part 4

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"Ma, are we staying here all summer?" I asked my mother while she was frying some eggs in the kitchen. I was sitting at the big table in between the kitchen and living room, taking a few sips of water from the glass I got with me. I'm not sure if she didn't hear my question or if she was ignoring me on purpose.

She turned the stove off and brought two plates, each containing some scrambled eggs and a piece of ham. "I could of have made breakfast ma, you needed sleep more than I did" she smiled at me, unbothered "Now, for this little while that I don't have to work, I'd like us to behave, you know- as a mother and daughter should. It made me a bit sad not being always there for you, so now... " she bit into the ham, not knowing what else to say. The scrambled eggs lacked salt, but I didn't want to ruin that little moment that we had.

I decided to ask some questions.
"Ma, you know I had three more tests to do before the end of the school year? When will I do them?" Not gonna lie, I had two more tests due and one that I failed but decided not to tell mom about it, as always. "I already talked to the principle about it, you'll do all three of them during the first day of school" I sighed, relieved that I had almost three months to prepare. " long will we be staying here? Will we move again?" My mom stared at her plate, thinking. "Y/N, I thought about it..." she put her fork back on the table and crossed her arms, when a sudden knock on the front door made both of our heads turn.
"I'll get it" I said standing up and walking to the front door and opening it. Nothing. My mom yelled from the table "is someone there?" But I didn't know what to respond. There was nothing outside. Did we really hear a knock on the door?

"Nah, there's no one here." I yelled back and closed the door.
A sudden shiver went down my back, something felt very wrong about this.
I threw myself onto the weird couch and stared out the window. The clouds were a bit grey, indicating it could rain very soon.

"I'm going to go get some groceries at the town, wanna come Y/N?" mom said as she looked for her car keys. I nodded and ran up to my room to change into a skirt, a t-shirt and sneakers.

Time skip

We parked at an open garage that had barely any vehicles around. The town didn't seem as little when passing by the center - there were caffe's, hair salons, little supermarket's and from afar you could see a hotel. Everything of course standing under the shade of numerous oak trees. There weren't many people around too.

"It's almost noon, I guess everyone went to have lunch at home" my mom said to me as if reading my thoughts.

"There's a train station close to here, if you want we can look where it goes to"
I nodded in agreement and we both entered the grocery store. I wasn't hungry so I just let mom take whatever she wanted. We got to the cashier where an older woman kindly greeted us and started a conversation with my mom. Thankfully we were the only ones in the store so no commotion was happening.

From the corner of my eye, looking through the glass doors of the store I saw a little grey kitten sniffing a bench right outside the store.
"Ma, I'll wait outside" I took one of the bags we already stuffed with groceries and headed out. The little kitten turned around and fearfully looked at me.

"Hiya there lil' cutie" I kneeled down and streached my arm out, trying to seem less threatening. The kitten got scared and rapidly ran off and turned at a corner. "No...wait!" I exclaimed and started  following it. What if it was alone with no mama? What if a car runs him over?

The cat took another turn and once I turned that same corner,


I ran into someone's chest. It made me took a few steps back before looking at the person I just smashed myself into. A tall guy in a red flanel and  jeans was standing infront of me, holding a pack of cigars.
"I'm really sorry sir, I didn't mean to bump into you like that" I apologised immediatly feeling my face turning red from embarrasment.

"Nah, I should apologise since I wasn't paying attention. Heck, I'm not even mad. It's not every day you bump into a pretty girl like you" he smiled at me and crossed his arms "sorry to ask but... how old are you?" I looked up at him a bit confused. His chocolate brown eyes were sealed into mine waiting for an answer. "I'll be 18 this summer" I answered and his smile widened.
"awesome, I got scared for a second 'cause look young for your age" we both chuckled and I nodded at that in agreement, I do get told that quite often.
"I'm Tim, and you are?" He said offering me his hand to shake. I shook his hand and smiled at him. "Y/N, pleasure to meet you."

I was about to say something else, when I remembered my mom should be right now waiting for me at the parking lot.

"Oh damn...Tim I'm sorry I have to go, my mom should be waiting for me. See ya" I adjusted the grocery bag on my shoulder and turned around.

"Wait!" He called, and I turned once more. He took out his pack of cigs and ripped a part from the paper box. He then proceeded to take a pen out and write something onto it. "Call me" he handled the paper and winked at me, then dissapearing in a second. I put his number into my back pocket and ran to the parking lot where my mom was loading the groceries into the car.

"Next time you could help me take the bags into the car first before running off after who knows what" she scoffed at me as I handled her the bag that was resting on my shoulder. I sat on the passengers seat and stared out the window. My mom kept mumbling something to me as she drove but I just ignored her.

That guy, Tim... he kept giving me this weird vibe for some reason.

𝕆𝕨𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 ~proxies x reader~Where stories live. Discover now