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3rd POV

Toby chuckled at the thought of his silly little prank. Knocking on a stranger's door then running away was one of his favorite pranks as a kid, but using it as a tactic to know the new house lords was something he felt proud of.

But, it was not an idiotic tactic. Once he made sure no one was watching him, he knocked on the front door and quickly ducked behind a wall. He calculated in his head everything, in case some agressive jock comes out annoyed or maybe a drunken fool who shamefully had to hide in the woods. But no, to his surprise, a young girl came out.

She rested her delicate hands onto the door and looked around with a confused expression. Toby was surprised that she was not showing sigs of being annoyed, maybe she was used to children doing that?

He examined every inch of her body that could be noticeable. Her long, smooth legs were exposed, she was wearing gym shorts and an oversized t-shirt. Her (h/c) hair indicated she recently woken up, her lips and skin seemed a little pale, and her eyes seemed to glow with curiosity.

Toby was enjoying the sight, it has been long since he last saw a pretty, healthy girl. His thoughts were distracted by the sudden yell of another woman asking who's at the door.

"Nobody" said the young girl softly, as if the other woman was standing next to her. Toby immediatly took mental notes about the young girl, guessing she had a calm and serene personality. The other woman, who he asumed by the sound of her voice that she likely the girl's mother, seemed more open and charismatic. Atleast that's what he thought.

"Get ready we're leaving in 10!" He heard the other woman say through one of the open windows from which he could see the staircase and two pairs of legs walking up them.

Toby made sure again that no one spotted him, neither the women nor any of the other...'creatures' that lived in the forest as he watched the women enter their car while talking about something then driving off.

He quickly sneaked into the house through the open window and looked around. He had been in this house before numerous times since it was in no use for over three years. Him and his pals would often rest there after a long mission, sometimes they stored food in the basement and sometimes they tortured people in it for fun. They made sure not to spill blood in there and not make much noise just in case, since the closest civilization lived 10 minutes away.

The house was clean and organized, he never saw that house like that before. The only dirty thing were the plates in the dishwasher.

He didn't find much in the first floor, so he went to the second floor. The first room was the same as the last time he saw it. The other room was different now, the bed was unmade, papers were scatered on a desk and the closet was still open. The closet contained a few uniforms, stockings, leather heels and some other more elegant clothing. He didn't bother to touch anything, he felt more attracted to the papers on the desk.

Bills to pay, random apartments, maps and then - passports. He opened the first one that had some papers attached to it. The papers were a copy of a flight attending contract, and the passport had a picture of a woman in her 40's with other information.

The second passport showed a pictured of a much younger version of the girl he saw at the doorstep.
"Y/N  L/N..." he whispered as he carresed his fingers over her picture. He put back everything in it's place and tried to find the girl's room. A weird desire to know about her filled him. He entered the last room, the one with the balcony.


The bed was made this time, but the covers were diferent. There were more pillows too, a little night lamp and bags on the floor. The closet had barely anything inside, most of it could be seen on the open bags. The large shirt and shirts he saw the girl wearing were on the floor. Toby took one of the pillows and brought it close up to his nose. The smell of laundry detergent and floral shampoo felt so pleasurable to the young man whose only known smells where the ones of dirt, wood and blood.

His desire to lay down on the bed grew too. Too many restless nights were spent on the floor. But, he coudn't now. He put the pillow back in place and started searching through a bag.

His head started to hurt and go numb, as his boss started calling him from the woods.
"No...not now..." he muttered but his head hurt more and more. He had to leave, now.
He looked back at the room of the young girl.

He'll come back for sure, if he's lucky before his coworkers get to him.

Once he made sure everything stayed the way it was before he came, he sprant into the forest. He knew every tree, every path and every water source like the palm of his hand. He saw his coworker, Hoodie laying against an oak tree.

"Where were you? I thought you went to town with Masky" said the tall hooded man crossing his arms on his chest. Toby shrugged not bothering to look at him.

"That house where w-we used to rest, the o-one closest t-to Grayd-dune, has been o-occupied by two ne-newbies" Toby spoke, catching the hooded man's interest.

"Great...now we have to find a new place" spat Hoodie.
"Let's just wait for Masky to come" he laid back onto the oak tree and Toby next to him, letting a loud crack from his neck due to his ticks.

𝕆𝕨𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 ~proxies x reader~Where stories live. Discover now