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"What are you doing here?!" Y/N screamed at the guy standing behind the window. Brian shrugged and responded something to her , but his words were muffled due to the thick glass between them. Y/N got up and walked up to the window, about to open it up. Brian's heart was filled with excitement, but immediatly dropped when he saw her doubt whether she should open the window or not. 
"Are you scared of me?" He asked her, thankfully this time he was audible. Y/N stared back at him, still thinking of last night's guy. She was now even more convinced it coudn't have been this guy, he seemed much taller and his hair was shorter. Also, she kind of remembered what his voice sounded like. Y/N opened the window just a little bit, not detaching her hand from the window's handle. 
"What do you want?" Y/N calmly asked Brian, trying to appear unbothered, but his sudden appearance made her more than terrified. Brian gave her a look of concern, but Y/N repeatedly avoided eye-contact with him, looking down at his bruised hands. "I saw what happened, I just wanted to make sure nothing dangerous was happening." He tried to get closer to her, but Y/N closed the window on him and took a step back, crossing her arms over her chest while at it.
Why won't you let me inside?
 "I'm here to help you." He said louder to make sure she heard him. "Where did you come from? Are you a forest ranger?" Y/N asked, making Brian give her a confused look indicating he coudn't hear her well and that she had to open the window. "Wait!" She ran to the kitchen counter and pulled out a large kitchen knife then ran back to the still closed window, holding the knife infront of her to make sure it warned the man that she is not here to play. Brian looked down at the knife for barely a second, then glanced back up and kept looking deep into Y/N's eyes, thinking that the way she thought he'd be easily overpowered by such an unsignificant object was quite adorable. 
As dangerous as a kitten he thought.
"Do you have a phone?" Y/N asked out of the blue, hoping that atleast he was going to actually help her out as he said. "Where's yours?" He asked back. "She took it with her." Y/N responded to Brian. "No" he said, resting his hands on the window stool, purposely getting closer to Y/N. She held the knife infront of his nose, glaring while at it. He looked at the knife unphased, then back up at Y/N. "That's not very nice" he said to her with a wry smile.
Masky cursed Hoodie under his breath as he dragged the unconsious man through the woods towards a cliff. That cliff was barely secured by a knee-high rock wall which to Masky seemed like a perfect place to fake this man's suicide. On the bad side, it was next to the road and since it was already morning, he had to hurry. He crossed the road with the man resting on his shoulders and put him down next to a tree. Good thing was that on every side of the road were tall, thick trees and bushes, so in case a car was about to pass by, he could just hide for a few seconds with the unconsious villager and not be spotted. He walked up to the cliff and rested his foot on the shaky rocks, searching his back pockets for a cigarette. He grunted when he didn't find one, so he just standed there, looking at the nature infront of him. He thought about Hoodie's weird behaviour: wasn't it around this time years ago that he became a proxy?
Sometime in late spring I think it was... he muttered and crossed his arms. He understood the feeling, although not remembering the date, the seasons were usually the ones who triggered most memories of their past life- at such times, the proxy's were known to become more distant, violent, weird and although they woudn't admit it, emotional. 
Hoodie most likely went to visit his old home that was surely now in ruins or maybe he went to the bridge where his father...
Masky stopped thinking when he heard a car approaching from afar. He quickly grabbed the villager by the shirt and dragged him behind a thick bush where he also ducked behind. He saw a grey car slowly driving down the road then suddently stopping at the side of the road, next to the cliff. From the car stepped out a middle aged woman with her hair tied in a tall bun and a green vest. Masky watched her as she pulled out a few devices and hurridly walked up to the cliff, not noticing the murderer hiding silently behind the bushes on her right side. He watched her, slowly taking out his hunting knife from his back pocket in case he'll have to send two people over the cliff. The woman held what looked like two phones in her hands. She  looked down at them then up again towards the cliff. She looked around in every direction, and that's when Masky recognized her: he could bet that she was the mother of that girl he bumped into the other day at Graydune. He then remembered the mom and the car she drove, it was definetely Y/N's mom. 
Amelia threw the house home over the cliff, watching it fall and hit the ground. She then held her daughter's phone as she told herself that it was the best thing to do. "I don't care what happends, Y/N, I'm doing this for our own good..." she muttered before throwing the phone as far as possible over the cliff, watching it vanish between the trees. "I won't let him get to us because of your silliness..." she muttered once again before heading back to her car and driving off. When Masky was convinced that the coast was clear, he got out from his hiding spot and looked towards the cliff, trying to understand what had just happened. He shrugged and went back to taking care of the villager before he wakes up. He passed him over the small rock wall, not caring to watch the body fall as he knew the man would be definetely dead once it's head hits the ground. As he walked away he coudn't help but wonder about the woman's actions. The way she spoke and how she threw those two phones triggered his curiosity. Maybe she was throwing evidence of something others shoudn't know about? 
He decided to go down and find out what happened. The way she said Y/N's name, maybe that woman did something to her. Maybe, it would be something worth alerting the Operator of.
The cliff was not an obstacle for the proxy, as being the server of a god-like creature, he knew about paths and secret hiding spots ordinary villagers would never encounter in their lives. As such, his descending to the foot of the rock cliff was not time consuming.
