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Random A/N: okay so I've found this picture on instagram and I'm honestly kind of shocked at how accurate it is with how I imagined Y/N's home in Graydune looking like. The size, the space between the forest and the backyard and things like that are really in line (except the little garage). I just put this here for whoever wanted a better visual of the reader's surroundings.
Okay that's all chapter's below 😅


The two men stood outside, glaring at eachother. Hoodie held in his left fist a sharp hunting knife, hiding the knife's rear end with his thumb and the blade behind his arm, trying to not raise any suspicion infront of Masky.

What is he doing here?

"Answer..." Hoodie said in a threatening manner, tightening the grip on the knife. His mind was still in killer mode, but was certainly disrupted when running into Masky, as he was not expecting him at all, but rather the bastard that came to this house a few days ago.

Masky did not answer, instead he stared at Hoodie's clothes which were stained brown and red. He looked up again at Hoodie, recognizing the familiar 'post-hunting' traits which made him realize what had most likely happened: Hoodie had been on a killing spree for his master.
Even though at times like this Masky would feel at ease knowing that their duties were not being postponed, this time he felt uneasy. His coworker was covered in dirt and blood, he had obviously murdered someone recently, but he was not bothered by that as much as the location where he found him. Realization hit him like a truck at that moment: 
Hoodie must've broken the rule of not killing anyone in that house. 
If that's true, then...

That blood... Y/N's blood... his inner voice echoed inside his head as his eyes were fixed on Hoodie's chest and the bloody stains on it. 

