Part 1

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I stood infront of my highschool entrance, patiently waiting for my mom's text message. Class was over, and the sky was turning dark. Normally she woudn't pick me up unless I was sick or we had to rush somewhere, but recently it almost became a necessity for her to make sure I come home safe - with her.
I felt a small vibration inside my pocket, figuring out it was her informing me she is coming. Turning on my phone, I quickly unlocked it and read the expected message.

"I'll be there in 2 min, stuck at the traffic light"

I quickly replied just a simple "Ok" and turned off my phone. I looked towards the street on the left, looking at the plain cars pass by. She should be here any minute.

Around two minutes later I spotted the familiar white Audi 5 park infront of my entrance.
Rolling down the window, I heard her lightly call my name: "Y/N !"
I walked towards the passenger's seat and quickly sat down throwing my bag on the floor under my feet.
"Did you have a nice day?" She asked, gently stroking my soft hair. I didn't really, normally I didn't have any problems at school but today I just wasn't feeling my usual self. "Eh..." I expressed, clearly stating I wasn't up for a conversation right now. Thankfully, my mom isn't a pushover, so she just kept driving and looking at the street ahead. I turned on my phone quickly, just to look at the time

May 29, 2:35

"Y/N, I changed my mind." My mom stated as we stood under the red traffic light. "Until the situation is cleared out, we should take a small vacation..." Vacation huh... I knew myself it was just a synonym for the word escape. To escape the danger in which we were both involved.
"The sooner the better, I already looked at your report card and saw you didn't have any more exams nor anything important." "So...when will we esc- I mean go on vacation?" Although I already knew the answer, I was still curious. We had to think about this throughfully.
"Tomorrow morning. That's the best time" I nodded as I saw the garage of the familiar building.

Once my mom had parked, we entered the building and headed towards our elevator. After entering and pressing the eleventh floor button I looked at myself on the elevator's mirrors. I looked towards my mother, it was weird not seeing her in her flight attendant uniform. No matter what, she always looked so fearless and elegant, like a femme fatale. I knew she was scared, scared for me, scared of my father and the city gangs... yet I knew that next to her, I was safe. Unlike with my father.

I love my dad with all my heart. I still remember him before my parent's divorce when I was eight years old. He was, well still is, a man from a different land with different customs. I remember him teaching me his native slavic language which sounded harsh yet so romantic. His accent was what made him stood out. We even visited several times his homeland. But, with each visit, he became more and more cold towards my mother and I. Yet... never understood what really happened nor what was the cause of their divorce, but I woudn't be surprised if It was his fault.  All that I know is that my mom won full custody over me and with the passing years he joined the city gangs that are today roaming the city, making it extremely unsafe. His ultimate and most recent threat was that he will kidnap me and send me to his homeland where I'll never be seen again. The question is when...

"Ding!" Ringed the elevator bell. We walked down the dark hallway towards our apartment. My mom unlocked the door and I went straight to my room to change into more comfortable clothes. Throwing a pair of gym shorts and a clean t-shirt, I left my room and headed to the kitchen. My mom took my food out of the microwave and put it on the counter where I usually eat. A piece of fried chicken with roasted potatoes laid on the porcelain plate infront of me. I was starving.
"Y/N, listen. Tomorrow before class starts, we'll go get your last report card together. I already called your school and told the we'll be in a crusade in Asia, just to buy some time.  Don't take your phone or electronics, and don't say anything to anyone. Don't ask anything now, I'll tell you tomorrow. Just trust me on this okay?" I coudn't help but fear a little scared, but I stayed quiet. "Now, pack your clothes...I'll call you later to help me take some things to the car" I nodded and continued eating. I left the kitchen after washing my plate and headed once again to my room to pack my bags. I can't take any no phone, no charger nor laptop. I took my old school backpack from the dresser and stuffed it with a smaller crossbody bag, some underwear and books  along with some colored pencils and blank papers to write and draw. I filled my wallet with most of the money I had saved in my piggy bank, wondering if I should take my credit card with me. I figured it might not be a good idea, so I put it back on the desk. I managed to find my old mp3 player and put it in my back pack as well. I stuffed my clothes inside of a gym bag I used to take with me to dance classes.

A knock on the door awoke me from my thoughts. Obviously it was my mother, since we lived alone. "Y/N get in the shower and wash your hair, I have to pack the bath products. Did you pack your clothes?" I nodded "And remember- no internet. Take things that will keep you entertained" I looked back at my bags and around my room thinking of what else could I take with me. Thinking I had everything I needed, I took out a long midi skirt, a plain shirt and a denim jacket along with another set of underwear and socks and left them hanging on a chair next to my bed. I left my sneakers next to the entrance door so I'll pick them there tomorrow. I went to the bathroom to quickly take a shower. Feeling the warm water caress my skin I coudn't help but wander where will I be tomorrow.

After showering and packing my last things, I took my phone and proceded to delete certain apps that I didn't need, turned off my location and on a piece of paper copied all of my important contacts that I didn't memorize yet. I gave my mom my smartphone and in return she gave me an old phone from a few years back that wasn't touch screen "Just in case something happens...I already put my phone number inside , here's the charger" she handled me the black charger and headed to her room. "Take a small trash bag and put all of our shoes inside. I'm too tired...go to sleep now, I'll wake you up at 6 am" "Okay mom...goodnight" she nodded and left. I looked around our little apartment. I don't know how long will we be out, but I'll surely miss this place.

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