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Y/N's mother entered the caffe bar next to the train station and ordered a cup of coffee. She sat down at a free table and waited. A few minutes have passed when a short, blonde woman entered the caffe bar and walked up to Y/N's mom.

"You're Amelia, right?" She asked Y/N's mother while gently resting her hand next to hers. She had a green jacket on, short blonde hair tied in a low ponytail and brown eyes. Her lips were small and red and you could see a few small wrinkles forming around her eyes and forehead. Obviously she was a few years younger than Y/N's mom.

"Yes... um, are you Cathy's sister?" Y/N's mother asked, since she had never seen this woman before. The only thing that reassured her that it was the woman she had to meet was the fact that she looked like her coworker Cathy a bit.

The woman nodded and took a seat across Y/N's mother. "I'm Tina, pleasure to meet you. I know it's late don't worry, I won't take too much of your time since I have a train to catch in 15 minutes." Amelia nodded, feeling releived knowing that her daughter won't be home alone for too long.

Y/N's mother took a sip of her coffee as she closely watched the woman reach into her bag and pull out a plastic folder full of papers with a yellow sticky note labelled 'C2'.

Y/N's mom raised an eyebrow at the unusual code. "Oh, C stans for Cathy and 2 is a reference to you and your daughter" Tina spoke, taking out the ink stained papers from the folders. "I used to work as a social worker in a safe house for women many years ago and I understand that it's been hard for you and your daughter..."

Amelia looked down at the table, resting her elbows on the dark hard wood then glancing back up again at the papers. "I see...that's why she wanted me to contact you" she spoke, feeling relieved that she had finally found a person that could potentially help her and her daughter be free.

"But I'll say this now Amelia: I won't be sending you nor your daughter to any safe house for now. It's too early and not only risky for you but to every woman living there. You would not be the first one who's life has been worsened because of that gang" Tina changed her tone, making sure that her words were taken seriously. "But...staying here for now is the best option. No records, no check ins... he won't find us here, right?" Amelia asked, lowering her voice fearing somebody was listening to them.

"Graydune is pretty well hidden from the capital, but unless your husband somehow finds out where Cathy grew up it won't take long until he tracks both of you down." Tina responded, putting the first paper aside. Under it was a vintage like map of the region they were currently in. It was for the most part labelled as 'forest' with a few little blank patches labelled in two capital letters.

"I'll let you take all of this papers with you back home to study but let me just explain this really quickly-" Tina digged her hand into her purse and took out a blue pen. "This is a map in case you'll need to get out through the woods. We're here where it says 'GD' for Graydune at the south east, around two hours walking north is a village called Rosegate and another place called Lowfalls thirty minutes from there." She said as she circled and wrote the initials on the map. "This is just in case the worst happends, everything else I think you should know is the recent information I've gathered at home and printed out for you to read." She stuffed the map into the plastic folder and handled it to Y/N's mother. "Now, make sure we meet here every seven days at this exact time, just to make sure nothing gets out of control." Tina said as she grabbed her purse and stood up from her seat "It's been a pleasure Amelia and I'd love to talk more but I have a train to catch now, take care darling." The two women shaked hands and said their goodbyes one last time. Not long after Tina left Y/N's mother gathered her stuff and the folder and walked out the caffe bar, heading back home.

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