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Y/N sat on her bedroom floor, staring at the woods through the open balcony.
The rain has been pouring pretty hard ever since she came back from the woods.

That weird man she encountered earlier worried her. She felt sorry for him, he has obviously gone through something yet she just exchanged some words and turned around instead of really helping him. Maybe he was a hunter, which would explain his knifes and clothing.

He reminded her a little of the few encounters she had with some of her dad's followers. They never did anything to her, they just stood in place whenever she passed by- and stared. Sometimes they would follow her a bit and sometimes they'd just stare at her from afar, making her and her mother worry of their intentions.

Well, she didn't exactly know if they were her father's gang members, but her mother knew.

Her mother knew of the suffering her father was ready to put on both of them. She knew what her ex husband has done to gain control and what he has destroyed in his path in the name of power. He was dangerous, powerful and manipulative. She knew that, once her daughter turns 18 he would try something, including forcefully sending her to his home land for who knows what. Atleast that's what his last threat was about.

Y/N stood up and went downstairs to get something to eat. Her mom had just finished preparing a meal for both of them, so Y/N sat on the table while her mom brought her a plate containing a slice of meat, rice and roasted veggies.

"Have you seen anything interesting in the forest?" Her mom asked while sitting herself across from her daughter. Y/N shrugged, not even wanting to comment about the man she encountered. The guy didn't hurt nor taunt her, and her mom woudn't of known who he was anyway. Still, silence would've made her mother become more pushy. "I saw a guy walking in the forest too so I just assumed he was going on a hike." Her mom nodded, her coworker had commented that Graydune was great for going on a hike, so what her daughter saw was probably nothing out of the ordinary.

After finishing her meal, Y/N took her plate to the kitchen sink and headed back to her room. She sat back down on the floor and took her phone out, then remembering she had neither internet nor nobody to text to, except her mom and that guy she met earlier.


Y/N reached her hand towards her lamp and took out the scrap of paper she hid earlier. Hopefully this guy was free to talk a little.


Masky kept guard as the other proxies slept inside of the cabin. There was still some hours left before night falls, and with the first star that appears on the sky, his master shall leave for the Underworld.

He lighted up a cigarette as he stared out the window. If only he were at the other house, the one near Graydune, just so that he could entertain himself with something. A nap didn't help much now and the only entertainment he had was that newspaper Toby was currently drooling on in his sleep.

Suddently his phone buzzed. He took it out of his pocket, expecting a message from his friend BEN who usually took care of anything technological, but to his surprise it was an unknown number.

"Hey, it's Y/N :)"

He smiled, feeling glad she remembered him. Who woudn't want to chat with a beautiful girl right now?

●"Heyy there, what are you doing?"

He responded as he put out his cigarette and lighted another one.

○"I'm just bored, you?"

●"I see we're on the same boat. You like rain?"

He wondered how come her texts were a bit slow. Still, as long as she keept talking to him, he was satisfied.

𝕆𝕨𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 ~proxies x reader~Where stories live. Discover now