her room. Once she entered, she slammed the bedroom door shut and slided the balcony's door to the side, letting herself step outside and enjoy the morning breeze. Y/N sat down on the semi-tall wooden stool she placed there last time for decoration and put her feet up on the balcony's columns, taking a big bite out of the slice of bread that she took with her earlier.
Hah...what a scary nightmare that was... she thought as she could barely remember the weird 'nightmare' she had earlier that night, which to her, like most dreams, was recalled more as a series of different scenes rather than one whole dream that had it's proper start and finish.
First hearing some weird voices coming from outside, suddently appearing in the middle of a dark forest, running away from what her gut was percieving as danger...
There was something in the woods, a figure was stalking her... Y/N started running down the random path infront of her, hearing several footsteps chasing after her, only to be grabbed by her shirt, get pushed back and having some sort of fabric placed against her nose. She could feel an arm wrapped around her waist, holding her tight as she became more and more sleepy...
Y/N drank the rest of the water and left the glass on the box she was sitting on. She ate what was left of that bread and entered back inside, grabbing her robe from the closet and rushing into the bathroom to take a shower before her mom could call for her again.

~ ~ ~
 Masky and Hoodie managed to succesfully dispose of the dead man's body, but this time their interraction was fully silent, all the way home.
Masky had his hands in his front pockets, one of them holding onto Y/N's phone that he had not disposed of nor done with it what he was actually planning to do at first. The other one was disposed of along with the dead man's body while Hoodie wasn't looking, but just as he was about to get rid of the other one, he decided to keep it, thinking  how it could be useful in the future. Well, once he gets home he did plan on digging through that phone hoping he'll find some more personal information about Y/N, but not infront of the guys - he didn't want them to question his actions, like how did he get to that phone.
Hoodie was not satisfied with how the night went. He was glad that Masky did not suspect his actions, but in contrast Hoodie was feeling the opposite: Masky had not explained why he went to that house in the middle of the night, and for what reason. Maybe he was the one who planned on breaking the rules but just happened to run into him and tried to save his ass by accusing him of trying to break the rules.  He was without a doubt, in a horribly bad mood. So many things have gone bad tonight, and all because of Masky. His provocations, physical confrontations, the familiar look of hunger in his eyes when he was looking at Y/N while holding the drug-infused cloth in his hand, how he suddently started chasing her...
--Flashback: a few hours ago--
As Masky proceeded to violently grab her and hold the cloth against her nose while her body tried to fight him off, Hoodie was standing far enough so that he didn't have to see it all from up close. He took his missions very seriously, (although at times it might not seem like it) and protecting Y/N that night was, in a way, Slenderman's orders too. He failed his mission the moment he let Masky pull out that cloth and he failed Y/N at promising to protect her. He had, most importantly, felt as he had failed Slenderman as his proxy for letting his mind wonder anywhere else but at what was important to do.
 Hoodie started walking up to them just as  Masky laid Y/N down on the ground. The way her unconscious body was laid on the ground, being surrounded by green grass and tiny white flowers- who would guess at first that this girl had just been hunted down or been through so much fear and stress just a few seconds ago? First trying to fight her chaser off, running away and screaming for help, even trying a few times to fight him off with her knife, but nothing worked for her. Now she laid there, peacefully sleeping at at the mercy of the two killers standing over her. They both stayed quiet, each of them admiring the sight at their feet. Masky, thinking that Hoodie was quiet because he was waiting for the next orders, stopped gazing at the girl and pat Hoodie on the shoulder, disturbing him as he was also gazing at Y/N with a hint of sadness in his eyes, which was thankfully covered by the mask on his face. "Come on, let's get her home before sunrise..." Masky mumbled and rolled up his sleeves. Hoodie nodded and did the same as both proxies crouched down next to Y/N's sleeping body.
Remembering how Y/N did prepare her things earlier to sleep on the couch, Hoodie offered to carry the girl inside, pointing out how he out of all three was in fact the quietest one when sneaking into houses, which immediatly convinced Masky to give up Y/N to him while he kept guard outside. Hoodie carried Y/N's unconscious body inside with his arms holding her under her shoulders and knees, secretly enjoying how light she felt in his arms. The front door was slightly open from before, so Hoodie lightly pushed it a bit in order to get inside. He already knew from his previous visits before Y/N moved into the house where everything was, so he quietly walked up to the couch and carefully placed Y/N on it, laying her on her back.
He kneeled down besides her and pulled up his mask right above his eyebrows, carefully taking her hand that was dangling from the couch's side. Her hand was much smaller and softer than his, much more delicate- Hoodie coudn't help but hold her hand in his palm for a few more moments. He softly caressed his thumb over her knuckles a few times, then carefully rested her hand on top of her stomach. From her stomach his eyes travelled upwards, noticing her chest gently rising as she breathed... then at her neck and face, beautiful and sweet yet hardly visible in the dark, which made Hoodie unconsciously get a bit closer to look at it better.
His heart beat loudly as he stared at her eyes and lips, wishing he didn't have to leave her side. He felt he needed to protect her more and felt bad for having to leave her with that 'mother' of hers. He got closer to her face, so close the tip of his nose could almost touch her cheeks. Hoodie's mind was in another state, a state he hadn't experienced in too many years. No matter how much he wanted to take her into his arms again, he knew that he coudn't stay any longer, Masky could get suspicious.
"I'll come back for you, soon..." Hoodie whispered and pulled his mask back down, turning his back to her as he silently walked away, closed the front door and left with Masky.

