part 3

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May 30th, 3:00 pm

"Graydune? Mom, is that where we are heading?" I asked my mother once I noticed the big sign stating: "Graydune ____" On the side of the road. To be honest, I never heard of that place in my entire life. I'm not even sure if it is a town. It should be, right?

"Yes, we'll be home in 2 minutes" she casually responded. She seemed so much more calm now than she was before. Yet at the same time you could tell by her voice that she was exhausted. In the end, we've been driving for half a day.

"A friend from work was born here in Graydune, but moved to the city later as a teenager. It's pretty unknown, but still attracts people from bigger cities since summer camps and other organized activities do happend from time to time. She helped me find a house that's a little more hidden in the woods just in case, you know..." She paused to concentrate on the entrance towards a forest.
There was a muddy road ahead and in less than a second, we were infront of a beautiful two story white house. It looked quite nice, not like something you'd expect to find inside the woods.
"Nice, isn't it? She said her parents used to rent this house a few years back but with less and less visitors coming they packed their bags and went to live with her" she opened her door and stepped out onto the muddy floor, stretching her arms while at it.

I put one of the backpacks on my back and stuffed the rest of the food that was scattered around into a plastic bag from the store. I stepped out of the car and stretched some more. The forest smell quickly embraced me. On the ground there were patches of grass adorned with little white flowers. It wasn't cemented, but it did leave a trail towards the entry of the forest. A few meters infront of me was the forest that seemed to form a circle around the house.
No wind, no birds and no sound.

I turned around to see my mom had already opened up the front door, so I rapidly walked up to the entrance and let myself in. Entering the house, I was immediatly greeted by my mother opening up the blinds in the corridor.
"It's so dark and dusty in here..." she muttered to herself while pushing the window open, then searching for another window inside and trying to open it.

"Y/N help me get some air into this house" she snapped at me and I just nodded. Walking into what I assumed was the entrance to the living room I was able to find a light switch and turned it on. A lamp from above lit up and iluminated my surrondings better, even if the daylight sun coming from the windows was enough.

The house from the inside was, apart from being old and dusty, actually really cozy and nice. On the corridor was a coat hanger, a window and stairs that lead to the second floor.
To the right was the living room which consisted only of a worned out old couch, a little coffee table, a vintage armchair and a tv with a cracked screen. Unusually each piece of furniture was facing an odd direction instead of facing eachother as in any normal household. It made the place look a bit messier than it already was.

There was also a tall bookshelf filled with books, but currently I wasn't interested enough to go through them. My mom was currently standing in the middle of the open kitchen next to the living room. She kept opening up the wooden cabinets and taking out any kitchenwear she could find. Dividing the kitchen from the living room was a big wooden table with four chairs. On top of it were two of the bags mom brought in that I didn't notice.
"Ma...need any help?" I asked her as she carried some plates into the kitchen sink.
"Well, you can either wash this for me or go find a room upstairs, just make sure you open every single window you see." She replied not bothering to turn around. I didn't think twice before sprinting back to the corridor and up the stairs. Coming to the end of the stairs, there were four doors. Entering the first one was a small bedroom with a little bed and a closet. The second one was bigger with a big bed, a desk, a closet and a big window with a nice view outside. The third was just a big bathroom, nothing interesting here either. But the fourth room was not only big but it also had a balcony that let me see the back of the house.

"Did you find your room y/n?" I heard my mother call from the stairs.
"Yeah, last room on the right" I shouted back to her as I opened the balcony. "Fine, go bring the rest of the luggage from the car when you can!" She shouted back. I opened the balcony and stepped out. It wasn't exactly big, but enough to put your clothes out to dry or soak up the sun. From the balcony you had a pretty good look at the forest and the back terase of the house. I didn't notice before, but there was a swing attached to a tree branch.

I should really clean this room and get it ready for our first night here. I didn't want to sleep on a dusty bed, so I went out towards the car to get the rest of the bags mom brought.

●Time lapse●

The house was finally clean hours later. Mom and I coudn't even have diner together, we were exausted. She went to her room and I stayed in mine. Rain was pouring heavily outside, so I gave up on star gazing for tonight. I threw on my pyjamas and went to sleep.

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