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Toby pushed the cabin's front door open and threw two dead rabbits on the table. "Guess who's homeee" he yelled at the the empthy room, not realising how late he came home. It took him a while to catch those rabbits and by the time he got home it was already the next day. He went upstairs to see that the bedroom was empthy too, which meant that his coworkers went on a 'hunt' without him. Once he took his clothes off, he jumped on the bed and rested his hands behind his head. A wide smile was spread across his cheeks as he thought of the many years that have passed since he felt this happy. His mind coudn't stop replaying what happened, he felt proud of what he has done. He did what he believed was right: claimed Y/N as his own. Atleast that's what he thought kissing meant.

She's mine now, all mine...

He found it hard to concentrate on anything else at the moment. He wasn't even thinking about the consequences, because if the girl called the police, he knew what he had to do. Toby knew how feared were his boss and his coworkers to the people living in the area and that if he made it clear that he wants that girl just for himself, the town's folk would leave her in the woods without a doubt, hoping to please the Slenderman and leave their families alone. No matter what, he knew that the chances of not keeping her were pretty slim.

He bit his lip hard as he again thought of her struggling body beneath his and her soft, sweet lips pressed against his. It was so...addictive. For once, he felt empowered and confident in his skin, realizing that he can and will be doing much, much more.

Y/N, I'll kiss you again, I'll protect you, I'll have you, I'll own you...


Not so far away from the proxy's current hiding spot was a very small village with less than 15 habitants around. All older folk, believers of the Slenderman's curse who have for the most part been spared by him. These people knew very well that if speaking about anything related to Slenderman to someone else is an ultimate death wish. They believed that, the more you think of him, the closer he gets to you, as his evil-being could feel your spirit calling to him through the wind. Unfortunally, that wasn't far from the truth.

Not many people knew about the true descent of the proxies, some believed they were evil spirits of former humans now trapped in decaying bodies that feed on flesh, while others believed that they were former children abducted by Slenderman who's minds are being controlled now. It might sound exaggerated, but unfortunally, nobody dared to dig deeper into the matter.

And right into that village did Masky and Hoodie decide to get some stuff done. The village didn't have a store in which they could break in and since they were on a food shortage they had no other option but to break into someone's home. Last time they've 'visited' this place was over a year ago, so it felt pretty safe by now to come back.

They both sneaked inside the house, silently searching for any sign of life. Masky searched for the owner of the house while Hoodie grabbed food and supplies they might need. The owner was nowhere to be found and the sun was about to come up, so the both men gave up on killing anyone tonight and decided to head back home.

"Do you think we should burn the house down?" Hoodie asked once they exited the front porch, but Masky didn't bother answering. They were both unsatisfied with today's mission, mainly because they overslept through the night and also lost time on their way to the village. Not to mention, they found it weird that there was nobody in the house.

As they were both walking down the same road they came earlier, a sudden 'vroom' sound of a motorbike could be heard coming behind the men. Masky and Hoodie both hid behind the trees on each side of the road, hoping the person would ride right past them, but the man got off his motorbike and pulled out an axe as he yelled into the air: "you c*nts! I know you're there! I'll cut of both of yer' hands for taking my stuff!" The very short man yelled as he swinged the axe from side to side, not expecting how close the men he was looking for actually were. He was caught off guard when he turned his back towards them and was struck on the back of the head with a sharp, heavy rock. The man got on his knees and held his head while screaming in pain, letting go of the axe. Before he could look up again, Hoodie quickly struck him over the head with a large pipe, leaving him unconsious. Both proxies now stared at the unconsious man in complete silence.

𝕆𝕨𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 ~proxies x reader~Where stories live. Discover now