Duke of York and Prince of Wales: The Crimson Phoenix.

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Although, I don't have to deal with the Sakura's ships. Now, I have to deal with the Royal Navy ships. At first, I thought that the HMS shipgirls were loyal, disciplined and probably professionals. Unfortunately, Queen Elizabeth told me the reason why, they left their home to stay in my Naval HQ. And the good news? She's as sane as her stubbornness.


Queen Elizabeth: As you see, servant, right at the moment that you now have Akagi and Kaga found you and declare that you're theirs. More and more shipgirls are going suspiciously insane. Most of us, like Renown and Repulse, lefted. Many of the lower ranks were, somewhat, more sane than the high rankings... Not one of us knows why...

Kevin: Then... this is certainly a big problem. What can I do?

Queen Elizabeth: Hmm... I don't have any plans, servant. But the faster you or I could come up with a good plan, we might be able to resist or maybe, not have the same incident like before...

Kevin: I suppose. Thank you for the chat, your highness.


I'm still doing the paperwork while my mind was wrapped by the Royal Navy... As the moment I heard the two new HMS shipgirls has arrived to visit me. I was concerned, though Enterprise, Jintsuu and Pennsylvania asked the they'll help me, but I declined. They must've know about the death of Amagi, by my hands. It was the only way. Jintsuu came in with some letters.

Jintsuu: What's with the letters, Kevin?

Kevin: Hm? Let me see...

I check all of the letters and all of them are from Zuikaku. I shredded them all with the paper shredder.

Jintsuu: Why did you...?

Kevin: It's from Zuikaku's. Anyway, what can I help you?

Jintsuu: Two of the new shipgirls wants to see you, Kevin.

Kevin: At where?

Jintsuu: The docks, Kevin.

Kevin: Right... Might as well, grab my equipments.

By equipments, I mean my weapons and EXO-Suit. I grabbed both my Iron Fury, Plasma Saber. Looked at the Magnetic Rifle, Gauss Rifle and the Mag Pistol (All three XCOM), made by myself. All of the Side Ops, were draining my current weapons ammunitions. While the Plasma Saber can be recharged, my Iron Fury is a lost hope. After I've done, I came out, to see Enterprise stopped and looked at me.

Enterprise: Er... Commander? Why do you need weapons?

Kevin: Yandere Problems.

Enterprise: Can I go with you?

Kevin: No, prioritize security for everyone else. I don't need a bodyguard.

Enterprise: Sorry Commander, but I'll have to go with you. Who knows if you run out of ammo!?

Kevin: Ugh... Fine...

I left my sleeping room, and went to the dock to meet two of them with Enty. I hope they are not Yanderes... Enty and I approached them.

Enterprise: Wales and Duke, this is the Commander.

I just saluted at them.

Prince of Wales: Hi, Commander!

She shake my hands pretty quickly.

Prince of Wales: It's very nice to finally see you, Commander! You make me so happy!

Duke of York: I see. So the scent that has been driving me crazy... emanates from thy soul.

Kevin: Right...

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