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Hi dear reader!

I know it's been way too long since my last update. I wanted to apologise for that and also in advance for the chapter that I am not 100% satisfied with, so it will be most likely rewritten a bit. Maybe.


The wood floors where her body laid down were dirty and worn out, probably being older than the girl herself, maybe even her parents. Brownish planks that reeked of humidity were the first things that Y/N's eyes took note of when she woke up from her dream about a calico cat following behind her as Y/N walked through nothing but fog.

Nothing to think about.

Lifting her face a bit, a sudden ray of sun hit her eye, making her move her head quicker to the side, blinking a few times as she asked herself why does her bed feel so stiff and why is the room so cold. As she came to her senses, she noticed that she was neither on her bed nor in her room, but rather laying down on her stomach, on the floor.

Her feeling of touch was there, but in such a confusing way that it took Y/N a few seconds to realise her hands were tied behind her back. The slight burning sensation she felt on her skin, along with the tips of her fingers being bent as she tried to detect what was around her wrists made Y/N guess she was tied up with rope, and a very thick one at that. She tried to move her legs too, but they were also tied together just above her ankles, but she could not tell if it was by rope again, since her ankles were protected by her pants.

Y/N moved her head slightly, just enough so that she could notice if there was anything placed under her head. But as her temple felt, she was fully placed down on the floor, left there for who knows how long.
F*ck, this is going to hurt.
She thought of her neck, feeling it's stiffness as she tried to slowly lift it up, managing to turn herself on her back, looking up at a not so high dark ceiling, wondering was is daytime or nighttime now...

Suddently, an unpleasant smoky smell hit her nostrils. She looked around, noticing that the room was dimly lit by a window to the side of the wall, yet she didn't find much strenght in her body to pull herself and look furthermore, up until she noticed an unfamiliar silhouette of a man sitting on a chair a bit farther from her, facing away.

She could see the man's arm slowly distancing from his face, noticing that he held a cigarrete between his fingers, before bringing it close to his face again. He seemed to have darker hair, a tan jacket and something white on his head, which he proceeded to bring down towards his face. He threw the cigarrete into a tall glass jar filled with a dark liquid on the small table by his side, then slowly lifted up from his seat and turned towards the girl laying on the floor.

"Good morning, sunshine~" the raspy voice of the masked man echoed as he approached the familiar girl. Her body froze in place as a shiver went up her spine when she recognized the familiar white mask with black eyes, lips and eyebrows.

The mask... this was the man who chased Y/N through the woods!

Y/N tensed up at the realisation as she stared into the "eyes" of the mask.

The man had a large grin plastered across his face, which was thankfully covered by his mask, otherwise Y/N's soul might have already departed from her body. Not like it made much difference, his presence alone was terrifying enough, especially when you're the one tied up on the floor, looking up at him.

"Remember me?" He said as he crouched down to Y/N's level, to which Y/N held her thighs closer together, terrified of what her kidnapper could think about doing to her.

"What is it? did I take your- breath away?" The man chuckled as he stared directly into Y/N's fearful and teary eyes, enjoying every second of it, wondering what kind of thoughts could be racing inside her head.

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