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**Warning: foul language

"You better not touch the f*cking couch" Masky spat at Toby once they entered the cabin. The couch was  the most comfortable place to sleep in the house, so it was common for the proxys to fight over it. It was an old, big blue couch that was next to a fireplace and a kitchen, so it was the coziest and warmest part of the house.

The house had a basement and a second floor. It wasn't as big nor as well equipted as Y/N's currrent home, but it was nice. Not to mention how well it was hidden in the Slender woods, the house has been abandoned for decades and practically erased from any maps. Nobody knew about this place, except for them.

Hoodie immediatly went up the wooden stairs and entered the first door on his right, the bathroom.

There were two other doors down the hallway. On the left side was a bedroom with a bed with only an old matress on top of it and some blankets jumbled together. There was a closet with some clothes inside, a camping bag and a bag containing medical equipment. The last room was small and with almost nothing - the only thing there was a pipe that stuck out the wall and a window secured with bars, just like every other window in the house. A small matress could fit in there easily for when the guys didn't want to sleep in the same room together, but other than that it served no function. 

The living room had nothing more than that couch and a fireplace and the open kitchen had cabinets with some cups and plates that were not completely broken. The kitchen worked the best in the house, but not like they used it too much- what was the point of cooking when they spent all their time outside?

Toby walked up the stairs and entered the bedroom. He crouched down at the bed and pulled out a box containing supplies. He pulled out a can of tomato soup and chugged it down, then threw the can to the other side of the room and opened another one.

"Again?" Toby turned his head towards the door once he heard Hoodie's annoyed voice. Great, he was going to get kicked out of that room too. Last time they had to share the same bedroom but Toby slept on a sleeping bag on the floor. Toby stood up and walked towards the window with the soup can in his hands. He used his elbow to wip out the dust that blurred the view at the forest from the room and stared out.

"Oh thank God you're here" Toby turned his head towards a smiling Hoodie who held a medium size bottle of liquor in his hands. He watched as his comrade chugged the stinky brown liquid then stop after three gulps. Hoodie didn't have a drinking problem, but strong drinks helped him sleep better and also numb some of his pain too. Toby chugged the rest of his soup and put the can aside. "I'll go see Tim now before he falls asleep." Hoodie stated while standing up and exiting the room with the bottle of liquor still in his hand.

Toby threw himself on the bed and looked at the wooden ceiling with big spider webs on each corner. The house felt cold and lifeless due to nobody taking care of it for years. Even if he were used to having everything around him feel cold and dead, he certainly didn't enjoy it. And once again, he started to think about Y/N: how her house was neat and clean, how beautiful her room and clothes smelled, how soft were the pillows she rested on every night...

Too bad last time he went to her house he didn't get to watch her sleep. Maybe chop her and her mother's head off while they slept, push their bodies down the stairs and sleep in Y/N's warm bed woudn't be a bad idea. Unfortunally Masky prohibited him from killing anyone in that home.

But no, that woudn't satisfy him. Without her, everything will slowly go back to how it was before: cold, lifeless, empthy.

No, he deserved to have some fun. Now that his boss isn't around, who's going to tell him that he can't go visit Y/N?

𝕆𝕨𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 ~proxies x reader~Where stories live. Discover now