Akagi and Kaga: No Room For Mistakes.

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Kevin's POV.

It was a good idea to grab some weapons, Piranha AR-51 (Phoenix Point), VDM Enforcer (Phoenix Point) and a Plasma Saber (Sci-fi Armory, Pinterest).

After a 2 weeks grind of the 3-4 with my Coalition fleet (Sakura Empire, Eagle Union and Royal Navy), I'm becoming worried that they'll find and destroy the safe, just for the ring. Akagi and Kaga were now officially part of my growing fleet since they both were my only good carriers besides Enterprise, Essex or even Yorktown, which I have them do commissions with some other shipgirls. The one who raised my alarm, is Akagi. Her eyes were burning love right off the bat, wanting me for herself...? I don't know why... Though, Kaga was nonchalant on the first day when I received her, with eyes of blue and hair like snow. I felt that her dark side was about to come out.

Whatever this is, I'll have to be careful. Because there's no room for mistakes, especially with the cases of Yanderes.

While I was planning visiting Renown and Repulse, I notice what's inside of Akagi's dorm... with a bunch of photos of me as if it was some kind of shrine. It seem obvious that she had a camera somewhere in her dorm, and photos were taken a few days after receiving them.

Akagi: Fufufu.~ We were meant to be together... Once I'm with you, you'll be mine and we can live happily ever after.~

I called bullshit. What if Miss Jodie took me away from you?

Kaga: It's not time for that, sis. We barely even know the Commander anyway...

I saw Kaga leaning on the doorway of Akagi's dorm.

Akagi: Fate... Fate has put me and Commander as a couple, ahahahahaha...

Kaga facepalmed and sighed in disappointment.

Kaga: You're one crazy sister...

It's a good thing to have a safe for the ring. After that I decided to visit the two new shipgirls or the "First Carrier Divison" I wonder...

Kevin: So, you two must be Akagi and Kaga? I'm Kevin Lee, Commander of the Azur Lane.

De facto Commander of the Azur Lane...

I decided to play along, they looked up to me surprised. Akagi stared at me with a smile.

Kaga: Yes, that's us. I'm pleased to meet you.

I just nodded, and then I hear something.

Akagi: *whisper* Hello, my love...

Kaga: Sorry, I should've known you are the Commander. Anyway, you're different from other commanders and you can be described by the term the Royal Navy would say "Patient".

Kevin: Really? No wonder some people would say, Patience it's a Virtue.

Kaga seems to like my words, Not sure about Akagi.

Kevin: Akagi, are you... good?

Akagi: Yes, I'm fine... *giggles*

We chatted for literally a solid minute, getting to know each other and I didn't tell them about my universe or my previous occupation because I had some bad feeling that one or both of them might come after me. Later, I then saw Takao walking by, holding something. She stopped and probably saw me talking to Akagi and Kaga. I turned to Takao.

Kevin: Hey, Takao. I'm currently introducing myself to Akagi and Kaga. You?

Takao: Nothing, just taking a break. Walking around the place to kill some time, here you go.

She gave me the papers, but she's shaking nervously.

Kevin: Takao, are you on... *quietly* narcotics?

Battle of the Ring. (Yandere Azur Lane x OC)Where stories live. Discover now