"You really had the nerve..." Masky growled at Hoodie, "out of all places in the entire region, I have to find you here?! Haven't I f*cking told you not to com-" Masky's words were interrupted by Hoodie suddently swinging his right fist towards his face, but Masky quickly dodged it and moved away from the window.
 "Oh you really have some nerve, don't you Brian..." Masky pushed Hoodie away from him and started to nervously tap his front pockets searching for his pocketknife. Hoodie launched himself at him, making Masky fall to the ground and hit the back of his head as Hoodie grabbed him by the neck.
It's him! He came here before! He came to- an dark inner voice echoed inside of Hoodie's mind, but was interrupted by Masky's knee hitting him hard between his legs, making Hoodie groan in pain and loosen his grip on Masky. Masky stood up and took a few steps away from Hoodie in order to catch his breath, going into the forest. Hoodie pulled out his knife and attacked Masky once again, both of them entering the forest as they fought. Masky grinned as he himself felt more tempted to provoke Hoodie as much as he could, as part of him wished nothing more but to make him suffer for a while.
Y/N woke up from her slumber, her heart beating faster than usual. She was awokened by the weird sounds outside and her own fear of being once again attacked while sleeping.
  At first she thought it could be just her mind playing with her, but as if something inside her was telling her that it was not product of her imagination, there actually was something outside.
It sounded like grunting, maybe even groaning... Occasionally there was the sound of the tree's branches shaking violently, but that could be just the wind blowing over Graydune.
She pulled the blanket off of her and sat upright on the couch. Y/N stared down at her knees then looked up at the blank wall infront of her, thinking about going back to her room.
No...what if he is hiding in there... she thought. But as she remembered why she wanted to stay downstairs and sleep on the couch, she remembered who promised her to keep her safe tonight.
He wasn't anywhere around when she was getting ready to sleep, could he by any chance still be lurking around?
Another, very silent grunt was heard coming from outside. Y/N pulled the blanket off of her and ran to the nearest window, but didn't see anything. She raced to the kitchen cabinets and pulled out a sharp kitchen knife from it. She approached the same window again, staring back at the forest as she held the knife tightly infront of her chest. It was way too dark outside, not even the highway lamps helped, as they were a bit too far from Y/N's house.
Despite the absolute fear that had overtaken her body, a strong wave of curiosity had stricken her the moment she noticed that, there was in fact, something in the woods... as if there was more than just a strong gust of wind, Y/N's eyes grew wide as she realized she was not hallucinating, there truly was a moving live silhouette inside the dark forest.
Maybe it is Brian after all.
Y/N looked towards the front door keys laying on the coffee table, proceeding to glance back quickly at the forest through the window, wondering if she should go outside and investigate or put the knife down and go back to sleep. The more Y/N thought, the more it seemed as if her body had made the decision for her as her hand reached out to grab the keys on the little coffee table.
Curiosity had, once again, taken over.
Hoodie managed to make Masky lose his balance and fall to the ground with a strong punch. He pinned him against the nearest tree and pulled him up by the collar of his mustard colored jacket, forcing Masky to face him. Hoodie muttered all kinds of curses, his nose bleeding down but stopping right at his upper lip, which made him spit some blood every time he cursed at Masky, even as he spoke silently due his awareness and secret fear that they'll be heard by one of the two women living in the house behind them.
Masky on the other hand, did not bother to make eye contact with Hoodie, mostly because his vision was a bit blurry from the harder blow he just recieved and the painful feeling on the back of his head. He could feel blood dripping down the back of his neck, probably from hitting his head against a sharp rock once he was tackled by Hoodie earlier.
Despite all that, he stayed unbothered, grinning as some blood dripped from an ealier wound that had re-opened itself right on the corner of his mouth. His eyes didn't stay focused on Hoodie nor did he react to his ugly words, instead he kept ignoring him as his eyes wandered around his surroundings, looking at anything but at Hoodie, pissing him off even more while at it. Thinking about how much trouble Hoodie was going to get into once the Operator comes back was his strongest reason as to why he gave up on fighting him back, although part of him believed he could do better at teaching him a proper lesson.
His eyes wandered towards the ground where he had been tackled to, then slowly his gaze went up a thick oak tree, turning his head around as if he were to look at Hoodie, noticing the white walls and dark windows as his vision was recovering again. Hoodie tightened his grip around Masky's collar and pulled out another, this time smaller pocket knife he hid inside his sleeve, but Masky kept ignoring him. From behind Hoodie's shoulder, Masky could see that Hoodie's back was facing the house's entrance, even with the thinner trees pathetically blocking the view of it. He didn't think much of it, even when he thought that that same door was opening right now. Although it was hard to see what was going on at first due to how dark it was, his grin was immediatly wiped off as he recognized that a human figure had indeed stepped out of the house.
Y/N stepped outside holding the knife tightly to her side. She knew it was dangerous, she knew it was stupid, but it was something stronger than her. Once again, as she stood infront of the forest, she could feel as if she were being called into it, even the wind was now blowing towards it's direction.
No, this was a bad idea... she thought and turned around, but could not take a step forward.
I'll inspect tomorrow...
Yet again Y/N was not able to take a step. There was a strong urge to go into those dark, scary looking woods, no matter how much she just wanted to forget about it and go back inside.
It's not Y/N's fault though, the Slender forest was particularly dangerous because of that, part of it's legend being that the forest would drag wanderers into it, even if it seemed as if they were entering the forest by their own will, it never was. It's was all Slenderman, and that dark force was still present even if the Operator himself wasn't in this world, which also benefited his proxies alot. In the end, prey was easy to be found.