He found  the first phone immediatly, since it was a quite modern detachable house phone that was long and white. It looked familiar to him, so he guarded it in his pocket. He pulled out his phone and looked for Y/N's number, expecting her phone to be the one thrown from above and to make the search easier. Just as he selected to call her, a phone started ringing closeby. He followed the sound and found Y/N's phone under a tree, undamaged. He picked it up and observed it from the outside, then opened it up and started looking for any clues. She had no pictures, no email address, no games but only had two contacts: his and her mom's. He looked through the messages too, but only found their conversation.
He pulled out the house phone with his free hand from his pocket and looked at the semi-cracked screen. Although hardly visible, you could still make out the address that he immediatly recognized.
With such, it was enough for him to think that if he wanted to see her again before his master's return, it would be worth it to bring this phone back to her. Even if she didn't want it back, it would still bring him closer to her, so either way, Slenderman would be getting another sacrifice. 
"I bet poor girly misses her phone, tonight woudn't be a bad time to return it to her..." he muttered as he adjusted the mask on his face then started walking away in a random direction.
"Are there people or something living in this woods?" Y/N asked Brian, hoping to atleast get a clue from this man about yesterday's incident. "Nothing that I know of" Brian lied to her, he was not going to reveal at this moment what he really is. He didn't want this moment to end. 
It took great strenght for him to not forcefully grab her wrist so she could let go of the kitchen knife. But he was still enjoying himself, looking into those warm, fearfull eyes that were now solely focused on him. His whole body felt warm and his pain and bad mood practically vanished. It was an unfamiliar aura he hadn't felt in years that was surrounding her at that moment, yet he just coudn't get enough of it.
"Then please would you be kind enough to do me a favor?" Y/N asked him with puppy dog eyes, making this cold murderer's heart melt from her sweetness. "Em...sure" he replied with a half-smile, straightening his back and crossing his arms over his chest. "Would you please call the police or go to the station and get them to come here?" 
Hoodie felt as he had been punched. His first thought was that she was trying to trick him to call the police on him. "Why do you want them?" His voice shifted into a serious tone, sending chills down Y/N's spine. She held the knife tighter, thinking about how if there was someone that could help him out that moment, it would be him.
Maybe he'd understand if I tell him what happened, that should convince him to get to the police she thought. Unfortunally she coudn't tell when was her mom supposed to be back and what were this man's actual intentions. After last night's incident, she felt uneasy at the thought of a random man being so close to her without anyone around. 
She decided to open up about yesterday's incident to Brian. She told him about the smell she felt and the man who jumped on top of her and planted a bitter kiss on her lips. She recalled in distress about his muffled voice, his messy dark hair and pale porcelain complexion. Brian carefully listened, masking his anger as hard as he could. He tried to get more information about the guy's outer appearance, but as if it were a distant memory, Y/N coudn't remember anything else aside from his hair, skin and eyes. He gazed down at her as she looked to the side, resting her hand on her cheek, not noticing that Brian had taken a few steps towards the window. She looked up, getting startled by the guy being that close to her, so close that he could easily grab her and pull her out of the house. "What are-" Y/N started speaking when she suddently stopped at the sound of a car getting into their drive way. "Shhh..." Brian said to Y/N while resting his index finger on his lips. He walked to the corner of the wall from which you could see the main entrance and yes, the familiar grey car was just parking itself there. "Your mom's back" Brian said to Y/N once he got back to the window. Y/N opened her mouth to say something, but got interrupted once again.
"I will come back tonight, just in case that psycho tries to come again..." Brian said to Y/N who just watched him with a confused expression. "Thanks, but the police..." she started to speak when she sound of keys turning.
"See you tonight then, angel~" she heard the man said but when she turned back, he was already gone.
Y/N's mother spent the rest of the day completely ignoring her daughter.
"Mom what were you thinking?"
"Did you take my phone? Why would you take my phone?"
"The f*cking sicko could've come for me while you were not here and what do you do, huh?"
"Are you happy now mom?"
"You don't give a sh*t about me, do you? You only care about yourself, you could've just left me back home for all I care!"
Y/N kept screaming at her mother who kept ignoring her presence. The silent treatment tortured Y/N, making her give up on tackling the problem and just run up to her room and lock herself inside for hours. 
They spent the rest of the day without speaking a word to eachother. Y/N eventually went downstairs to grab a snack and spent the day watching tv and reading books. When she did think about Brian, she felt a little relieved. The guy didn't look homeless nor dangerous to her, so it made her believe that he was really going to help her out. Maybe that's normal for people living here, it probably means nothing... she thought.
Brian came back home in less than four hours. It took him a while to find a good hidding spot for his motorbike, so that wasted a bit of his time. Usually he would've disposed it, but since he planned on going back to Graydune tonight, he decided to keep it for a little while. Upon entering the home, he was greeted by Toby who was sitting on the floor, sharpening his axe with a rock. Hoodie stared at him for a while, remembering Y/N's description of yesterday's intruder.
