Part 2

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May 29, 11:55 pm

I decided to stay up and catch up on some of my favorite childhood movies. I tried my best not think about anything related to my dad, know that if it wasn't for him we woudn't be in this situation. His constant threats and rising power on the streets both meant that I was respected by those who follow him and most vulnerable to his enemies. Whoever lived here fifteen years ago would be shocked at the state of the city now. The playgrounds were full of trash left by druggies, crime rate escalated pretty quickly and for us women well...let's just say that going out at night was not even an option. I came upon one of my childhood movies dad bought for me when I was a child during our visit to his homeland. I don't even know myself why, but looking at it made me a little emotional. Just remembering how just a decade ago we lived so differently and suddently everything seems to go from bad to worse... No, I should go to sleep. I turned off the tv and headed to bed and fastly fell asleep.

"Y/N...honey, time to go...wake up" my mother lightly said while shaking my body. I opened my eyes to see my mother standing next to me, already dressed up and ready to go.
"Mom... won't we today-" "shh" she cut me off "look Y/N , I already took the bags down to the garage while you were asleep. Do everything as usual, we'll go to your school, get your things and go to the airport. Help me make some sandwiches once you are done dressing yourself, but be quick, we are leaving in thirty minutes" she nervously half whispered half shouted to me as she left my room. I got up, grabbed my clothes from the chair and went straight to the bathroom. I threw the clothes onto the bathroom floor and took a quick shower. After that I did my usual morning routine in the bathroom and got dressed. Coming out, my mom was waiting for me in the kitchen, cutting out bread and stuffing it with either ham or cheese. "Y/N I'm almost done, have one now for breakfast" she said offering me one of the sandwhiches. I wasn't hungry, but neither did I feel like arguing with her. Soon after we were done we left the apartment and headed towards the building's garage.

Once there, I noticed all of the bags in the back seat were thankfully unnoticeable due to the black windows of our car. As we quietly left the building and headed towards my school, I coudn't help but feel sad. I felt almost quilty, yet I knew it was for my own safety. We got to school pretty quick, and since the principal was in a rush she coudn't do much other than wishing us a good trip and congratulating me on my good grades. Mom and I went back to the car that we parked on the other side of the street. I looked towards the school once more - wondering if I'll be back soon. I took out the phone mom gave to me.

May 30, 7:12 am

So no wonder the principal was in a hurry, we were late. Class starts at 7 am so no wonder none of my classmates came up to me. I hope we won't be late for our flight though. I sat next to my mom while she drove past the streets of lifeless neighbourhoods and buildings. The atmosphere there was a bit unsettling, but it might be just because of my paranoia. Thankfully the airport was quite close to where we live, so we got there in less than an hour. Mom parked inside the private parking lot and got out. "Get everything out, don't leave anything behind" she exclaimed turning off the car and getting out. I got out as well and took out my backpack and other three bags from the back seat. They were very heavy, I coudn't think about what could she be hiding inside. "Y/N you see that grey car over there?" She exclaimed pointing at an old grey Honda parked not so far away from us. "Take your things there, we'll drive to our destination. Also get on the back seat, it'll be a long ride" she said patting me on the shoulder.
"I was hoping we were going to go overseas" I exclaimed a little annoyed. My mom just ignored me and took out another key and started the car. I coudn't tell which from which year it was, but I could guess that car was older than I was. Entering it I threw the bags I was carrying onto the seat behind my mother, and I sat myself on the other side. My mom at the time was putting the last bags on the back, and her handbag on the seat next to her. She tied her hair up into a high bun and put on a pair of classy black sunglasses before entering the car. "What is all that for?" I said to her once she sat down and closed the door. She turned around to face me. Her bright brown eyes connected with mine, as if them themselfs were telling me to just shut up and stop asking millions of questions as if I were a small child. "It's going to be a very long ride y/n. How about you try going to sleep for a bit, to kill off some time?" She said turning around and starting the car, already getting out of the garage. "But mom- what about our car? Why do we have to take this one?" I exclaimed confused "We'll get it once we get back. This one is just rented" mom replied looking at the road. I took out my phone again to look at the time.