Not much could be described about what Y/N felt in those moments, her mind had practically gone blank, and her body has completely stopped listening to her.
And so Y/N took a step, then another, and another...
At first glance, Masky thought that the figure that seemed to be walking their way was Toby, and was ready to spat at Hoodie for not telling him that Toby had also participated in the "don't listen to Masky's orders operation", but was quick to notice that the silhouette was nothing like Toby's, yet this one was also familiar to him.
Hoodie stopped talking once he noticed the wide-eyed look in Masky's eyes that were fixated on something behind his shoulder. Masky finally looked at him, but only to bring his index finger up to his mouth, alerting his coworker that they should keep quiet. Hoodie turned his head around and recognized who was walking into the forest, his grip on Masky loosened and his eyes were fixated on the female that was, at the moment, in a very familiar mind state to Hoodie. 
So...the Operator did want you to come... Hoodie's inner voice spoke as a grin spread across his face, lowering his hand's grip on Masky's jacket from his neck to his chest, still not letting go of him. Both of the proxy's kept staring at the girl walking into the forest.
Everything got really quiet, both proxies froze immediatly in place as they saw the girl walk a few meters away from them. Y/N's footsteps were slow and steady, hardly audible, and the knife she held by her side was not noticed by any of the two men who were watching her from the other side. 
Masky felt a wave of relief once he recognized it was Y/N and that she was not killed by Hoodie. His trip here didn't end up being a waste of time after all. He looked at Hoodie, noticing he was also staring at her, but could not tell if he was once again in 'killer mode'.
Yeah, I hope you feel stupid for not being able to kill one f*cking girl... Masky said inside his head while staring down at Hoodie.
"I don't care what are you thinking about right now, you're still not permited to kill." Masky spoke in a serious tone at Hoodie, shaking him from his thoughts. Hiding how glad he was that he didn't have to take Y/N's life so soon, Hoodie let go of Masky and took a few steps back.
"I didn't kill anyone in that house nor planned that if that's what you're thinking, I'm not an idiot to go against the master's orders and..."
 "So you didn't kill anyone inside?" Masky interrupted Hoodie in a whisper, looking down at his bloody hoodie then back up. Hoodie took notice of that, realizing he didn't tell his coworker that this was the blood of a random guy he killed but didn't live in that house. "I killed some random dude earlier, that's his blood, and I've already made sure he didn't live there..." Hoodie replied, catching Masky's interest "So you did your research, and what information did you gather? who lives there?" Masky asked again, this time with a more excited tone. "Just that girl and her mom..." Hoodie replied and pointed at Y/N.
In a few minutes Y/N will stop walking and realize where she was, so they decided to follow her to see how long she'll be like this, where will the forest take her.
They glanced at eachother once more, neither Masky nor Hoodie wanted to admit to eachother that they felt a bit guilty, not only about not doing their job properly as proxies, but also about letting that girl go into the dangerous woods only to be killed, if not by one of them, then by something else for sure. Both of them were very aware that even if they didn't murder her here, her mom could report her as missing to the police if she doesn't leave the woods, which just means extra unecessary problems for them.
If it weren't for Masky being next to him, Hoodie would have taken this chance to do something, because who knows what would Masky think of him if he saw him guiding Y/N back home safely, they'd probably think that he was a weak and unfit of his position. Yet he really desired to go up to her and take her away, it woudn't be wrong either way, the forest is luring her in for a reason. Although, that mom of hers would be the only problem...
Masky on the other hand, thought about how would the next days be if he just grabbed Y/N and took her to one of the abandoned cabins. Better company than the guys for sure, a big part of him wanted to feel that unexplainable feeling he felt the first time they met in town... didn't she say her birthday was coming up soon?
Y/N suddently stopped walking once she got a bit farther from the house, far enough so that it's white walls were no longer visible. She was conscious again, but without any memory of how she got so deep into the woods, last thing she could remember was opening her front foor and... that's all. It was even colder and darker in the woods, and Y/N was not sure which way she had came from.
As she looked around trying to recognize the part of the woods she was in, the two proxies were hiding a bit farther from her having a silent conversation about what should they should do next.
Masky took out a tiny bottle and a tissue from his jacket's inner pocket, then proceeded to drop a few drops of the liquid inside the bottle onto the tissue. "Are you planning on kidnapping her?" asked Hoodie as he recognized the familiar stench of the drug Masky always carried with him.
"Nah... not tonight, you'll help me get that little lost girly back home, then we'll get rid of the dead guy properly." Masky replied, hiding the tissue inside his fist as he put his mask back on with his other hand. Hoodie nodded, relieved that his little angel was going to be safe tonight.
"But..." Masky started to talk again, "The forest brought her here, to us, which can only mean that she is meant to be prey..."
"Where are you going with this?" Hoodie asked, taking out his hunting knife, "you've been preaching about not killing whoever lived in that house all this time-" before he could finish, Hoodie got interrupted mid sentence by Masky: "I still go by that, their deaths would not be convenient even for our master, I'm well aware of that..." Masky stared at the girl who seemed to have picked a direction to go hoping it'll bring her back home. A small smirk spread across his cheeks.
"Once we get home, I'll tell you and Toby what to do next. We can not ignore what our master expects from us...we don't really need to kill her... she'll just have to accept that her fate will be, from now on, in our hands."

A/N: Hi darlings! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and no worries, this story will not be discontinued anytime soon. I hope you are all safe and healthy during this pandemic, and I also  wish you all a happy Easter♡♡♡Thank you for every heart and comment, I love you guys so much aaahhh♡♡♡♡♡
We shall meet again!

𝕆𝕨𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 ~proxies x reader~Where stories live. Discover now