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"Oh God...I'm so sorry sir!!" The female said breaking the silence between them. Hoodie stared at her, wondering if what was happening was real.

"I swear I wasn't doing anything weird I was just reading then I heard someone and saw you and I wanted to say something but I didn't know what an accidentally pushed the book I'm really sorry!" She nervously rambled, fearing that the stranger would be angry at her. She could get into real trouble, since it was only the two of them in the middle of nowhere.

Hoodie's heart beat at hearing her speak to him. He looked down for a moment and proceeded to grab the book from the ground. As he turned around, he saw the girl hold onto a branch then safely landing on the ground. He analyzed her every feature as she walked up to him: her white sneakers seemed almost new, obviously never worn inside of the woods. Her legs were exposed and without bruises or cuts, she was wearing a high waisted beige skirt and a baby blue shirt. Over that was a big white blouse that reached her thighs and hid her hands a little.
Her (h/c) hair was a little messy, but still complimented her pretty face. She was...perfect.

He handled her the book and she took it with both hands, muttering a 'thank you' to the stranger then resting her book on her side with one hand. Hoodie felt the girl's sweet floral scent enter his nostrils, making him feel a bit self-concious next to her, remembering that last time he had a proper shower was atleast a week ago.

She on the other hand felt more frightened by the man staring at her. He was tall, much taller than her and seemed to be in his early 20s. His short light brown hair sticked out at various directions, his face had some scratches and was very pale. His eyes had big dark bags under them, above his mouth was growing a very weak mustache and he had some more facial hair on his chin. He had a very strong odor- he smelled like earth,sweat,alcohol and something else that she coudn't recognize. Not a very pleasurable smell for sure. His shirt had numerous stains that she coudn't identify due to the black material. His pants where held on by a belt and they had numerous pockets that were filled with something bulky. Lastly, he wore some very dirty combat boots, but they still seemed to be in better condition than the rest of his clothes.

The way he looked at it, they looked like night and day. She was an angel- like beauty while he was a wild, savage murderer.

She stared at his wounded arm, wondering if she should ask something.
"I fell on a sharp rock" Hoodie replied, as if reading her mind. Y/N backed up a little, not expecting him to say that. He had a deep, masculine voice which complimented his tall muscular figure quite well.

They stared at eachother once again, but this time face to face. Hoodie knew she was feeling intimidated, maybe she was just shy?

"Em...can I help you with anything?" She mumbled as she looked at his hoodie on the ground.
"Who are you?" He asked, completely ignoring her question.

Who are you? Why are you not afraid of me? Do you know who I am? Where you are? What is someone like you doing in a place like this?

He wanted to ask her that all of that, but he was not an idiot, he knew that he'll blow off his cover immediatly.

"Y/N...I just moved here yesterday" Y/N smiled, trying to be friendly. "And you sir? What's your name?" She asked him. He looked down at his hoodie where he hid his mask. He never heard of her, nor anyone close to here named Y/N. If she moved in yesterday... that probably means she doesn't know anything about the woods nor it's dangers.

"Brian" he replied. She nodded her head and hugged her book tightly. "Well, Brian, it was nice to meet you. I should get going back home now, before it starts raining." She said then turned around and started walking back home. Brian stared at her as she walked down the path that lead to the house Toby said has just been occupied. He moved his hand towards his back, where his trusty gun was held on the belt. His master could be watching him now, and if he doesn't murder her here this instant, it's going to be worse for him. Yet, he didn't want to miss a moment of watching her figure, he even desired for such enchanting creature to look back at him just once more with her dreamy eyes.
He pitied himself for letting such thoughts torment his mind.

"Tomorrow...I'll kill her tomorrow" he muttered to himself in an attempt to ease his thoughts. He grabbed his hoodie and put it back on, then once again glanced towards the path Y/N just went down. He wanted to follow her, see where she lives, heck even hearing her voice a little more woudn't feel bad.

"What the f*ck is wrong with me?!" He grunted as he grabbed and pulled on his hair. He glanced at his hands -  they were red, with bloody scratches on every knuckle. His nails were bitten off and full of dirt, his fingers hurt when he tried to bend them, probably because that same hicker that stabbed him tried to break his fingers.

This were the hands that had strangled, drowned, stabbed, tortured and gunned down innocent men and women. This were the hands that belonged to a murderer, a destructive monster who brings pain in other's lives. That was his fate after all.

Hoodie pulled his hood up then laid down on the ground, staring at the gray sky.

His fate was to leave everything behind to serve his master for life. He didn't remember why, but his only motive for killing for all these years was that he needed to do it for Slenderman. He saved him, he gave him a new life, a purpose...

He didn't feel bad for the men and women who died because of him. No, if it weren't for his sacrifices, his master woudn't of have become this powerful!


His heart beat harder everytime he thought of her.
For him to encounter in such situation an angel in white? It must be fate, right?

It has been 6 years since he last talked to a pretty woman. Maybe even more, but unfortunally for him, anything that has to do with his life before becoming a proxy was a blur. The only people he had conversations with were his boss and his coworkers, but even those are pretty uninteresting.

Just remembering her questioning him "can I help you with anything?" made him smile a little. So much time had passed since he last heard such an innocent question. She actually stood infront of a monster and cared for his well being. How kind.

A drop of rain fell on his forehead. Hoodie stood up and headed to the western cabin. He took out his flask and drank the rest of the vodka he had left. Good thing is he could come to the cabin soaking from head to toe and still not contract the flu nor any other disease- another advantage of being a proxy. But still- he didn't have many clothes to wear while he waits for the others dry off, so he decided to hurry.


"And where the hell have you gone to?" Spat Masky at the soaked Hoodie that had just entered through the front door. He headed to the closet and grabbed some sweatpants and a t-shirt. He went into the bedroom to change, then came back to the kitchen.

The western cabin was everyone's least favorite hiding spot. It was really old and dark and contained just some chairs, and old carpet, a table and a kitchen sink.

Toby was reading a two year old newspaper while Tim lifted one of the wooden planks off the floor. There they would hide water, food cans and any extra weapons just in case. He pulled out three cans of red beans then returned the plank in it's place. "Enjoy your meal boys" he said while opening his can. Toby grabbed the two cans and went up to Hoodie, who was staring out the window.

"W-where were y-ou?" He said, offering him a can. Hoodie just shrugged and ignored him. Toby went back to the table, while Hoodie sat on the floor. His arm felt better, his wound must of had healed by now. He put the can of beans aside and pulled his mask back on his face. He was right now too tired to eat.

As he fell asleep, he reminisced his encounter and the lovely floral smell of  Y/N.

Once he gains enough strenght, he is going to go see her again.

It must be fate after all.

𝕆𝕨𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 ~proxies x reader~Where stories live. Discover now