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A/N: I'm thinking about writing a creepypasta headcanons...

Anyways, enjoy this 11 pages lovelies! I love you all <3


Y/N held the key in her fist as she pushed her back against the front door, feeling pure terror raising inside of her. 

I am all alone now.

Her eyes started watering and her shoulders stiffened. There was no way she won't be visited again. This was not just paranoia, it coudn't be...

This was all just too... creepy.

It will be just two days. But ...anything could happend in two days.

Y/N thought about going outside for a bit, you know, visit the town and such now that she is alone. Maybe dare to look for the police, but even that felt risky.

Was it too early?

No matter how much she tried to think of something, nothing felt like a smart idea. If only she didn't have to wait for her mom to come back...

Better safe than sorry...

I'm not gonna risk my safety even if it's just for two days. Anything could happend in two days, I think the best would be to be prepared for anything.

Y/N made her way towards every window there was in the first floor, cursing the fact that there were no blinds or anything that could cover them so that nobody from outside could look inside the house. Too bad she didn't have newspaper or anything at hand. The bookshelves were loaded with books, but ripping them and all to cover the windows with their pages would take an awfully long time. It also woudn't be okay to destroy someone else's property, this home was given more as charity to them after all. 

Fuck it, I won't be coming downstairs until mom is back.

Maybe it'll be better to leave everything how it was before as to not raise any suspicion.

The idea was that, in case someone did come by, that she would make sure the house looked as abandoned as possible, making the intruder believe that she, or well, they left for good.

The only thing she picked up from the living room were her slippers and the little tv her mom bought the other day. She put the slippers on and unplugged the tv, grabbing it and bringing it upstairs to her room where she left it by the door.

Rushing back downstairs and entering the kitchen, she looked for the big knife she knew was there last time she saw Brian, but was surprised to see that it was nowhere to be found. She searched all over the cabinets, whispering 'where are you?' wherever she looked as that big kitchen knife was for now her most useful weapon in case something happened.

Yet, it was nowhere in the house.

Y/N grunted, holding her invasive thoughts back as she rushed back to the kitchen, grabbing whatever sharp objects she could find and bringing them upstairs, putting them on the floor next to the tv.

Y/N entered her room and approached the balcony, looking through the glass at the path that lead to the forest.

Nope. Not gonna sleep here again.

What good would it make if she again slept there if the intruder got out of her room so easily through the balcony, how can she be sure he didn't come through it as well? 

She quickly stuffed all of her clothes back in the bags they came in when they first moved in. For all we know her mom could be back early tomorrow, or even tonight. It would be best to have everything ready in case there's a hurry.

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