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Masky coudn't keep himself calm. Once his boss would leave he will be in charge of everything, including his coworker's mistakes. He scratched his face as he glanced outside the cabin every few minutes to see if any stars have appeared. Not only that, but he also had to make sure he doesn't get spotted by any potential attacker.

The cabin was well hidden and hard to notice unless you knew the forest very well. The proxies have been living in the forest for years, so of course they would've know practically every part of it. Not as well as their boss, but still quite well.

Finally, the moment came. The first star appeared. Masky felt his mind black off for a moment as he heard his master's voice echo inside his head:

Do not disobey me

Masky nodded his head and looked up at the sky: "Yes, master..." he whispered and shut the door. "Gah..."  Hoodie grunted as he lifted himself up from the floor.
"Has the master left?" He asked Masky while grabbing the can of beans.

"I see his voice has awoken you and yes, he left" Tim replied as he sat down at the table. Hoodie opened the can and chugged the beans and the liquid as if it were soup. He looked around the room- something was missing.
"Where's Toby?" He asked, the youngest member was obviously not in the cabin.
"He went outside, probably to get some bussiness done since I don't really feel like moving from here." Masky took out another cigarette and lighted it up. "We should have a plan, some sort of schedule until the master comes back. Without his protection we have a higher chance of getting caught and I don't wanna deal with that."

Hoodie felt his strenght finally come back. He tossed the empthy can to his side and stood up. Masky blew some smoke out of his mouth and continued "I was thinking about the house near Graydune, the one that is currently 'occupied'... if we murder the visitors now that house will be full of nosy cops and we won't be able to go there for atleast 6 months. It'll be better if we avoided that house completely for a while and stay here."

Hoodie sat on the table next to him and crossed his arms. "I don't believe the habitants would be from around here, not like anyone would dare."

"Have you told Toby that?" Hoodie asked, making Masky cough up a little. "Fuck...shit man I didn't. He better not screw things up" Masky grunted, how could have he forgottent to tell him such thing?

"I'll go get him then" Hoodie exclaimed as he zipped up his hoodie. Masky could stay there for all he cared. "I'll go with you and then we will split ways, call me if you find him." Masky rushed out as quickly as he could and took a random path. Hoodie exited the cabin and closed the door behind him. They had to find Toby, but Hoodie had a bigger impulse to find somebody else tonight- the same angel he encountered earlier. Maybe Toby was near the same tree where he could encounter her once more.

And with a wide grin on his face, Hoodie walked towards the same path he had taken earlier, silently hoping he would catch both of Toby and Y/N in it's way.

Toby smirked as his master's last order echoed in his head. Now he just had to find a way to enter the house without Y/N seeing him. He glanced at Y/N's room, just being able to catch a glimpse of her taking some things from her room then leaving. He sat on the branch and thought, what is he actually going to do?

He already had investigated the house and who knows when will Y/N's mother come back. Who knows when will Y/N get back in her room. He climbed down the tree and went to the nearest window. Toby looked at the poorly lit living room, no one was there.

Next to the balcony was a large tube that the proxies used to climb up and down in case they wanted to avoid the first floor for any reason. Toby rolled up his sleeves and began to climb up the tube. He held his upper body onto the balcony's bars and leaned forward, just to take a quick glance towards Y/N's room and make sure the coast is clear. He could hear the sound of someone taking a shower, so he pulled himself over once again and entered the girl's room.

𝕆𝕨𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 ~proxies x reader~Where stories live. Discover now