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===> chapter is a bit shorter as it is more of what I wanted to put as well in the previous chapter, hope you enjoy!

~Just a few moments earlier~

Masky jolted at the sound of an unknown ringtone coming from his pockets. He found it in his inner pocket and pulled it out.

Why is her mom calling her? he thought looking at the screen as he tried to lower the volume of the ringtone, which stopped completely after a few seconds.

"What was that?" Hoodie yelled from upstairs.

"None of your business." Masky spat at him back and laid down on the couch after hiding the phone back inside his jacket.

He could hear Hoodie's footsteps aproaching, but didn't bother getting up either way.


Masky looked up to see Hoodie lingering over him, "What's the plan?" Hoodie asked, secretly feeling impatient.

"I sent Toby over there to spy on the family for a few hours, it'll be fine..." said Masky resting his hands behind his head, ready to keep on with his daydreams.

Hoodie nodded at that response and went back upstairs. He looked inside the tiny room they had left open, thinking about how cozy it might be for their future visitor.

Atleast it will be easy to monitor her.

He went to his room and picked up his hoodie from the floor, then went back downstairs to ask Masky about something that has been bothering him for a while now.

"Tim, what about the mom?" He asked as he got closer to the couch. Masky grunted as he was disrupted once again

"For now we'll keep the girl in the western cabin first, then transfer her somewhere else. Her mother should be held somewhere else, far away..." Masky said to Hoodie, "I don't care about the treatment she gets. Keep her alive for a short while, then we'll finish her off, for master..."

Hoodie turned around and smirked at that idea. Who cares about the guys, he will gladly behead the bitch himself the moment she gets on his nerves. She deserves it, especially after what he witnessed the other day.

His little Y/N will surely be very thankful for it.


Toby waited patiently for the women to come back. He waited outside again after scavenging around the house to make sure they did not move out. He was very satisfied with the information he has collected from breaking in again, this time looking through the mother's room more. He fund Amelia's papers, and the info they held were... interesting.

There were several printed papers all talking a man named Ivan, an obvious criminal.

He found as well a few phone numbers and printed locations from all around the country, but didn't take anything with him.

He did miss going there to Y/N's house, especially since the last time...

That scene in her dark bedroom at night, him pinning her down, sharing a passionate kiss...

Toby could easily argue that it was easily the most fun night of his life, and he would have done it million times again if it weren't for the guys...

But now, thanks to Masky's agreement, there will be more chances for him to do all of that, he just needed to be patient, no matter how hard it was...

He hid behind a tree that had a good view at the entrance from the road and didn't have to wait long for Y/N's car to show up. He felt butteflies in his stomach as he saw the car park next to the house, so he pulled out his mouthguard fearing his tics mights get vocal.

𝕆𝕨𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 ~proxies x reader~Where stories live. Discover now