~ Present time ~

"There you are!" Toby shouted from the couch when he saw his two colleagues enter through the door. Masky ignored at him as usual, and so did Hoodie who was still in a bad mood.
"Since Toby is awake," Masky said to the guys "You two will now listen to the new plan..."
"I will later, goodnight." Hoodie said as he was about to go upstairs, but Masky grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back into the living room. Hoodie laid his back against the wall and took off his mask, revealing his annoyed expression. Masky pulled up a chair from the kitchen and Toby sat on the armrest of the couch.
"I will first explain to you about what happened while Hoodie and I were away..." Masky said to Toby who started suspecting of what he was going to talk about. Masky proceeded to continue with his talk: "We found that one of the humans the forest brought to us as sacrifice, was actually one of the two people living at the house in Graydune."
Toby felt as if his heart had sunk at that moment, and his anxiety had started to kick in.
Please, please don't let it be her... he thought.
"It was just a human girl," Masky continued talking, not aware that Toby's mind had stopped working the moment he heard the 'was' part.
"Was? Did you guys kill the girl?" Toby interrupted Masky, his tone sounding quite upset, which caught the attention of the other two proxies. Hoodie noticed that Toby had his eyes locked onto his blood-stained hoodie "We didn't kill anyone from that house, this is from another victim..." Hoodie said to Toby, who didn't respond back but felt a little more relieved.
"Concentrate Rogers" Masky spat at Toby, who coudn't help but form his hands on each side of his torso into fists. Hoodie took notice of that, but Masky seemed unphased since he was either way looking at the ground at his side, especially since he was a bit unsure of how to properly talk about his plan, so he spent more time inside his thoughts.
"Then...what did you do with her?" Toby asked again. "Masky drugged her and then we took her back home." Hoodie said in an annoyed tone, turning his back at the guys as he entered the kitchen and started digging through the cabinets looking for something to eat.
"As I was saying, the forest made her come," Masky continued, "but we can not murder anyone from that house unless we want the next few months to be extra difficult for us, it is not worth the trouble for only one victim..."
"S-so?" Toby asked, leaning in closer to Masky.
"So since  we can not go against the forest, even if we let them live there we all know she will be brought back to us again, if not killed by us then by something else that will not benefit our master..."
Hoodie walked back to them and stood a few meters from Masky, already knowing what he was going to say.
"...She might have to accept that her last days will be spent here, with us. Not this instant, but definitely soon..."
The whole room stayed quiet for a while after Masky was done talking. Toby stayed in his seat as the other two stood up from their spots. "Fine, I'm going to rest..." Hoodie broke the silence and turned around.
Toby watched as Hoodie walked upstairs and Masky went to sit on the couch "I...think I let my h-hatchet outside..."Toby semi-whispered to Masky, who just waved his hand at him. Toby went outside and walked away deeper into the woods, far enough so that none of the guys could accidentally see him from the cabin.
He had a huge grin spread across his face, even though he was a bit shocked from what he had been told, never expecting to hear such orders come from Masky's mouth so soon.
Has he actually gained permission to go after his Y/N without even asking for it?
As the morning sun was coming out to illuminate Slenderman's woods, Toby opened up his arms and turned his palms upwards, looking up at the sky above him.
"Lyra!" he shouted happily at the sky,
"Was it you, Lyra? You're still with me?" Toby kneeled down on the ground, still smiling at the sky.

After all, she always knew what was best for her little brother.


𝕆𝕨𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 ~proxies x reader~Where stories live. Discover now