"Hey Toby, where were you last night?" Hoodie asked abruptly. Toby looked up at his coworker then paid attention back to the axe, sharpening it more rapidly. "Working" he replied, not daring to look up again at Hoodie. Unsatisfied with the answer, Hoodie walked up to him and stood tall with his arms crossed.
"Where?" Hoodie asked, sounding threatening.
Toby put the rock aside and wiped the dirt off of axe's blade with his sleeve. "I don't look where. I just went somewhere..." he replied once again not making eye contact. He then stood up and walked upstairs to the bathroom, leaving Hoodie standing in place downstairs. He found Toby's behaviour suspicious, but maybe it's just how Toby is since he had more mental issues than Masky and him combined.
Around an hour later Masky came home too. Hoodie expected he'd start a fight, but instead he just sat down on the couch, exhausted.
"You going out later?" Masky asked out of the blue while laying his head back.
"Yeah, I got stuff to do, but alone." Hoodie replied as he walked upstairs. "Same..." Masky said back then laid down on his side.
Toby heard their conversation and started doubting whether to go back to Graydune tonight or not. Not because he was afraid he'd get caught by the police or even worse his coworkers while trying to get close to Y/N again, but because he knew that he'll be expected to stay at home in the lookout for potential intruders. Maybe if they do come home early tonight he could sneak out...
But for tonight, he should use his time wisely. Take a nap, eat, fix himself a little, think about where to go...
Last night he didn't get a chance to properly introduce himself to Y/N. But soon, once he thinks of a good plan, all of his fantasies will come true.
The day passed rather quickly to Y/N, especially after taking a long nap on the couch and watching random movies. As she was watching an old western film on the tv, she glanced back towards the small clock on the book shelf. 
8.05 pm.
"See you tonight, angel~" Brian's voice echoed inside her head. Why was he willing to do so much for her?
Something that troubled her was that she was certain he was doing this only to get something in return. She wondered if he planned on 'meeting' her mother, if he was  going to lead a police patrol to her home or if he was going to wander around her house all night. 
Either way she decided to have a little trust in this guy. He seemed nice, although there was something a little sketchy about him...
She turned the tv off and headed to the kitchen to prepare dinner. She took out a bag of uncooked rice and started looking for the other ingredients she had in mind.
Around 8.30 pm, as she was preparing her meal, a sudden knock on the nearest window startled her. It was Brian. She greeted him and told him she'll be sleeping downstairs on the couch just in case. 
Y/N offered him dinner and a blanket which Brian gladly accepted. He secretly wished Y/N would let him inside the house, but he knew that would be impossible due to Y/N being a bit paranoid about him and well, her mother living there too. Heck, he could easily get rid of the second problem, but he decided to remain calm for the moment.
Y/N went back to cleaning up the kitchen as Brian finished his meal outside.
In the meantime, back at the proxy's current home, Masky ordered Toby to stay home and make sure no intruders get in. Without any more words, Masky slammed the door behind him and continued to walk down the road that lead to Graydune with Y/N's phone in his pocket and a knife to his side. He secretly hoped he'd see her, since last time it felt as if she left quite an impression on him. He knew that the chances of talking to her today were slim because by the time he'll get to Graydune it'll already be 11 pm. Maybe watching her sleep woudn't be a bad idea...
"Hey Brian..." Y/N called out to the man sitting under the window. He looked up, his eyes connecting with Y/N's. "Yeah?" He asked, watching her reach her hand out to him. "Can you pass me your empthy bowl please?" She pointed at the empthy bowl with a fork inside that was resting on Brian's palm. He turned around and stood up from his sitting position, reaching the bowl out to Y/N. 
For a second, when she held onto the bowl, her fingers delicately brushed against his. Brian's heart thumped harder, he could almost hear it. Y/N didn't of course, she just went to the sink and started washing the bowl and the other dishes that were there, not noticing Brian leaning over the window.
He gazed at her as she was washing the dishes, admiring her pretty face and body. The way she took care of everything seemed so delicate and soft, it was admirable. 
She'd be a perfect housewife...  he thought, immediatly giving himself a mental facepalm for thinking of such thing. He leaned back and turned around, taking a few steps towards the forest. But when he thought about it more, it didn't seem that bad of an idea. 
He turned his back to the forest, looking back at the old white house where his buddies used to rest and hide their victims. He always liked this house the most since it was the best equipted and very well hidden from the public. What's more, it didn't remind him in any way of his childhood home, if that could be even called a home. 
If Y/N could repay him with companionship... he'd be more than satisfied. She seemed as miserable as he was. She seemed as vulnerable as a kitten, as sweet as a flower, as caring as an angel. Hoodie hasn't felt a dash of kindness from anyone else in years, besides from his master...heck, none of the proxies had.
Maybe that's why her innocent actions penetrated through his skin so hardly - he was slowly growing an obssesion over this angel-like girl. 
He thought of himself as the only one worthy of protecting her. Especially now that his boss isn't around, he was going to use this opportunity to get closer to her.
Maybe, if he gains her trust, he'll be able to take her away from this house,  somewhere where she woudn't be bothered again...


𝕆𝕨𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 ~proxies x reader~Where stories live. Discover now