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~ sorry for the shitty chapter I would make it longer but due to current issues I'll make it part of chapter 18

After her daughter ran upstairs Amelia drank her coffee and went to open the refrigerator, pulling out some meat from the freezer. She put the meat on the table and pulled on the cabinet in search for a sharp knife to pre-cut the meat while it was still frozen so that it'll be ready to cook after a few hours. Unfortunally for her, she coudn't find her kitchen knife. Since she wasn't feeling like preparing a meal either way, she wrapped the meat up and stuffed it back inside the freezer, proceeding to take a seat at the couch as she could hear the water from upstairs running.
As she held the coffee mug mug in her hands, she coudn't help but spaze out for a minute. Last night she had a nightmare as well, this time involving her ex husband, threatening her again. Anxiety built inside of her at the mere thought of him tracking her and her daughter down, as she knew he would not rest until he finds them...
The thought of the woods hiding them did calm her a bit. In case they were found, she could imagine herself running with Y/N inside of the dark forest and eventually save themselves.
No, I shouldn't make scenarios in my head right now... she thought and took another sip of her morning coffee. Amelia stood up and walked back to the kitchen to leave the mug inside of the sink, yet coudn't resist looking out the window.
It was sunny outside, despite the tall trees blocking the sun's rays from touching the ground. Amelia opened one of the windows and stared outside. The weather didn't resemble summer, it was more as if it were early spring as she did feel a bit cold.
A few minutes have passed when she heard Y/N finish her shower and open the bathroom door. "Y/N!" she called out to her. Y/N ignored her and walked to her room, still mad about her mom's unecessary attitude from less than an hour ago.
She then waited for a few minutes before going upstairs and knocking on Y/N's door. Hearing that the hairdryer was on, Amelia let herself inside the room where she spot Y/N on her bed, combing and drying her hair.
"How about we go have breakfast in town? There is this really nice cafe by the train station, I think you'll like it." Amelia spoke calmly, with a slightly higher pitch in her voice and a big smile, something Y/N found to be annoying and fake.
Yet, there was not much to eat at home, and it's been a while since she's been to town, so it didn't take much for Y/N to agree to her mom's proposition. Her mom smiled and informed her to be at the car in 15 minutes before closing Y/N's bedroom door behind her, leaving to get ready herself.
As long as I don't have to pay for anything I guess it's fine Y/N thought as she unplugged the hairdryer.
The hot steaming shower helped Y/N to clear out her head from the constant worries of what there is and had happened in the past few days.  If anything, going to town with her mom meant that she could roam around and see what's more to Graydune: could there be a police station nearby?
Has she had another nightmare? did she take her pills? Y/N thinked about her mom, still bothered by what had happened earlier. Not the first time for sure, but it still bothered her, and even made her a bit suspicious of her own mom  at times.
After getting dressed she got out of the house and walked towards the car where her mom was already waiting for her. Y/N sat at the front, rolling down the window completely and resting her elbow on it.
"I'm going to try out another route today okay?" Amelia said as they drove out, to which Y/N mumled a "sure" and kept looking out the window.
She even thought of talking to the locals, yet cringed at the thought of talking to random strangers on the street.
Maybe she would ran into Tim again.
He seemed a bit off, but in case she managed to get separated from her mother for a bit, once she finds him she could ask him a few questions. Too bad she didn't have her phone with her, otherwise such task would be much easier.
Y/N found this new route a bit nicer than the last one. There were flowers on every side of the road with colorful butterflies flying around. If she were a child again, she'd be even more enchanted by the forest...
It's so beautiful... I want to stay there all day...it looks so...inviting...
"What does it say on that sign?" Her mom said, making Y/N tilt her head up infront of their car, looking at the stop sign that pointed at two different sides of the road. The left sign pointed towards Graydune's center, specifically to where the train stop she heard about should be.
However, the other sign pointing towards the road's right side, had white paint painted all over it, erasing the name of the location it pointed to. This sparked Y/N's curiosity, and even made her stick her head out a bit from the car's window in order to have a better look at that road, but didn't see much as her mom turned her car to the left, heading to the train station.
An uneasy feeling grew inside Y/N, but she decided to ignore it and think about other things for now. There's probably nothing interesting nor important down that road.

𝕆𝕨𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 ~proxies x reader~Where stories live. Discover now