May 30th, 8:30 am

Well, time does fly. I took out a little chocolate snack to eat while looking through the window. I was quickly bored to death, and since I didn't want to bother my mom nor could I do anything with this outdated phone, I decided to take a nap. I layed myself over the seats, resting the top of my body onto the bags.
Knowing my mom, when she means a long trip she really means a veeery long trip. Due to that, maybe taking a sleeping pill could help me more. I took out the bag where I knew mom hid all the medicine we had and took out some sleeping pills and swallowed one. I laid back onto the bags, and slowly fell asleep.

I didn't know how long was I out, but once I opened my eyes and stared out the window I noticed something different. There were mountains and trees and a beautiful blue sky outside. It's been a while since I've last seen so much nature, especially since there are no mountains anywhere around my home city's region, which kept me wondering: where am I?

"Y/N? Are you awake?" My mom asked glancing at me for a second.
"Yeah..." I responded brushing my hair with my fingers. My stomach hurt a bit, and I was really hungry. "Mom can we please stop at the next drive thru?" I said as my stomach suddently growled. Mom just muttered "sure" to me and kept driving. I took my phone out

May 30th, 2:20 pm

By this time I would normally be done with school and wait for my mom to pick me up. I laid down once more onto the bags and looked out the window. "There should be a gas station around- here!" My mom exclaimed and suddently turned the car to her right. There was a big gas station infront of us, yet no other cars were around. My mom unbuckled her seat and got out of the car immediatly to streach a little, sitting for several hours got both of our bodies exhausted. I got out too, feeling my legs weak. My mom came to me carrying her wallet and got out some money. "You go inside and get as much food as you want, I need to pump some gas" I nodded putting the money in my pocket and entering the store. There was nobody on the counter, but I didn't mind. I grabbed two big bottles of water, a small bag of chips, a pack of sandwhiches and some cookies- I would of have grabbed more if I had more money, but I guess mom will buy the rest. I went to the counter and waited. A man in his late thirties came behind the counter, and I quickly paid for my food and headed back to the car. I saw my mom coming towards me and she stopped once she was infront of me. "Hey Y/N I'll go get some more food, go wait for me in the car" She entered the store and I stood alone , not thinking much. I looked around me, examining my surroundings. The whole parking lot around the gas station was empthy, the sky was bright and blue, there were almost no cars on the road, and the nature around me was breathtaking. Instead of going to the car, I took a turn towards the forest. There was a small cliff that wasn't very well secured, but still not dangerous. I looked down close to the edge, there was a little entrance into the forest. Infront of it, which was where I and the gas station were currently standing on, was a stone wall. Looking up again, there was a cliff surronded by trees, as if being exposed. I was really far away, but after looking a it for a few seconds I noticed something...
There was something there. Something tall and slim like the trees but it was black and white. It looked almoust as if it were a human, staring directly at me. Suddently, my head started to spin, and my vision got blurry. "Y/N! I'm leaving!" Mom shouted, and I started walking in her direction. Once I was close to her, she gasped. "Are you okay Y/N? Why is your nose bleeding" she panicked as I looked at her confused and touched my nose with my fingers. There were a few drops of blood on my fingers and I quickly took out a paper napking out of my pocket and wiped my nose with it. "It's nothing mom, let's just go" I exclaimed entering the car and throwing the plastic bag containing my snacks next to me. I didn't feel hungry anymore. "Good news Y/N, the kind man at the counter explained to me a short cut to where we're staying, so we should be there in around 30 minutes." I just nodded feeling relieved that our destination was close ahead, yet...
I coudn't help but wonder if my eyes were playing tricks on me a few minuted ago, when staring towards that cliff...

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